Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1956)

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9 J t New Prefabricated Steel Trusses Amazing Strength Speedy LOW-COST Erection New Ez-Erect Steel Trusses are designed to give theatre operators the two most important features of screen tower construction — exceptional strength and economy of erection. Ez-Erect Trusses are designed so that they can be shipped in just two sections by any common carrier. The trusses are assembled on the ground and raised in groups of two. You need little mechanized equipment. Easy to pour, trench type footings are used instead of complicated forms. You can have almost unlimited width. Ez-Erect Towers are engineered to withstand wind forces of 100 mph. Ballantyne Dub’l-Cones Give The Sound Patrons Deserve Listen to it and compare it with other speakers, and you'll agree with the hundreds of drive-ins that use Dub'l-Cones exclusively. You’ll get not only the'advantage of quality sound, but also lower maintenance costs as well. That’s because Dub’l-Cones are built and engineered with every known device and improvement for long life and easy, more economical service. Amplification Systems Designed For Drive-Ins Many, many systems are adaptations from public address or other sound systems. These systems don't give enough power for even average sound. In contrast, Ballantyne’s KX, RX and MX systems were designed and engineered exclusively for drive-ins. When field wire undergoes normal deterioration, Ballantyne surplus power systems drive through partial shorts. The result is plenty of volume a whole lot longer. Complete Drive-In Theatre Equipment — Projectors Arc LampsGenerators-Signs-Rectifiers Soundheads. emparu). 1712 Jackson Street Omaha, Nebraska BETTER THEATRES SECTION 15