Motion Picture Herald (1954)

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FAIRCHILD ANSWERS A. Yes, it will — because, from the producers’ viewpoint, it’s the compatible system — yet offers exhibitors the finest stereophonic sound at the lowest installation and operating cost. Q. How soon should theatre owners install it? A. The sooner, the better. All Loew’s theatres are being equipped now and hundreds of others here and abroad have ordered! Be first in your community. Order now ! Q. How many Fairchild Perspecta Integrators does a theatre need? A. Only one! A single Fairchild Perspecta Integrator serves all projectors in a booth and controls the sound through any three-channel sound system of standard-make. Q. What about costs and installation time? A. The Fairchild Perspecta Integrator costs $990. A complete installation can be made in less than a day — without loss of showing time and, incidentally, without continued maintenance and replacement of magnetic heads! Q. Where do I go to find out more? A. See your dealer or — call — write — or wire Fairchild. We understand exhibitors’ problems— can answer your questions immediately. L immm /# THEATRE EQUIPMENT DIVISION • WHITESTONE 57, NEW YORK C as . . :i !mnunn recording , ! nun ILU EQUIPMENT" 6 Pointed Questions About pmptrn mmmrn mm A FRANK DISCUSSION OF THE FACTS! Q. Is Perspecta Stereophonic Sound really here? A. It sure is! M-G-M, Paramount and Warners are releasing all future productions with Perspecta Sound. Other studios are following. Q. W ill it be the industry standard for years to come? BETTER THEATRES SECTION 3