Motion Picture Herald (1954)

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REATBST ROSTER OF PROPERTIES EVER ASSEMBLED BY A MOTION PICTURE COMPANY. . . PRODUCED IN CONSTANTLY IMPROVING C|NemaScOP£ TECHNIQUES Tyrone Power • Susan Hayward Richard Egan • Rita Moreno zm Kirk Douglas • Bella Darvi PRINCE OF PLAYERS Richard Burton as Edwin Booth Maggie McMamara THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH Marilyn Monroe • Tom Ewell A Charles K. Feldman— Billy Wilder Production • Directed by Billy Wilder Original Play by George Axelrod Screen Play by Billy Wilder and George Axelrod pleasure to do business / r i with 20th!” M Frank Sinatra • Sheree North THE LEFT HAND OF GOD SIR WALTER RALEIGH THE GUN AND THE CROSS THE ENCHANTED CUP THE QUEEN OF SHEBA THE GIRL IN THE RED VELVET SWING • JEWEL OF BENGAL THE WANDERING JEW TIGRERO! • THE MAN WHO NEVER WAS • SABER TOOTH ALEXANDER THE GREAT Produced by Frank Ross THE IRON HORSE THE KING AND I by Rodgers and Hammerstem THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD The Greatest Life Ever Lived as told by Fulton Oursler