Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1955)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fifteen cents per word, money-order or check with copy. Count initials, box number and address. Minimum insertion $ 1 .50. Four insertions for the price of three. Contract rates on application. No border or cuts. Forms close Mondays at 5 P.M. Publisher reserves the right to reject any copy. Film and trailer advertising not accepted. Classified advertising not subject to agency commission. Address copy and checks: MOTION PICTURE HERALD, Classified Dept., Rockefeller Center, New York (20) THEATRES LOWER RTO GRANDE VALLEY OF TEXAS: First-run 300-seat house in town of 7,100. B & L CinemaScope. refrigeration. Ideal family operation. Reasonable. BOX 1026, Donna. Tex. FOR SALE — 450SEATING CAPACITY. S,000 population. No opposition. TV or drive-ins. In academy district. Millions to be spent. Equipment and lease bargain. Building and income for sale. BOX 152, Manitou, Colo. NEW EQUIPMENT SPEOAL SURPLUS SCREEN SALE-ALL NEW! Perforated lace-grommet 15' x 20', $75 (frame $25); solid 6'8" X 9'3", $25; solid 11' x 14', $35. Solid spring roller 8'7" x 11'7", $75; solid rope-pulley 11' x 14’, $75. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. MASONITE MARQUEE LETTERS FIT WAGner, Adler, Bevelite signs: 4" — 35c; 8" — SOc; 10" — 60c; 12"— 85c; 14"— $1.25; 16"— $1.50; 17"— $1.75; 24"— $2.50. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP.. 602 West 52nd St., New York 19. LOWEST PRICES EVER! MIRROCLARIC METalized seamless Screens 89c sq. ft.; adjustable prismatic anamorphic lenses, $525; promptly available on time payments. Special prices projection lenses, aperture plates, etc. S. O. S. CTNEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. SERVICES WINDOW CARDS, PROGRAMS, HERALDS, photo-offset printing. CATO SHOW PRINTING CO.. Cato, N. Y HELP WANTED MANAGERS. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN AFfiliating with an Eastern Circuit which is looking for aggressive managers whose past performances have established them as outstanding showmen. Write, giving full background, including possibilities for personal interviews, to C. W. HORWITZ, Schine Circuit, Inc., Gloversville, N. Y STUDIO EQUIPMENT BELL HOWELL 35MM SOUND PRINTERS. $2250; rolling stand multiple floodlites holding 12 bulbs, $180 value. $29.50; Eastman Airgraph 16/35mm developing machines, used, $225; motorized dolly with 2 seats, takes heaviest cameras, $195; escalator tripod for heaviest 'TV or movie cameras on 3-wheel dolly, $295; Moviola 35mm composite sound/picture, $495. S. O. S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St.. New York 19. DRIVE-IN EQUIPMENT ONLY 2 YEARS OLD. COMPLETE RCA OUTFIT w/100 amp. arcs, generator, 140w. amplifier, 500 sets RCA speakers, concession equipment, over $20,0(X) value, $13,500. Send for list. S. O. S CINEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St.. New York 19. JOBIL SELF-SERVICE BABY BOTTLE WARMER. Operating in over 500 theatres, on condiment shelves. Mothers warm bottles automatically, relieve help, sanitary, trouble free, long lasting. Price $27.50. JOBIL PRODUCTS, 19 Gifford, Detroit 26, Mich. USED EQUIPMENT RECONDITIONED NEUMADE SEALTITE FILM cabinets 6-10-12 sections @ $2; hand rewinds, good condition, $6.95 set; I'ebuilt Holmes L-25-N 25 watt amplifiers $95; complete dual DeVry projections w/sound, excellent, $595. Holmes $550. S. O. S. ONEMA SUPPLY CORP., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. YOU SAVE AT STAR! USED SERIES II LENSES from $37.50 pair; Altec 800 speaker system $135; pair Simplex-Acme projectors, RCA stabilizer sound, Suprex 50 amp. lamphouses, heavy pedestals, complete, excellent, $1,095; DeVry XD projectors, complete, rebuilt. $745 pair. STAR CINEMA SUPPLY, 447 W. S2nd St., New York 19. POSITIONS WANTED AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THEATRE MANager, 8 years’ experience, 30 years old, exploitation minded, good ad man. Salary $100 per week. Box 2848, MOTION PICTURE HERALD. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: CONTROLLING INTEREST IN modern internationally acclaimed film and stage theatre. Contact GOLDENBOUGH, Box X, Carmel, Calif. FOR SALE: THEATRE EQUIPMENT AND supply company. Well established in leading film center. Exclusive distributor for many of America’s leading manufacturers. Will stand most rigid investigation. Reasonable terms to right party. All records are wide open for investigation. Write Box 2849, MO'nON PICTURE HERALD. BOOKS MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ALMAnac — the big book about your business — 1955 edition. Contains over 12,000 biographies of important motion picture personalities. Also all industry statistics. Complete listings of feature pictures 1944 to date. Order your copy today. $5.00 postage included. Send remittance to QUIGLEY BOOKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue. New York 20, N. Y. RICHARDSON’S BLUEBOOK OF PROJECTION. New 8th Edition, Revised to deal with the latest technical developments in motion picture projection and sound, and reorganized to facilitate study and reference. Includes a practical discussion of Television especially prepared for the instruction of theatre projectionists, and of new techniques for advancement of the art of the motion picture. The standard textbook on motion picture projection and sound reproduction. Invaluable to beginner and expert. Best seller since 1911, 662 pages, cloth bound, $7.25 postpaid. QUIGLEY BOCIKSHOP, 1270 Sixth Avenue, New York 20. N. Y. BEVERAGE FREE SAMPLE— MAKE YOUR OWN FOUNtain syrup for 65c per gal. Base $1 pint makes 8 gallons. Send for free sample now. NATIONAL SYRUP CO., P. O. Box 2573, Arlington Station, Baltimore 15, Md. Massachusetts Daylight Time Extended Through October BOSTON : Massachusetts again will extend daylight saving time into October and most of New England will probably go along this year, it was announced by Governor Herter’s office. Daylight saving will start Sunday, April 24, and continue through Saturday, October 29. Earlier this year the New England Governors’ Council agreed to duplicate any action approved by the New York City Council, which did so last week. Ready to Supply 3-D Viewers Depth Viewers, Inc., licensee of the Polacoat process for the manufacturer of polarizing viewers for 3-D films, has announced that it has moved into new factory quarters in Cincinnati and is now ready to supply viewers to theatres showing Universal’s forthcoming 3-D film, “Revenge of The Creature.” Depth Viewers offers five different models of viewers. Pickford-Goldwyn Trial Opens in Hollywood HOLLYWOOD : The Mary Pickford-Samuel Goldwyn suit, in which Miss Pickford is seeking approximately $500,000 from Mr. Goldwyn on the ground he used and rented their jointly-held studio for six years without making an accounting, and in which he seeks a like amount on the grounds she did not contribute her share in maintenance of the studio, went to trial last week in Superior Court here. The trial is expected to last 15 days. John Davis Dies; Was Loew Anti-Trust Lawyer CHARLESTON, S. C.: John W. Davis, 81, noted constitutional lawyer of New York, died here March 24. He represented Loew’s throughout the 15 years of the Government anti-trust suit against major film companies. Mr. Davis, who was Democratic candidate for President in 1924, argued Loew’s appeal in the U. S. Supreme Court from the Federal statutory court decision in New York finding Loew’s, among others, guilty of anti-trust law violations. Fred Levy, 77, ExhibitorDistributor Pioneer LOUISVILLE: Fred Levy, 77, local department store owner but better known as a pioneer in exhibition and distribution, died in Miami March 24. He entered exhibition with Keith here in 1927 and later was a director of Associated First National, distributors. He was also co-owner of several drive-in theatres. Max Youngstein's Father Elias Youngstein, 71, father of Max E. Youngstein, United Artists vice-president, died March 26 in New York. He was a retired merchant. Survivors include one brother and five children. 46 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, APRIL 2, 1955