Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1954)

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ORANGE CRUSH CO., 318 West Superior St., Chicago 10, 111. Bottled drinks and syrups. 1954 THEATRE SALES CHAMPION ORANGE CRUSH: Regular and fine pulp. O'LD COLONY: Flavors include lemonade, root beer, lemon lime, grape, wild cherry, strawberry, cocoacream and buzz. Measure is 5 to 1, packed 4 gallons to a case. The minimum shipment is 20 gallons. PRINCE CASTLE SALES DIVISION, 121 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. Drink mixer and malted milk dispenser. MULTIMIXER: Fountain drink mixer can prepare 5 drinks at same time. Unit is powered by lA . h.p. motor, operating 60 cycles a.c. Overall height is 19 ins. wide, 14 ins. deep, front to back 12 ins. MALTED MILK DISPENSER: Glass jar attached holds 6 lbs. of powder and dispensing powder in 'A, A or J4 oz. Height is 28j4 ins. DISTRIBUTION: Direct. SEVEN-UP COMPANY, 1316 Delmar, St. Louis, Mo. I Bottled beverage and syrup. 1954 THEATRE SALES CHAMPION DOMESTIC DISTRIBUTION: Territorial franchise bottlers. SPACARB. INC., 375 Fairfield Avenue, Stamford, Conn Automatic Cup Drink Dispensers. D-53 MODEL: 3 flavors, 15 gallon syrup storage, 1,000 cup capacity. Optional features include 4th flavor attachment, hot drink attachment, hot chocolate attachment with positive displacement pump, non-carbonated drink attachment. Standard equipment includes SELECT-O-CARB (dual carbonation) and MIX-ADRINK features and coin changer. SPACARB “8” MODEL: 1,000 cup capacity, 4 syrup tanks, 20 gallon storage. Serves 8 different drinks, 6 carbonated and 2 non-carbonated. Coin changer standard equipment. SPACARB THEATRE MODEL: Standard D-53 and “8” model with illuminated hood and sign mounted on top and face of machine for increased lighting and display of machine and products vended. SPACARB “3 AND 1” MODEL: Capacity 1,000 cups, three 5-gallon syrup tanks serving 4 drinks, 3 carbonated, 1 non-carbonated. Can also be supplied with theatre canopy. Coin changer standard equipment. SPACARB “COMBINATION” MODEL: D-53, 3 flavor machine serving through a 4th selection strip hot coffee. Has ingredient dial selector for coffee black, with sugar, etc. Coin changer standard equipment. SPACARB “HOT COFFEE” MODEL: Dispenses hot coffee. Powdered ingredients. Instantaneous hot water heating. Selector for 4 varieties, coffee black, with cream, with sugar, or both. Changer standard equipment. SPACARB COCA-COLA MODEL: 3 flavors, 1,000 cup capacity, 17 gallon syrup in one 7-gallon tank for Coca-Cola flavor, two 5-gallon tanks for others. Includes Select-O'-Carb, Coca-Cola mirror sign, CocaCola red cabinet, and coin changer. SPACARB PEPSI-COLA MODEL: 3 flavors, 1,000 cup capacity, 17 gallon syrup in one 7gallon tank for Pepsi-Cola flavor, two 5-gallon tanks for others. Includes Select-O'-Carb, Pepsi-Cola mirror sign, PepsiCola blue cabinet, and coin changer. SPACARB JUICE BAR: Machine vending canned fruit and vegetable juices, carbonated soft drinks in cans. Junior Model — 248 can capacity vending 4 selections, fruit and vegetable juices. Senior Model — stores 546 cans, vending 6 selections fruit and vegetable juices. Convertible Model — serves 3 selections fruit and vegetable juices and 3 selections carbonated canned soft drinks. Storage 273 cans juices, 273 capseal cans soft drinks. Coin changer standard equipment on all juice bars. DISTRIBUTION: All principal cities of U. S. (Also distributors of Hebei ice cream machine. When crowds pour in, successful, speedy food and drink operation depends on having the right size cups for every need . . . cold drinks, hot drinks, soups, ice cream. Lily* has 'em all! Here are just a few proved Lily cups now showing in the nation's leading drive-in theatres. Like to see samples? . . . Just mail the coupon! Cold Drinks Famous Lily Soda Cups used everywhere for cold drinks. 10 sizes from 6 oz. to 14 oz. With or without snap-over lids. Hof Drink Cups Lily Hot Drink cups a favorite for 25 years. Two sizes with handles 6 and 8 oz. Five sizes without handles 6 to 16 oz. Big Drink Cups The Lily Wing Ding is a favorite in the big drink field for malts, sodas and shakes. Snap-in lids with vents. Available 16, 20 and 24 oz. Snack Bar Service— Lily Mixrite Cups and Dishes Eye-appeal plus. Lily Mixrite Cups 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 oz. sizes. Lily Mixrite Dish 6 oz. Lily Beer Cups Widely used at sports events and by nationally known brewers. 16 oz. the popular size. Vending Cups Sturdy, smart-looking, precision-made to dispense perfectly, one cup at a time. Will not jam. Available in famous red leaf stock design or special print. Ideal for theatre operations. Walkaway Sundaes Ideal for walkaway sundaes. Two sizes, 4 and 6 oz. Soup and Chile Bowl Perfect for all hot foods. Suggested size 8 oz. LILY-TULIP CUP CORPORATION 122 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Chicago • Kansas City • Los Angeles • San Francisco • Seattle • Toronto, Canada LILY-TULIP CUP CORPORATION 122 East 42nd Street New York 17, N. Y. Att: Drive-in Theatre *T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Gentlemen: Dept. M PH-3 Please send samples of Lily Cups for Drive-in Theatre use Name Address City Zone . . . .State BETTER THEATRES Section, Guide Number of 1954 55