Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1956)

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Wide screens are here to stay! Stereophonic SountPis, too! Producers with new techniques are filling your big screens with sharp-focus, spectacular pictures. Big screens need Stereophonic Sound to complete the revolution of improvement which is renewing the interest of millions in talking pictures. Stereophonic Sound is better than sound from any single loudspeaker assembly. * Three channel, four channel, or six channel FOR THE BEST in multior single channel, magnetic or photographic sound systems.. . buy • THE WESTREX • WESTREX Standard • WESTREX Economy Westrex Corporation 111 Eighth Avenue, New York 11, N. Y. Hollywood Division: 6601 Romaine Street, Hollywood 38, Calif. STUDIO RECORDING SYSTEMS • THEATRE SOUND SYSTEMS BETTER THEATRES SECTION 7