Evidence study no. 25 of the motion picture industry (Nov 1935)

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-46 TABLE XXXIX Wage Scales and Hours Worked per Week "by Unionized Projectionists, Classified "by Number of Cities, 1933 Item Number of Cities Wage Scale Under $35 per week 25 Between $35 and $45 75 Between $45 and $65 111 Over $65 29 Hours Worked per Week Under 36 45 Between 36 and 40 43 Between 40 and 45 35 Between 45 and 50 44 Over 50 25 Source: Compiled from Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review, (May, 1933) p. 1111. In Washington. D. C. Table XL shows the hourly wage rate and hours worked per week by the various classes of wage earners employed in eleven neighborhood theatres in Washington, D. C. in the latter part of 1931. 1/ The average weekly hours for all types of full-time employees ranged from 32.5 to 49 hours per week; for all types of part-time workers, from 8 to 24 hours. In the service branch, weekly wages for full-time employees ranged from $9,28 to $18.40; for part-time employees, from $6.65 to $8.55. Technicians such as operators, electricians and engineers were the highest paid help and averaged about 45 hours per week. 1/ The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the city of Washington was chosen for this survey "because of the belief that this city has been affected less than any other city of its size by the business depression, and it would therefore be possible to segregate the effects brought about by the changes in technology from those due to other causes, and especially to the depression." 8976