Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1956)

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THE WINNERS CIRCLE Piclures which were reported as doing above average business in key cities of the nation tor the week ended February I I were: Fiitn Trade is Oebatefi In Coinntotts by PETER BURNUP LOXDOX : Film business had an airing in tlie House of Commons here last week when a Scottish Labourite member moved ; "That this House views with concern the present status of the film industry and trade and calls upon Her Majesty's Government to take action to redress the present unfair incidence of entertainment tax and to institute an independent enquiry into the organisation and problems of the industry.” But the ensuing dehate, accompanied by familiar gibes, good-and-ill tempered, had a hackneyed air. Cites Statistics The mover of the motion painstakingly cited known official statistics of the industry : falling attendances, the cost of equipping for new techni(iues and the like. He quoted Sir Michael Balcon in declaring that only a very large reduction in entertainment tax would enable British film-makers to continue in production ; demanded a “substantial revision’' in the Anglo-American monetary agreement to help, as he said, with the balance of payments problem and to encourage the production of more British films. His seconder, .Stephen Swingler, another Labourite who frequently prods the Government on film matters, lamented the alleged cut-hack in British production, due, he claimed, to the closedown of several studios. A variet\ of other diagnoses of the British malaise and panaceas therefor were proffered by succeeding speakers. .Socialist Harold W’ikson, a former president of the Board of Trade, lent bitterness to the debate. He delivered a savage attack on the Rank Organisation which, he said, had “flagrantly broken a solemn and categorical i)romise'’ which had been made to him, Mr. Wilson, when he was at the Board of Trade. The Rank Organisation, he said, had specifically pledged itself not to extend at a time when he was planning “stiff legislative action” against the circuits. “\\ here did the Rank Organisation with its £5 million overdraft get the money to buy another 50 or 60 cinemas last year ? There is supposed to be a credit squeeze. But it does not affect Mr. Rank,” acidly commented Mr. Wilson. Davis in Rebuttal A fiovernment spokesman wouml up what he called “a useful and constructive <lebate” and j>romise<l that the Chancellor of the Fixchequer would consider the representations in regard to entertoinment tax. John Davis of the Rank Organisation was prompt in his rebuttal of the Wilson Albany: DiABOLiQUE (UMPO) ; Forever Darling (MGM); Helen of Troy (W.B.). Atlanta: Chicago Syndicate (Col.); Come Next Spring (Rep.) ; Forever Darling (MGM); Helen of Troy (W.B.). Boston: Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; I Am a Camera (DCA) ; The Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I) ; The Prisoner (Col.). Buffalo: Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; The Court Jester (Par.) ; The Littlest Outlaw (B.V.); The Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.) ; There’s Always Tomorrow (U-I). Chicago: DiABOLiQUE (UMPO) ; Kismet (MGM); Fll Cry Tomorrow (MGM); Tennessee’s Partner (RKO) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I) ; The Desperate Hours (Par.). Cleveland: The Benny Goodman Story (U-I) ; The Court Jester (Par.) ; Guys AND Dolls (MGM); Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; The Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.). Denver: At Gunpoint (A.A.) ; Diabolique (UMPO) ; Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; The Deep Blue Sea (20th-Fox) ; Ransom (MGM); Trouble With Harry (Par.). Detroit: I Am a Camera (DCA); Inside Detroit (Col.) ; Left Hand of God (20th-Fox) ; Mr. Roberts (W.B.) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I). Des Moines: The Benny Goodman Story (U-I). Hartford: Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; Guys AND Dolls (MGM); Lease of Life (IFE) ; The Court Jester (Par.) ; Three Bad Sisters (U.A.). Indianapolis: Forever Darling (MGM) ; Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I). Jacksonville: Forever Darling (MGM) ; Guys and Dolls (MGM) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I) ; The Lieutenant Wore Skirts (20th-Fox). Kansas City: Hell on Frisco Bay (W.B.) ; The Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.). charges. “We exchanged correspondence with the Board of J'rade as to what we should do and should not do. W’e have honoured implicitly the arrangements,” Mr. Davis said. Bookers Club Play March 15 The Motion Picture Bookers Club of New York has selected “The Middle of the Night” for their theatre party to be held March 15 at the ANTA theatre. New York. Memphis: The Benny Goodman Story (U-I). Miami: Forever Darling (MGM); Guys AND Dolls (MGM) ; The Court Jester (Par.) ; The Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.). Milwaukee: All That Heaven Allows (U-I); The Court Jester (Par.). Minneapolis: The Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.). New Orleans: Diabolique (UMPO); Guys AND Dolls (MGM); Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.) ; Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; Paris Follies of 1956 (A.A.) ; There’s Always Tomorrow (U-I). Oklahoma City: A Lawless Street (Col.) ; Hell on Frisco Bay (W.B.) ; Summertime (U.A.) ; The Bottom of the Bottle (20th-Fox) ; The Deep Blue Sea (20th-Fox). Philadelphia: I’LL Cry Tomorrow (MGM) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I) ; The Court Jester (Par.) ; The Man With THE Golden Arm (U.A.) ; The Rose Tattoo (Par.). Pittsburgh: Guys and Dolls (MGM); Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; The Man Who Loved Redheads (U.A.) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I) ; The Court Jester (Par.) ; The Sheep Has Five Legs (UMPO). Portland: All That Heaven Allows (U-I) ; The Benny Goodman Story (U-I); The Littlest Outlaw (B.V.). San Francisco: DIABOLIQUE (UMPO) ; Guys and Dolls (MGM); Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; The Littlest Outlaw (B.V.) ; The Man Who Loved Redheads (U.A.) ; The Man With the Golden Arm (U.A.). Vancouver: Guys and Dolls (MGM). Washington: All That Heaven Allow's (U-I) ; Diabolique (UMPO) ; Guys and Dolls (MGM) ; Helen of Troy (W.B.) ; The Court Jester (Par.) ; The Littlest Outlaw (B.V.). Erlanger in Buffalo Is Sold; Will Be Razed BUFFALO : The Erlanger theatre here has been sold and will be razed, William Dipson, president of Dipson Theatrical Enterprises of Batavia, has announced. The new owner is the 118 Delaware Ave. Inc., a corporation in which Isaac Gordon of Rochester has a majority interest. The Erlanger will continue to operate as a theatre until June 30, the company announces. 26 MOTION PICTURE HERALD. FEBRUARY 18. 1956