Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1956)

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MOTION PICTURE HERALD cjCetterd to the .-J^efaid January 7, 1956 Clearance Problem To THE Editor: For many years, this situation was able to command a print availability on top pictures with 28 days of national release date. Our competitive Malco town of Henderson had only seven days clearance over us and the Crescent Amusement town of Princeton had no clearance over us. Now through print shortages, these circuit towns are able to secure from one to three months clearance. Despite this arrangement the companies still demand from us 40-50 per cent on many pictures, and because of local competition, we are obliged to submit to these terms. This combination of circumstances, plus the arrival of “A” Television reception only two years ago, has made the operation of this situation not only unprofitable, but we are actually suffering a loss. Only a change in conditions or some local improvement would justify the continued operation of this and the two other small towns I operate. — IV. E. HORSEFIELD, Morgan Theatre, Morganfield, Ky. Fine Editorial To THE Editor: Congratulations on the fine editorial, “Mr. Johnston Meets the Press” which was published in the December 24 issue of The Herald. There is too much pessimistic thinking today in our business. Mr. Johnston is not the only person who has issued public state ments of doom for our business. Our evening paper the other night had Erskine Johnson’s column in which he stated a high official of one of the major Hollywood studios said if new faces were not soon found, the motion picture industry was doomed. It is also advisable that all trade papers keep an optimistic rather than pessimistic approach to the situation. Already statements like Eric Johnston gave out, and publicity like Erskine Johnson wrote, plus articles which have appeared in trade papers, are having their effect on the young men in our business, some of whom are leaving to enter other fields. And certainly with all the pessimistic publicity we can’t hope to attract newcomers to our business. It’s like my wife said to me the other night: “You don’t read anything happy about the movie business anymore, do you?” — EARLE M. HOLDEN , Lucas and Avon Theatres, Savannah, Ga. TV Impact We are having a hard time making our movie house pay because, since television has come, so many people stay at home. Some send their children, but they get in for twelve cents, and the older ones stay at home. They claim they can see the same people on television. We locked our theatre up for seven months last year on account of the crowds being so small. — ELLA LINDSEY, Page Theatre, Page, N. D. Page THE LITTLE MAN from Mars wrig gles antennae at 1955 12 COLUMBIA follows RKO in selling films to TV 13 SENATE HEARING on exhibitor plaints set for February 2 16 MGM led film parade at Music Hall for 1955 16 RAMSAYE finally vindicated on legend of Friese Greene 17 HERALD SURVEY In Britain shows seven English films in top 12 20 20TH-FOX boosts product budget; CinemaScope 55 pushed 21 NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT— Notes on personnel across country 29 SERVICE DEPARTMENTS Refreshment Merchandising 42-50 Film Buyers' Rating 35 Hollywood Scene 23 Managers' Round Table 37 The Winners' Circle 26 In for JANUARY Section begins opposite 50 LOOKING AHEAD in Theatre Design PROJECTION System Simplification GLAMOR5COPE for Better Showmanship FOR THE RECORD Motion Picture Herald Presents The Box Office Hits Battle Cry (W.B.) Blackboard Jungle (MGM) The Bridges at Toko-Ri (Par.) The Country Girl (Par.) Lady and the Tramp (Disney) The Lett Hand of God (20th-Fox) The Long Gray Line (Col.) Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (20th-Fox) Love Me or Leave Me (MGM) A Man Called Peter (20th-Fox) Mr. Roberts (V/.B.) of 1955 Not As a Stranger (U.A.) The Seven Little Foys (Par.) The Seven Year Itch (20th-Fox) A Star Is Born (V\^.B.) Strategic Air Command (Par.) To Hell and Back (U-!) There's No Business Like Show Business (20th-Fox) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Disney) Vera Cruz (U.A.) IN PRODUCT DIGEST SECTION REVIEWS (In Product Digest); Ransom, The Lone Ranger, The Lieutenant Wore Skirts, The Fighting Chance, The Houston Story, Diabolique, This Strange Passion Showmen's Reviews 729 Short Subjects Chart 730 What the Picture Did for Me 731 The Release Chart 732 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, Martin Quigley, Edi+«r-inChief and Publisher; Martin Quigley, Jr., Editor; Raymond Levy, Executive Publisher; James D. Ivers, News Witor; Charles S. Aaronson, Production Editor; Floyd £. St^e, Photo Editor; Ray Gallagher, Advertising Manager; Gijs H. Fausel Production Manager. Bureous: Hollywood, Samuel D. Berns. Manager: William R. Weover. Editor, Yucca-Vine Building, Telephone HOIlywood 7-2145; Chicago, 120 So. LoSolle St., Urbcn Farley, Advertising Representative, Telephone Financial 6-3074; Washington, J. A. Otten, Notional Press Club; London, Hope_ Williams Burnup, Manager; Peter Burnup, Editor; William_ Pay, News Editor, 4 Golden Square. Correspondents in the principal capitals of the world. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Motion Picture Herald is published every Saturdoy by Quigley Publishing Compony, Inc., Rockefeller Center, New York City 20. Telephone Circle 7-3100; Coble address; "Quigpubco, New York", Martin Quigley, President' Martin Quigley, Jr., Vice-President; Theo. J. Sullivan, Vice-Presidenit and Treasurer; Raymond Levy, Vice-President, Leo J. Brody, Secretary. Cther Quigley Publications: Better Theatres and Better Refreshment Merchandising, each published thirteen times a year os a section of Motion Picture Herald; Motion Picture Doily, Television Today, Motion Picture Almanac, Television Almanac, Fame. [The pictures above are listed alphabethically by title. \ 8 MOTION PICTURE HERALD, JANUARY 7, 1956