Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1954)

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HARRIS-L1BERTY (231 Ponn Ayi. 407 Brownsvllla float TECHNICOLOR STAHL . Ms o»» lllll ■ m m starting today ClNEMASCOP^ YOU CAN SEE ... • ^^n.ighbprhood theatre^ THERE'S ONE NEAR YOU! Exactly as thorn at the j. P Harris Thratrr! ★ v~ sms *7 » < MANOR OAKS Oakmont, Pa. ROOSEVELT ★ SCHENLEY 3960 PorbM SI. Beg. Fri, Feb. 19 ROWLAND Wllklntbur( ' When the 20th Century Fox Cinemascope production of "The Robe" returned to Pittsburgh after its premiere run, 1 1 houses opened it simultaneously. SEVEN of these houses chose SIMPLEX Stereophonic Sound Systems . . . because they wanted the finest I ONAl PROJECTOR CORPORATION * DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY