Evidence study no. 25 of the motion picture industry (1933)

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46 ^> *C> -v> The Motion Picture Industry due to errors in the judgment of the directors, photographers, or actors. After each day's work the negative is taken to the laboratory for development. After the negative has been developed and dried, it is carefuly polished by hand and inspected for defects. A print is made from the negative as soon as possible, in order that changes suggested by the director, supervisor, or other members of the production department may be made before the sets and other effects have been dismantled. Exhibit 14 Weekly Production Control Report Used by Paramount Publix Corporation Studio Home Actual Estimated Weeks Negative Story Office Cost Finished Budget in Cost Overhead to Date Cost Process 00 0 0 c/> e 5 <» <o 73 3 .1 :1s 3 "° « 0 caO *o cj 15 2. 0 Q. -O x «o <D 0) J3 co > 0 <o 0 "to 0 0 timates e of coi e total JC 0 J£ V) t sz .2 « m 03 0) u ~° \% ** 5 ■0 3 0 •» 0 — -a 0 ai 0 to to > week, take ffecte « 2 bfl a _ 0 ro 1/1 CO a. co c 0 3 E 3 s * g O. T3 E = 0 0 0 03 a 0 ries wee at hi O « CO .£= J= <-> .5 _CO < > a ** (0 s Upon the completion of a production, the director and his assistant, in conjunction with the cutting department, assemble the negatives in continuous form in approximately the order in which they finally are to be arranged, trimming them to the desired length and, if necessary, inserting temporary titles. The negative is then "light tested" and one copy taken off, which is known as the "answer copy". The answer copy is projected, and upon approval of it by the director, his assistant, the supervisor, and other members