Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1956)

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the Be SURE that they were designed specifically for use with projection arc lamps, and are not just general purpose rectifiers. The one way to be sure is to buy only those that were engineered and manufactured by arc lamp specialists. Be SURE that the selenium stacks are FULL SIZE . . . adequate to the job expected. Be SURE that the stacks are DAMP PROOFED . . . that they will withstand wet climate and winter storage, and be sure that the damp-proofing meets the exacting specifications as demanded by the military services. Be SURE that AMPERAGE OUTPUT can be readily changed DURING LAMP OPERATION as with the 3 easily accessible rugged 8-point dial switches illustrated. Be SURE that they have Type Ft glass-type insulated transformers which means that they will withstand up to 150° F higher temperatures than Type A cotton insulated transformers. Thus they will permit emergency operation of both lamps on one rectifier. Be SURE that they are capable of being adjusted to compensate for line phase unbalance. Be SURE that they include a heavy duty fan and line control relay. Be SURE that they carry a GUARANTEE that you can depend on. NO OTHER RECTIFIER GIVES YOU ALL THESE ASSURANCES THE NEW "RfD ARROW" Selenium Rectifier 90 »o 135 Ampere and 120 to 180 Ampere 3-phase; 70 to 90 Ampere and 90 to 135 Ampere single phase models. Engineered for complete dependability, utmost economy and peak efficiency in converting A.C. current to D.C. for use with angle or coaxial trim high intensity lamps. THE STRONG ELECTRIC CORPORATION 1 City Park Avenue Toledo 1, Ohio Please send free literature on Strong Rectifiers. Name Theatre City and State Name of Supplier BETTER THEATRES SECTION The Finest Rectifier Ever Offered at Such a Low Price! 3