Motion Picture Herald (1954)

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MSMQlMcMlIclJclJcyGUQlJnMIcIMelMBUQy^ . . . In 1955 the eyes of the world will be upon TITANUS STUDIOS in Rome where its young president, Dr. Goffredo Lombardo, announces his company’s most ambitious program in its 51 year history . . . major productions for international acclaim! !k) eUgU gIM £ ISMcifSJSMSJSJSJSJSlSISMSMiSJSMfiMSMSMSJM 3MSM3JSM3MSM3M3M3JS'SI[^J3JSMSJ3MSMSMfiJSMSMSlSMSJSISI3MS)3Mi!LrfiIoJrQ!Ji!JlDiJ[!iJSMSM3MSM3MSJ3M GOYA CINEMASCOPE • Color by TECHNICOLOR Directed by ALBERTO LATTUADA • to be filmed in Spain @ © ® « • © e ©•«•••••••© *•*•$•••••© ®©©®(3@©«©«© ©«$<••< SODOM and GOMORRAH CINEMASCOPE • Color by TECHNICOLOR Greatest spectacle film in fifty-one years! ©©••••©••• ••••••• 0 ••••••••••«••••©$•••••••• • • < FERDINANDO CINEMASCOPE • Color by TECHNICOLOR Directed by MARIO SOLDATI Co-starring VITTORIO De SICA and SOPHIA LOREN THE SIGN OF VENUS A delightful comedy-romance starring VITTORIO De SICA and SOPHIA LOREN Co-starring FRANCA VALERI and RAF VALLONE • •••••••••••• • ••••©•••••••••«©••••• «•••••••••« THE FAIR BRIDE A love story for and of our times based on the best-selling novel -by BRUCE MARSHALL TITANUS Brilliant box-office name on the world’s marquees!