Motion Picture Herald (Jan-Mar 1956)

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Theatre Supply Dealers Dealers in the United States listed alphabetically by states, numbered or otherwise marked for cross-reference from Index of Advertisers on preceding page ALABAMA I ftui FMtan S«rirlM. ISI2t4 Monit At*.. BlmlMbMi. ARIZONA » Swittiw**! TbMtr* Suvply, STM E. Vm Bna. PhMirix. ARKANSAS »— Aftanu* ThMtn Supply. 1008 Main SC. LIttI* Rack. 4— Tbcatr* Supply C*., 1821 Grand Av*., Fort Smith. CALIFORNIA Fresoo: t— Mldatat* Tbaatr* Supply, 1908 Thamaa. Los Aageles: 0— JoW P. Fllbart 2007 8. Varment Avc.* NaUwial Thaatr* Supply, 1901 S. Vrnmant Av*. 7 — Pambm Tbaatr* Supply. 1909 S. Vanaont Av*. 8 — B. F. Shavar, 1904 S. Varmaot Av*. Sob Frmneiseo: Natlaaal Tbaatr* Supply, Z5S Saldan Gat* Av*. 9— Pradday Tbaatr* Supplia*. 187 Galdan Gat* Av*. 10— B. F. Shearer, 243 Gulden Gate Ave. 11— United Tbealre Supply. 112 Golden Gate Ave. 12— Western Theatrical Einlpmeot 337 Golden Gat* Av*.* COLORADO Ddov«r: Natleaal Tbaatne Supply, 2111 Champa SC IS— Sarvla* Tbaatm 2SS4 Braadvair. 14— W astern Servle* A Supply. 2120 Broadway.* CONNECTICUT New Haven National Theatre Supply, 122 Meadow SC DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Washington) 15— Briant A Sen*. 925 New Jaraay Ave., N.W.* IS— Ban LaaC 1901 New Jersey Av*.. N.W. 17 — R A S Theatre Supply. 920 New Jersey Av*., N.W. FLORIDA 18 — Jo* Hernstaln, 329 W. Flaflar SC, Miami. 19 — Seuthaastam Eanipment, 625 W. Bay SC, Jasksenvllla.* 20— United Thaatr* Supply, 200 Memorial Highway, Tampa. 21 — United Theatre Supply, 329 W. Flagler SC, Miami.* GEORGIA Albany: 22 — Dixie Thaatr* Servle* A Supply, 1010 N. Slappey Dr. Atlanta: 23— Capital City Supply. 161 Walton SC. N.W. 24 — Dixie Thaatr* Servle* A Supply, 95 Walton Ava., N.E. National Thaatr* Supply. 187 Walton SC. N.W. 29— Seuthaastam Thaatr* Equipment, 201-3 LuekI* SC, N.W. 28— WII.KIn Thaatr* Supply. 301 North Av*., N.E. ILLINOIS Chicago 27 — Abbott Thaatr* Supply. ISII S. Wabash Ava.* 28 — Gardner Theatre Servle*. 1314 S. Wabash Av*. 29 — Movi* Supply, 1318 8. Wabash Ave. National Thaatr* Supply, 1325 8. Wabash Av*. INDIANA Evansville: 30— Evansville Thaatr* Supply, 2900 E. Chandler Av*. Indianapolis: 81— Bar-Bar, Inc., 442 N. Illinois SC Natlanal Theatre Supply, 438 N. Illlnol* SC IOWA Des Moines: 32 — Oe* Maine* Thaatr* Supply. 1121 High SC Natlanal Theatre Supply, 1102 High SC KANSAS KENTUCKY Louisville: 34— Falls City Thaatr* EquIpmanC 427 8. Third SC 35— Hauden Tbaatr* Supply, 200 S. 3rd SC LOUISIANA New Orleans: 36 — Hodges Thaatr* Supply, 1309 Cleveland Ave. 37 — Johnson Theatre Service, 1409 Cleveland Ave. 38 — Soutbeastam Theatre Equipment. 214 S. Liberty SC* Shreveport: 39— Alon Boyd Theatre Equipment. P. 0. Box 362. MARYLAND Baltimore: 40 — J. F. Dusman Co., 12 East 25th St. National Theatre Supply, 417 SC Paul Plao*. MASSACHUSETTS Boston: 41 — Capitol Theatre Supply, 28 piedmont SC* 42 — Independent Theatre Supply. 28 Winchester St. 43 — Major Theatre Equipment, 14 Winchester St. 44 — Massachusetts Theatre EquipmanC 20 Piedmont St. National Theatre Supply, 37 Winchester SC 45 — Standard Theatre Supply. 78 Broadway. 48 — Thaatr* Servle* A Sunoly, 30 Piedmont St. MICHIGAN Detroit: 47 — Amusement Supply, 206 W. Montealm SC 48 — Ernie Forbes Theatr* Supply, 214 W. Montealm SC* 49 — MoArthur Theatre Equipment, 454 W. Columbia St. National Theatre Supply, 2312 Ca*a Ave. Grand Rapids: 50— Ringold Theatre ' quIpmenC 106 Mlehlgan SC. N.W. MINNESOTA Minneapolis: 51 — Elliott Tneatre Equipment, 1110 Nicollet Ave. 52 — Froseh Theatre Supply, I II I Currie Ave.* 53 — Minneapolis Theatre Supply, 75 Glenwood Av*. National Theatre Supply, 56 Glenwood Av*. 54 — Western Theatr* Equipment, 45 Glenwood Av*. MISSOURI Kansas City: 55 — Missouri Theatre Supply, 115 W. 18th SC* National Theatr* Supply, 223 W. 18th St. 56— Shrove Theatre Supply. 217 W. 18th St. 57 — Stebblns Theatre EquipmanC 1804 Wyandotte St. St. Louis: 58— McCarty Theatre Supply. 3330 Olive SC National Theatr* Supply, 3212 Olive SC 59— St. Louis Theatr* Supply C*., 3310 Olive SC* MONTANA 60— Montana Theatre Supply. Missoula. NEBRASKA Omaha: 61 — The Ballantyne Co., 1712 Jackson St. National Theatre Supply. 1610 Davenport SC 62 — Quality Theatre Supply, 1515 Davenport SC 63— Woetem Theatre Supply, 214 N. 16th SC* NEW MEXICO 64 — Eastern New ' Mexico Theatre Supply, Box 1009, Clovis. NEW YORK Albany: 65 — Alhany Theatr* Supply. 443 N. Pearl. National fhMfa-i Supply, 962 Braadway. Auburn: 66 — Auburn Theatr* Equipment 6 Ceurt SC Buffalo: 67 — Eastern Theatr* Supply. 496 Pearl SC* National Tbeatre Supply. 600 Pearl SC 68— PorklnK Theatr* Supply. 506 Pearl SU 6^UDlted Projector & Film. 228 FraaUla 8t New York City: 70 — Amusement Supply, 341 W. 44th SC 71— Capitol Motion Picture Supply, 630 Ninth Ave.* 72— Crown Motion Picture Supplies, 354 W. 44tb St. 73— Joe Homstein. 341 W. 44th SC National Theatre Supply, 356 VV. 44th SC 126— Norpat Sales, Inc., 630 Ninth Ave. Syracuse: 74— Central N. Y. Theatr* Supply, 210 N. Sallea SC NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte: 75 — Bryant Theatre Supply. 227 S. Chureh SC 76 — Charlotte Theatr* Supply, 209 S. Poplar SC 77 — Dixie Theatre Supply, 213 W. 3rd St. National Theatre Supply. 304 S. Cburtb SC 78 — Southeastern Theatre Equipment. 209 S. Poplar St.* 79 — Standard Theatre Supply, 219 S. Church SC 80 — Theatre Equipment Co., 220 S. Poplar 8L 81 — Wil-Kln Theatre Supply, 229 S. Church SC Greensboro: 82 — Standard Theatr* Supply, 215 E. Washington SC 83 — Theatre Supplier*. 394 S. Davie SC OHIO Cincinnati: 84— MidWest Theatr* Supply, IS38 Ceatxai Paihwap.* National Theatre Supply, 1637 Central Parkwmr. Cleveland: National Theatre Supply, 2128 Payne Av*. 85— Ohio Theatr* Equipment, 2108 Payne Av*. 86 — Oliver Theatre Supply, 1701 E. 23rd SC* Columbus: 87 — American Theatr* EquIpmenC 165 N. Hlfb St. Dayton: 88 — Dayton Theatre Supply, 1 1 1 Volkenand SC 89 — Sheldon Theatre Supply, S27 Salem Av*. Toledo: 90 — American Theatre Supply Co., 439 Dorr SC 91— Theatr* Equipment Co.. 1206 Cherry SC OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City: 92 — Century Theatre Supply Co.. 706 N. Grand 93 — Howell Theatre Supplies. 12 S. Walker Av*. National Theatre Supply. 700 W. Grand Av*. 94— Oklahoma Thaatr* Supply. 628 W. Grand Av*.* OREGON Portland: 95— Modem Theatre Supply, 1935 N.W. Kearney SC* 96 — Portland Motion Picture Supply, 916 N.W. 19th SC 97— B. F. Shearer. 1947 N.W. Kearney St. 98— Inter-State Theatr* EquIpmenC 1928 N.W. Kemaey St. PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia: 99 — Blumberg Bros., 1305-07 Vina SC* National Theatre Supply Co., 1225 Vine SC 100 — Superior Theatr* EquipmanC 1315 VIn* St. Pittsburgh: 101 — Alexander Theatre Supply, 84 Van Bramm St. 102 — Atlas Theatre Supply. 402 Mlltenberger St. National Theatre Supply, 1721 Blvd. of Allia*. Wilkes-Barre: 103— Vincent H. Tat*. 1620 Wy*mlnt Av*.. Ferty-FerC RHODE ISLAND 104 — Rhode Island Supply, 357 Westminster SC, Providence. SOUTH DAKOTA 105— American Theatr* Supply, 316 S. Main SC, Sleux Falls. TENNESSEE Memphis: 106 — Monarch Theatr* Supply, 492 S. Second SC* National Theatre Supply, 412 S. Second St. 187— Tri-Stat* Theatr* Supply. 32S S. Seeend SC TEXAS Dellas: IDS— Hardla Thoatr* Supply. 714 Smith Hampton Bd. lO^Herber Bros., 406 S. Harwood SC no — Modem Theatr* EquIpmenC 1916 Jackson St. National Theatr* Supply, 300 S. Harwood 8C 1 1 1— Seuthweetem Them EquIpmenC 2DIS Jnskeea SC* 1 12 — Starling Sale* 4 Servl**. 2019 Jaeksen SC Houston: 113— Seuthweetam Theatr* EquIpmenC IK2 AaaUa SC* Son Antonio: 114— Alma* Theatre Supply, 1988 Alameto* SC UTAH Salt Lake City: 115— Intarmountain Tbeatre Supply, 264 East First South 8C 116 — Servle* Theatre Supfily, 258 East FInt Seutb SC 117 — Western Sound 4 EquIpmenC 264 Eaet First Seutb S’* VIRGINIA 118 — Narfolk Theatre Bapply, 2786 Cellap Av*.. Nmtolk. WASHINGTON ' Seattle: 119 — American Theatre Supply, 2306 First Av*. 120— Inter.State Theatre Eqvipment Ca., 22M Seeend Av*. 121 — Modem Theatre Supply, 2400 Third Av*.* National Theatre Supply, 2319 Seeend SC 122 — B. F. Shearer, 2318 Second Av*. WEST VIRGINIA { 123 — Charleston Theatr* Supply. 606 Le* 8C. Charleetaa. WISCONSIN Milwaukee: 124 — Manhardt Ce.. 1705 W. Clybeum St.* National Theatr* Supply, 1027 N. Ellbtb SC 125— Ray Smith. 716 W. stoto St Wichita: 89 Seuthwem Tbealre EquipmanC P. 0. Bax 2136. FIRST CLASS (Sac. 34.9, P.L.&R.) FERK4IT NO. 8894 NEW YORK. N. Y. BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Potfaga S'tamp Nacestary K Mailed in the United States Postage will be paid by — QUIGLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY ROCKEFELLER CENTER 1270 SIXTH AVENUE NEW YORK 20, N. Y.