Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1955)

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by Carl H. Mas • • • SHOWMANSHIP... ODEON theatres’ 26week navy-style Better Management Contest is awarding a healthy percentage of prizes to better refreshment merchandising and sales, according to Jim Hardiman, director of the operation. The manager’s weekly contest report is broken down into Candy Sales, Popcorn Sales, Ice Cream Sales and Drink Sales, with points given to each category. Jim’s announcement broadside includes a picture of a nautical cutie with the caption, “Leading W ren (Candy Sales Type). At the service of all who use the fleet canteen. She’s a model of amiable salesmanship and persuasive courtesy.” Latest dispatch from headquarters has Willard Fawcett of the McCarthy in Belleville, way in the lead, with Bill Britt of the Roxy in Newmarket, and A1 Miner of the Cremazie, Montreal, very much in the running. • Just to show how jar you can parlay refreshment sales. Airs. Rosella Newman of Loew’s, Evansville, and a top winner in The HERALD’s refreshment merchandising contest, sends us a clipping from the Evansville Sunday Courier and Press. It carries a one-column cut of Mrs. Newman and almost a full column story about her winning and her other activities. • UNVEILING . . . “Pete” Malloy, formerly with Lyon Industries, and now sales manager for Mills Industries, writes to tell us of the Shown at the opening of Mills Industries' new headquarters are Thomas Riggs, president of Mills and the F. L. Jacobs Company; Mr. Seddon, Mills' distributor; and Mr. Leadaman, Mills' representative. latter’s open house celebrating their big new quarters in Chicago. On prominent display, naturally, was the company’s new {Continued on Page 62) popsit plus gives you all these advantages Compare these advantages POPSIT PLUS BRAND "A" BRAND "B" Pure Peanut Oil (most easily digestible vegetable oil) Butterlike Flavor Requires No Melting Flash Point Over 650° Always Ready-to>Pour ]/> Fries Potatoes, Chicken, Shrimp Fewer Than 5 "Duds" Per Pound of Corn Popped (average) THE SCORE 7 3 3 / Popsit Plus is the biggest selling popping oil in the entertainment industry — preferred by more theatres, carnivals and outdoor operators because it does the biggest job! The distinctive butterlike flavor sells and resells your popcorn for you. Popsit Plus is the safest of all oils to use, easiest to measure and store — versatile, too, for every frying requirement. If you haven't used Popsit Plus, you're missing a "sure thing". Arrange for a free trial . . contact your local distributor today! BETTER REFRESHMENT MERCHANDISING 57