Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1955)

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CONTENDERS FOR QUIGLEY AWARDS “Gray Lime” Exploited To The Hilt K. W. ALLUM New Majestic Evansville, Ind. A. ATKINSON Riti, Brighouse, Eng. R. C. BAKER Odeon, Sydney, Aust. JOHN BALMER Strand Plainfield, N. J. W. H. BELLE Laurelton Laurelton, N. Y. H. G. BOESEL Palace, Milwaukee, Wis. DAVE BORLAND Dominion Vancouver, Can. A. P. C. BRIDGER Granada, Hove, Eng. F. E. BRISSENDER Gaumont, Dover, Eng. C. F. BRODIE Regal, Barrow, Eng. JOHN E. BURDICK Stanley Vancouver, Can. BILL BURKE Capitol Brantford, Can. GEORGE CAMERON Vernon, Mt. Vernon, O. JIM CAMERON Capitol R. William, Can. D. M. CAMPBELL Regal, Stirling, Eng. IRVING CANTOR Hippodrome Baltimore, Md. BOB CARNEY Poli, Waterbury, Conn. ART CAULEY Paramount Peterboro, Can. H. CLAYTON-NUTT Broadway, Eccles, Eng. LOU COHEN Poli, Hartford, Conn. RODNEY COLLIER Stanley, Baltimore, Md. R. P. CORBIN Criterion Medford, Ore. BOB COX Ben Ali, Lexington, Ky. R. J. CRABB Lyric Wellingborough, Eng. A. B. CRAVER Plaza, Charlotte, N. C. A. CULLIMORE Hippodrome Blackpool, Eng. TED DAVIDSON Majestic Perth Amboy, N. J. J. Dl BENEDETTO Poli, Worcester, Mass. D. M. DILLENBECK Rialto, Bushnell, III. BILL EXTON Roosevelt Kenosha, Wis. A. T. FOWLE Astoria, Brighton, Eng. L. E. FRASER Bloomfield Birmingham, Mich. TED GAERTNER Shore Asbury Pk., N. J. MEL GAITSKILL Paris, Mt. Vernon, O. J. A. GALLACHER Regal Kilmarnock, Scot. BEN GEARY Athena, Athens, O. WILLIAM GAY Odeon, Torquay, Eng. PAUL E. GLASE Embassy, Reading, Pa. DIANE GORDON Central Jersey City, N. J. LEN J. GOUIN Capitol Peterboro, Can. WILL HARPER Paramount Kelowna, Can. N. J. HARTLE County, Lancaster, Eng. A. H. HOLLOWAY Ritz, Wokingham, Eng. HARRY HOMENIUK Seneca Niagara Falls, Can. HALL HOUPE Rogers, Shelby, N. C. D. HUGHES Cabot, Bristol, Eng. FRANK HUGHES Roosevelt San Francisco, Cal. JOE JAVIS Gilbert Stuart Riverside, R. I. BOB JEFFERIS Jefferis, Piedmont, Mo. ARTHUR W. JENKINS Strand, Brockport, N. Y. MEL JOLLEY Century Hamilton, Can. DAVID KAPLAN Trans-Lux, Boston GEORGE KEMBLE Strand Perth Amboy, N. J. ARNOLD KIRSCH De Luxe, New York SID KLEPER College New Haven, Conn. SHELDON KLIMAN Riviera Hastings, Minn. JACQUES KROUB Kasr-EI-Nil Cairo, Egypt JOHN E. LAKE Savoy, Luton, Eng. E. C. LAMOUREUX Palace, Windsor, Can. WILLIAM LANERY Olympia Watertown, N. Y. RALPH LANTERMAN Community Morristown, N. J. NORMAN LEE Empire, Islington, Eng. G. LENNOX Regal, Stirling, Scot. B. C. LEWIS Regal, Dursley, Eng. A. LOEWENTHAL Ward, New York J. TAPKE LOKENBERG Asta Hague, Holland J. NORMAN LONGLEY Empress Colfield, Eng. T. MURRAY LINCH Paramount Moncton, Can. J. R. MC LEMORE Salem, Salem, Va. JIM MC MILLAN Warfield, San Francisco FRANK MANENTE Stillman, Cleveland, O. TONY MASELLA Palace, Meriden, Conn. C. A. MATTHEWS Rialto, Amsterdam, N. Y. DOUGLAS G. MURRAY Kings, Montrose, Scot. ROBERT OSBORNE Kingston, Kingston, N. Y. JACK PARDES Park, Morristown, N. J. R. W. PARKER Regal, Torquay, Eng. JOHN B. PATTEN Warnor Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. GENE PLESHETTE Paramount, Brooklyn J. PLUNKETT Paramount Films Paris, France LEO RAELSON Trylon Forest Hills, N. Y. JOHN REIDT State, E ure ka. Cal. DAVE ROGERS Strand, Freehold, N. Y. HARRY A. ROSE Majestic Bridgeport, Conn. MORRIS ROSENTHAL Poli,* New Haven, Conn. MAX RUBIN Paramount Syracuse, N. Y. SIDNEY SALE Granada, Dover, Eng. W. S. SAMUELS Texas, Dallas, Texas MATT SAUNDERS Poli, Bridgeport, Conn. HARRY SCHLINKER Fresno, Fresno, Cal. JERRY SCHUR Uptown, Los Angeles FRANK K. SHAFFER Dixie, Staunton, Va. V. SIMS Ritz, Oxford, Eng. JOHN L. SMITH Ritz, Edinburgh, Scot. JOHN P. STEARNS Keith's, Indianapolis JULIAN STERN Savoy Asbury Pk., N. J. MIKE STRANGER Plymouth Worcester, Mass. EVAN THOMPSON Fox, Hackensack, N. J. D. S. TOMPKINS Odeon, Somerset, Eng. PAUL TURNBULL Downtown, Hamilton, Can. A. N. WARD Gaiety Birmingham, Eng. L. WARD Savoy, Swindon, Eng. HARRY WIENER Oswego, Oswego, N. Y. G. C. WILLIAMS Regent, Chatham, Eng. WILLIAM WYATT Virginian Charleston, W. Va. ZEVA YOVAN Orpheum, St. Louis, Mo. Many and effective were the angles of the campaign put on for “The Long Gray Line” by Bill Trambukis, manager of Loew’s State Theatre in Providence. An Army tieup is a natural for this picture, although managers are urged to also stress the love angle. So Bill had a 50-piece Army band from nearby Fort Devens play in front of the theatre for an hour on opening night, during which time the Governor, the Mayor and other local dignitaries arrived. A hundred one-sheets had been posted by the U. S. Army recruiting staff throughout the State of Rhode Island with picture credits, the first time in several years that the state authorities granted permission for this sort of thing. Green carnations were promoted from a local florist and given to the first 500 patrons on St. Patrick’s Day. Scenes from the film and fashion stills of Maureen O’Hara were shown on W JAR-TV a week in advance with commentary by the fashion editor. A cavalcade of five bannered Mercury cars was promoted to tour the city an hour before opening, with disc jockeys from four radio stations and three winners of the best essays on why they would like to have breakfast with the manager and attend the premiere performance of the picture. The Sheraton-Biltmore hotel provided the meal. An advance private screening was held for sports writers on newspapers in the area in an effort to gain space on famous athletes to come out of West Point. And good window displays tied in with Bill’s Favorite Hero contest — a 50 word essay on a favorite hero who graduated from the Point — with a promoted television set as first prize. Pre-Easter Free Show Jerry Schur, manager of Fox’s Uptown theatre, Los Angeles, has a free Easter show set up for the morning of April 6. Children are urged to come togged out as an Easter bunny or a cartoon character and there will be prizes for the best costumes. He is playing “Bomba, the Jungle Boy,” plus seven cartoons. There’s still time to plan such an Easter show as school vacations follow Easter in many localities. Booth at Exhibition Announces 'Scope Ted Gaertner, manager of the Shore Drive-In theatre, Asbury Park. N. J., reopened for the season on March 30. Early in the month he had an opportunity to announce the theatre’s newly installed Cinem.aScope screen when he set up a special theatre display booth at the local Chamber of Commerce’s annual Calvalcade of Progress exhibition. Ted was a member of exhibition committee for tlie Chamber of Commerce. 44 MOTION PICTURE HERALD. APRIL 2. 1955