Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1956)

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Theatre Supply Dealers Dealers in the United States listed alphabetically by states, numbered or otherwise marked for cross-reference from index of Advertisers on preceding page ALABAMA 1 — Qmm Fwturt SwviM. I9l2'/t Moirlt Av*., BlrnlnibMi. ARIZONA 2 — 8«utliwgtt ThMtr* Supply, S7S0 E. Van Burm. Phonntx. ARKANSAS >— Arkaniaa Thastra Supply, 1008 Main St., Little Rock. 4— Tbantra Supply Ca.. 1921 Grand Ava., Fort Smith. CALIFORNIA Fresno: 8— MIdatata Tbeatra Supply, 1906 Thamat. Los Angeles: 6— John P. Filbert, 2007 8. Vermont Ava.* National Tbaatra Supply, 1961 S. Vermont Ava. 7 — Pambrax Tbaatra Supply, 1969 S. Vermont Ava 8 — B. F. Shearer, 1964 S. Vermont Ava. Son Francisco: National Tbaatra Supply. 2S5 Golden Gate Ava. 9 — Prodday Tbaatra Suppliea. 187 Golden Gate Ava. 10 — B. F. Sbaarar. 243 Golden Gate Ava. 11 — United Theatre Supply, 112 Golden Gate Ava. 12— Waatam Theatrical Equipment, 337 Golden Gate Ava.* COLORADO Denver: National Tbaatra Supply, 2111 Champa St. 13 Sarvlca Tbaatra Sbpply. 20M Broadway. 14 — Waatam Sarvlea A Supply, 2120 Broadway.* CONNECTICUT New Haven National Theatre Supply. 122 Meadow SL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Washington) 15— Briant A Sona, 925 New Jariay Ava.. N.W.* 16— Ban LuaL 1001 New Jeraay Ava., N.W. 17 — R A S Theatre Supply, 920 New Jersey Ava., N.W. FLORIDA 18 — Joe Hornataln, 329 W. Flagler St.. Miami. 19 — Southaaatarn Equipment, 625 W. Bay St., Jacksonville.* 20 — United Theatre Supply, 206 Memorial Highway, Tampa. 21— United Theatre Supply, 329 W. Flagler St., Miami.* GEORGIA Albany: 22 — Dixie Theatre Service A Supply, 1010 N. Slappay Or. Atlanta: 23— Capitol City Supply, 161 Walton St., N.W. 24 — Dixie Theatre Service A Supply, 93 Walton Ave., N.E. National Theatre Supply. 187 Walton St.. N.W. 25— Southeastern Theatre Equipment, 201-3 Luckie St.. N.W. 28 — WII-KIn Theatre Supply, 301 North Ave., N.E. ILLINOIS Chicago 27 — Abbott Theatre Supply, ISII S. Wabaah Ave.* 28 — Gardner Theatre Service. 1314 S. Wabash Ave. 29 — Movie Supply. 1318 S. Wabash Ave. National Theatre Supply, 1325 S. Wabash Ave. INDIANA Evansville: so— Evansville Theatre Supply, 2900 E. Chandler Ave. Indianapolis: SI — Ger-Bar, Ino., 442 N. Illinois St. National Theatre Supply, 436 N. Illinois St. IOWA Des Moines: 32 — Dee Melneo Theatre Supply, 1121 High St. National Theatro Supply, 1102 High St. KANSAS Wichita: S3 — Sauthwoet Theatre Equipment, P. 0. Box 2138. KENTUCKY Louisville: 34 — Fal's City Theatre Equipment 427 8. Third St 35— Hauden Theatre Supply, 209 S. 3rd St LOUISIANA New Orleans; 36 — Hodges Theatre Supply, 1309 Cleveland Ave. 37~Johnson Theatre Service, 1409 Cleveland Ave. 38 — Southeastern Theatre Equlpmente 214 S. Liberty St.* Shreveport: 39 — Alon Boyd Theatre Equipment. P. 0. Box 362. MARYLAND Baltimore: 40 — J. F. Dusman Cf... 12 East 25th St. National Theatre Supply, 417 St. Paul Place. MASSACHUSETTS Boston; 41 — Capitol Theatre Supply, 28 Piedmont St.* 42 — Independent 'heatre Supply. 28 Winchester St 43 — Major Theatre Equipment. (4 Winchester St. 44 — Massachusetts Theatre Equipment 2( Piedmont St National Theatre Supply, 3' Winchester St 45 — Standard ' heatre Supply 78 Broadway. 46 — Theatre Service A Siiroly. 30 Piedmont St. MICHIGAN Detroit: 47— Amusement Supply, 208 W. Montcalm St 48 — Ernie Forbes Theatre Supply, 214 W. Montcalm St* 49— McArthur Thcaire Equipment. 454 W. Columbia St. National Theatre Supply. 2312 Cass Ave. Grand Rapids: 50 — Ringold Theatre quipment, 106 Michigan St„ N.W. MINNESOTA Minneapolis: 51 — Elliott Theatre Equipment, 1110 Nicollet Ave. 52 — Froseh Theatre Supply, llli Currie Ave.* 53 — Minneapolis Theatre Supply, 75 Glenwood Ave, National Theatre Supply, 56 Glenwood Ave. 54 — Western Theatre Equipment, 45 Glenwood Ave. MISSOURI Kansas City: 55 — Missouri r heatre Supply, 115 W. 18th St.* National Theatre Supply, 223 W. 18th St. 56 — Shreve Theatre Supply, 217 W. 18th St. 57 — Stebblns Theatre Equipment, 1804 Wyandotte St. St, Louis: 58 — McCarty Theatre Supply, 3330 Olive St. National Theatre Supply, 3212 Olive St. 59— St. Louis Theatre Supply Co., 3310 Olive St.* MONTANA 60 — Montana Theatre Supply, Missoula. NEBRASKA Omaha: 61 — The Ballantyne Co., 1712 Jackson St. National Theatre Supply, 1610 Davenport St. 62 — Quality Theatre Supply. 1515 Davenport St, 63 — Western Theatre Supply, 214 N. 15th St.* NEW MEXICO 64 — Eastern New Mexico Theatre Supply, Box 1009. Clovis. NEW YORK Albany: 65 — Albaim Theatre Supply. 443 N. Pearl. Natlenal Theatre Supply, 982 Broadway. Auburn: 66— Auburn Theatre Equipment, 5 Court St. Butt ala: 67 — Eastern Theatre Supply, 496 Pearl St.* National Theatre Supply. 500 Pearl St. BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Postage Stamp Necessary !t Mailed in the United States Postage will be paid by — QUIGLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY ROCKEFELLER CENTER 1270 SIXTH AVENUE NEW YORK 20, N. Y. FIRST CLASS |See.34.9,P.L.& R.) PERMIT NO. 8894 NEW YORK, N. Y. w— ronuii* I DHirv ouppiy, OUO rMTI bu 69— United Prejeetor 4 Film, 228 Franklie SL New York City: 70— Amusement Supply. 341 W. 44th 8L 71— Capitol Motion Picture Supply. 630 Ninth Avo.* 72 — Crown Motion Picture Suppllei. 354 W. 44tb St. 73 — Joe Homstein, 341 W. 44th SL National Theatro Supply. 350 W. 44tb SL Syracuse: 74— Central N. Y. Thoatre Sepply, 110 N. Satina SL NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte: Supply, 227 8. Church St. 76 — Charlotte Theatre Supply, 200 S. Popiv SL 77 — Dixie Theatro Supply, 213 W. 3rd St. NatiMal Theatre Supply, 304 S. Church SL 78 — Southeastern Theatro Equipment, 209 8. Popiv St.* <9 — Standard Theatre Supply, 219 8. Church SL 80 — Theatre Equipment Co., 220 S. Poplar SL 61 — Wil-Kin Theatre Supply, 229 8. Church 8L Greensboro: S?— standard Theatre Supply, 215 E. Washington 8t. S3 — Theetre Suppllere, 304 S. Otvic SL OHIO Cincinnati: 84— ~Mld-We*t Theatre Supply, 1638 Central Partway.* National Thoatre Supply, 1637 Central Parkway. Cleveland: National Thoatre Supply, 2128 Payne Avo. 85 — Ohio Theatro Equipment. 2108 Payne Ava. 86 — Oliver Theatro Supply, 1701 E. 23rd SL* Columbus: 87— American Theatre EquIpmanL 165 N. HIph St. Dayton: 88— Oajrton Theatre Supply, III Velkenand St. 89 — Sheldon Thoatre Supply, 627 Salem Ava. Toledo: 9^Amorican Theatre Supply Co.. 439 Dorr SL 91— Theatre Equipment Co., 1206 Cherry SL OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City: ®7—Centunr Theatre Supply Co., 706 N. Grand Supplies, 12 S. Walker Avo. J*"***!?,. Supply. 700 W. Grand Avo. 94 — Oklahomi Theatro Supply, 628 W. Grond Avo * OREGON Portland: Supply, 1935 N.W. Kearney SI.* 9^Portland Motion Picture Supply, 916 N.W. 19th St. SJzRi ^ N.W. Kearney St. 98— Inter-State Theatre Equipment, 1928 N.W. Kearney St PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia: 99— ^BIumberg Bros., 1305-07 Vino St.* Theatre Supply Co., 1225 Vino St. 100— Superior Theatre Equipment 1315 Vino St. Pittsburgh: Supply, 84 Van Bramm St. 102— Atlas Theatro Supply, 402 Mlltonborger SI. National Theatre Supply, |72| Blvd. of Allloa. Wilkes-Barre: 103— Vincent M. Tate. 1620 Wyoming Avo.. Forty-Fort RHODE ISLAND 104— Rhode Island Supply, 357 Wostmlnstar 8L. Providence SOUTH DAKOTA 105— American Theatre Supply, 316 S. Main SL, Sioux Falla. TENNESSEE Memphis: 106 — Monarch Theatre Supply. 492 8. Second St * National Theatro Supply, 412 S. Second St. 187— Tri-State Theatre Supply, 520 S. Seoond SL TEXAS Dallas: Theatre Supply, 714 South Hampton Rd. 109 — Herber Bros., 406 S. Harwood SL 110— Modem Theatre Equipment 1916 Jackeon St. National Thoatre Supply, 300 8. Harwood St. 1 1 1 — Southwoitom Theatre Equipment, 2010 Jaekaoa SL* 112— Sterllnp Salee 4 Service. 2019 Jackeon SL Houston: 113 — Southweetem Theatre Equipment 1022 Auitln SL* San Antonio: 114 — Alamo Theatre Supply, 1306 Alamotee SL UTAH Salt Lake City: Theatre Supply. 264 Eait FIrct South St Ilfr-Sorvleo Theatre Supply, 256 East FIrct South St. 117— Western Sound 4 Equipment, 264 East FIret South •* ' VIRGINIA 118— Norfolk Theatre Supply, 2700 Cellw Aea., NorfOlt WASHINGTON Seattle: 119— American Theatre Supply, 2300 First Avo 120 — Intw-Stata Theatre Equipment C«., eeex Sesand Avw 121 — Modem Theatre Supply. 2400 Third Ava* National Theatre Supply, 2319 Second St. 122— B. F. Shearer, 2318 Second Ave. WEST VIRGINIA 123 — Charleston Theatre Supply, 508 Lea SL, Charicstoa WISCONSIN Milwaukee: 124— Manhardt Co.. 1705 W. Clyboum 8t.» National Theatro Supply, 1027 N. Eighth St 125— Ray Smith, 718 W. stata SL