Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1914-Jan 1915)

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«£R» P9PULAP PLAYS*PLAYER In "To an M. P. Idol' as the idols themselves : honesty conquers at the last — even TO AN M. P. IDOL. pity all the handsome men That act in photoshows ; How they exist, I dinna ken — Such rhymes the girls compose ! Will maidens ever give them peace? Idolatry seems to increase. 'Twill never cease! With each release The hero-worship grows! The idols of the maidens fair Make love in shady nooks ; Sweet vows declare, while posing there Beside the rippling brooks; Embrace the girls 'midst "Ohs !" and "Ahs !" Go off the screen 'midst wild applause; And maids adore them just because They're young and have good looks. The heroes dress in latest style ; Their eyes (I think) are blue, And if they've dimples when they smile, The maids make much ado; If they have clustering, curly hair, That parts to leave one temple bare, And pretty teeth Oh, I dont care — I'm crazy 'bout 'em, too. Of the following anonymous contribution no explanation is necessary. Its wisdom is obvious ; its import grave. I hereby commend it to old and young for its rhetorical value and sound philosophy : FILMWOCKY. was Pickford and the La Badie Didst Cruze the Briscoe in the Moore. MacDermott was the Flora Finch, And Warren Kerrigan. He took his Roland sword in hand ; Long time the August foe he sought. So rested he by the Delaney, And stood awhile in thought ; And from the Blackwell, Sidney Drew The Wallie Van with eyes aflame. Didst Betty Gray and William Shay And Normand, as it came? One-two ! one-two ! and thru and thru The Roland sword went Vivian Rich. Marguerite Snow and, too, Courtot, And Bushman, Lillian Gish. And hast thou slain the Kalem Ruth? Come to my arms, my Baggot boy. Oh, say not nay ! Oh, Gene Gauntier, Metcalfe, Anderson, Joyce. *Twas Pickford and the La Badie Didst Cruze the Briscoe in the Moore. MacDermott was the Flora Finch, And AVarren Kerrigan. 123