Evidence study no. 25 of the motion picture industry (Nov 1935)

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-45 TABLE XXXVIII Total Receipts, Number of lull-Time Employees arid Payrolls, Classified "by 10 Principal States, 1933 a/ Total Receipts Full-Time Employees Full-Time Payroll Amount Per Cent Number Per Cent Amount Per Cent (000' s) of Total (000' s) of Total (000' s) of Total U. S. Total $415,153 100.0 63,136 100.0 $80,519 100.0 California 35,223 8.5 5,220 8.3 6,284 8*3 Illinois 23,106 8.0 4,303 6.8 6,695 8.9 Massachusetts 22,809 5.5 3,678 5.8 5,141 6.8 Michigan 14,124 3,4 2,324 3.7 2,925 3.9 Missouri 10,256 2.5 1,601 2.5 2,370 3.1 New Jersey 19,179 4.6 12,116 3.4 3,647 4.8 New York 93,90? 22.6 11,463 18.2 19,778 26.1 Ohio 20 , 730 5.0 3,822 6.1 4,223 5.6 Pennsylvania 30,891 7.4 4,889 7.7 5,588 7.4 Texas 12,825 3.1 2,548 4.0 2,200 2.9 Total, 10 States 293,050 70.6 41,969 66.5 58,851 73.1 Total, Other States 122,103 29.4 21,167 33,5 21,668 26.9 Source: Census of American Business. 1933, "Services, Amusements, and Theatres. 11 a/ The data include 122 legitimate theatres and operas which grossed $8,611,000 and employed 1,182 full-time workers with a payroll of $3,457,000. When allowance is made for the inclusion of those legitimate theatres and operas, the employee and payroll data in this table are identical with those given in Tables XXXVI and XXXVII, above. Wages and Hours In Principal Cities. Reports on wages and hours of unionized projectionists in 1933 were published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Monthly Labor Review for May, 1933. The report, which embraces almost 230 cities and 5,494 operators, shows that average weekly wages ranged from $22.50 to $95.00. Prevailing hours ranged from 23 to 62 hours per week. An analysis of the report discloses the distribution of weekly union wage scales and hours worked per week shown in Table XXXIX. These ranges vary primarily with the strength of the union in particular localities rather than with the size and type of theatre, size of city, or section of the country. It is believed that wages and hours of work of other organized workers (stage hands and musicians) in the motion picture theatres would show a similar variation, depending upon the strength of the union. 8976