Motion Picture Herald (1954)

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WALTER WANGER tells of plans and viewpoint. The producer of "The Adventures of Hajji Baba which 20th-Fox opens October 8 in New York, Mr. Wanger in his hotel suite in that city Friday said the same company would release his "Yellow Knife," and that his next two would be "Mother, Sir,' and Tangier Love Song," and that his Allied Artists deal was one picture at a time. See page 37. by the Herald by the Herald EITEL MONACO, president of ANICA, Italian producers' organization, as he spoke Monday morning to trade reporters in New York. Mr. Monaco was in to discuss numerous matters with the Motion Picture Association of America, and officials of Italian Films Export. With him are E. R. Zergniotti, IFE vice-president; Renato Gualino, president; and Jonas Rosenfield, vicepresident. See page 37. MEETING AT THE CONCORD THE PLEASURES of the golf course, the swimming pool, the night club, all of these and many others at the Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, New York gave way last Wednesday to a solid afternoon of agitated discussion of the state of various theatre businesses, the attitude of sales managers, and what's to be done about it all in addition to resolutions of protest. Allied Theatre Owners of New Jersey had had its annual convention. Henry Brown, Lakewood; Wilfred Smith, Ledgewood Jack Unger, Hillside; Lou Levin, Newark. Irving Sherman, Spring Valley, standing; Ben Behnson, Rochester, and Mr. Brown, seated. Herald photos Sidney Stern was members with a suggestions for P. Cohen, Rochester, and S. Gandel, Buffalo, below. Bottom picture, S. P. Slotnick, Syracuse, and Max Fogel, Rochester. one of the number of action. A group from the Connecticut Allied: Matthew H. Kutinsky, Barney Tarantul, Maurice W. Shulman, and David Sherman.