Evidence study no. 25 of the motion picture industry (1933)

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42 <^> <^ <^ The Motion Picture Industry the production department to fill in vacancies by substitution. Substitute pictures are always available. They are derived from productions finished ahead of schedule, pictures filmed before the production season, and roadshows not yet released for regular distribution. Final release schedules, such as that shown in Exhibit 13, are sent immediately to members of the distribution department, to production executives, and in some cases to managers of Publix theaters and other theaters. Short subjects are also listed on a schedule similar to that illustrated by Exhibit 13. Generally they require less than Exhibit 13 Final Release Schedule Used by Paramount Publix Corporation Fi ial Release Schedule 1st Quarter Release Production Kind of Syn Production Date Date Number Picture chronization Sound Title Director Cast Booked 1st Quarter ve total k to the s origin. 8 B T5 3 E o o HI ■o c o Sept. Cumulati dated bac company' s | to ra 3 « ■ 3 130 _o b o E c o § g c • o M TJ M Oct. Nov. Preceding Schedule No Date issued Replaced by this Schedule No Date issued.