Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1955)

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Oman s beautT and man’s temptation in tlie City of Sin! This IS the story of The Prodigal Son who left his father’s house for the fleshpots of sin-ridden Damascus! M-G-M’s mighty love-drama . . . spectacularly presented! The Biggest Piet lire E^ ’er Filmed in Roll y wood! Two years in the making! A fortune to produce! Starring LANA TURNER EDMUND PURDOM LOUIS CALHERN»„hAUDREY DALTONJAMES MITCHELL -NEVILLE BRAND WALTER HAMPDEN -TAINA ELGFRANCIS L. SULLIVAN JOSEPH WISEMAN SANDRA DESCHER l\/iAlinir>r -7111/111/1 Adaptation From the Bible Story by Screen Play by IVlAUKILt ZlIVlIVI joe BREEN. JR , and SAMUEL JAMES LARSEN Photographed in EASTMAN COLOR Directed by RICHARD THORPE Produced by CHARLES SCHNEE An M G-M Picture (Available in Magnetic Stereophonic, Perspecta Stereophonic or 1 -Channel Sound)