Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1956)

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RULES OF THE QUIGLEY AWARDS TWO Grand Award plaques will be J awarded annually to the two theatre managers or theatre publicity men whose exploitation and promotion campaigns are adjudged best throughout the year, one in smaller situations, where the manager is "on his own" — the other in larger cities, where there may be circuit cooperation. V Every three months a committee of judges will appraise the campaigns submitted by contestants during the preceding quarter period and select two showmen to receive the Quarterly Awards for outstanding achievement. The next seven best will receive Scrolls of Honor. Citations of Merit will be awarded to forty theatre men whose work is outstanding. V Consistency of effort is of paramount importance. Single submissions are less likely to win awards, which are made on the premise of sustained effort, but these may have news value in the Round Table. V No fancy entries are necessary. Costly and time-wasting "gingerbread" decoration are not encouraged. V _ In addition to exploitation on feature pictures, entries may be made on short subjects, serials, stage shows, or institutional and civic promotions. V Evidence proving authenticity of each entry should be submitted, such as photos, tear sheets, programs, heralds, etc. V The Round Table cannot undertake to prepare campaign books for submission to the judges from material sent in without assembly at the source. V The Quigley Awards make no distinction for size of theatre or community except the two classifications above. The judges make full allowance for individual showmanship displayed by comparing budgets, newspaper facilities and assistance from distributing companies. V In addition to the awards mentioned, special Certificates of Merit will be awarded quarterly and annually to showmen from outside the United States and Canada. The campaigns submitted by theatre men abroad which are deemed of special merit shall be included in the annual competition. Address all entries to: QUIGLEY AWARDS COMMITTEE MANAGERS’ ROUND TABLE 1270 Sixth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y. ^eiilna ina ^y^ppifoaCi k THE DIVIDED HEART — J. Arthur RankRepublic. The critics are united in praise of this unusual film, which tells the story of a little boy who was torn between two mothers, as an aftermath of war. A superior film, of great beauty and compassion, which has won high honors in the critics' lists of the ten best pictures of the year. A picture to attract the audience that has been lost to movies, and which seeks offbeat entertainment of high emotional value. The attraction has made its reputation in the little art theatres, but it can appeal to the family instinct, anywhere in America. "Rewarding" — "Mature" — "Poignant" — "Heart Stlrrirrg" — these are the comments of the nation's critics. Newspaper ad mats Include some good examples in both large and small sizes — and there are one and three-sheet posters, not Illustrated. No herald, but you can print your own. No composite mat, but you can select what you need. This will pay off In proportion to your desire to solve the product shortage. I DIED A THOUSAND TIMES— Warner Brothers. CinemaScope in WarnerColor. Starring Jack Palance and Shelly Winters. The story of hunted criminal No. I — a man with a thousand lives, and a crime in every one! The man — hard to get, hard to find, hard to kill! The girl — a dime-a-dance doll with a million dollar dream! Posters, Including 6-sheet, planned to give you cut-outs for lobby and marquee display. Tabloid herald In mat form, to print locally, sharing cost with cooperative merchant. Use It as a flash. Newspaper ad mats in large and small sizes, with the combination mat at 35c supplying eight ad mats and slugs, and two publicity mats. A special mat. No. 8 1 9-50 IX gives you a contest Idea, to assemble the portrait of the star under the caption, "Catch the Killer." It's a good stunt and the three mixed-up faces can be run for three days as a newspaper feature. TARANTULA — Universal International. Giant spider — deadly accident of science — and every second it grew bigger! Towering over cities: even dynamite can't stop it! Thousands flee Its terror. Researchers seeking clue; list of victims mounts hourly. Air Force joins fight! Crawling terror is 100 feet high. Shock — plus a brand new slant in science fiction. John Agar, Mara Corday, Leo Carroll and all star cast. Posters up to 6-sheet in size all carry pictorial art of the monster Tarantula. Herald keys the campaign with your advertising slants. Newspaper ad mats In tabloid style feature the mighty bug. In a variety of sizes and shapes. The bargain composite mat is really excellent, since It provides six good ad mats and slugs in one and two-column width, plus two publicity mats of the star and the cast. Buy this 35c mat on standing order at National Screen and always have a choice of advertising material to talk over with your newspaper man. He will be interested in trying to find something new and different at your usual budget. MAN WITH THE GUN— Samuel Goldwyn, Jr. — United Artists. His gun was for sale, and so was his life! A man who lived and breathed violence. He had posted his challenge, and now, as always, he stood alone. A new Goldwyn turns out a fascinating off-beat western. Robert Mitchum, Jan Sterling and all-star cast. Posters and all accessories feature Mitchum in a gun pose that becomes the trademark of this picture. The 6-sheet will make cut-outs for your lobby to match the herald, from Cato Show Print. Newspaper ad mats are equally good, in both large and smalll sizes and shapes, and with a difference in style that will set this apart from routine westerns. The picture Is Identified as "another 'High Noon' " — for critical opinions. The special composite mat for small situations offers eight ad mats and slugs, plus two publicity mats, all for 35c on standing order, at National Screen. THE LAST FRONTIER — Columbia Pictures. CinemaScope In Technicolor. The men, the women, the wilderness of America's most exciting days. Victor Mature, as the man of the forest. Guy Madison, as the soldier of the frontier. Robert Preston, as the tyrant of the fort. Satisfying 'Scope and color In a superior western, with thrilling mountain scenery as a backdrop for historical adventure. 24-sheet and other posters feature Victor Mature as the Scout who knew Indian country. Four page herald keys the campaign with all the selling approach. Newspaper ad mats are okey, but one in particular, and the biggest of the lot, is by far the best, and in contrast, all the others are ordinary. The 35c mat has six action ad mats and slugs, and two publicity mats, sufficient for small theatres. A set of color stills will sell this fine color film in your lobby. YOU'LL GET THE FINEST TRAILERS ...IN THE SHORTEST TIME. FROM SPECIAL TRAILERS 37 years of KnowHow means Better Trailers... Faster! FILMACK CHICAGO 1327 S. WABASH \ NEW YORK \ 341 W. 44th St. MANAGERS' ROUND TABLE SECTION, JANUARY 7. 1956 41