Motion Picture Magazine (Nov 1916-Jan 1917)

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MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE 163 (Continued from page 162) Dear Beatrice from Wellsboro, Pa. — I am indeed happy to learn that you and your friends call me "Mamma Rose." That is a great compliment and I assure you that you all have a special corner in my heart. Am so glad to learn that you are doing so nicely with your music. Keep at it. Pearl White is very attractive. Dear Connecticut Wm. Hart Admirer. — In order that we ourselves can be happy we must learn to make others happy. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Mr. Hart is indeed a splendid character. Life is very full and sweet if we will only seek for the good in it and blot out as much as possible the bad by thinking the right thoughts and doingkindly things. I do hope the right kind of happiness comes to you. Dear Flossie F. — Sorry my answer reaches you so late. I have never heard that Pearl White and Creighton Hale are related. I think not. Anita Stewart is very clever and a dear girl. Dear Boy Francis from Chicago. — I'd gladly send a picture if I had one, but write me again in about six weeks and then see what I can do. Am so sorry I was all out of the pictures when you saw me at the booth. Better luck next time. Dear Lorraine. — Did you enclose a stamp ? I did not find one. Indeed, I hope we shall meet again. Please just come right up and tell me who you are and that I have written you. Keep on with your studies, dear. Dear Lola from Far-off Tasmania. — Your letter was so interesting that I took the liberty of enclosing it to another dear girl who wanted to write to some other girl who lived in the country. I felt that you would enjoy knowing each other. Miss Young is a very dear girl. I am very fond of her personally. Do write me again, dear. Your letter was delightful. West Virginia. — You've asked a lot of questions. First, Leah Baird is a very lovable woman and a very excellent actress. Miss Baird was at the last exposition at Madison Square Garden on Vitagraph Night, as were all the players. The hotel you mention is near the river, on the Heights, in Brooklyn, and is an excellent one. Better protect that poor nose. I adore light complexions myself and had a wonderful one when I was twenty — it is still very clear. Dear Gertrude. — I didn't get your flowers. It was kind of you to send them, tho, and I love them dearly. Write me at the studio when you plan to come to New York. I want to know you, my dear. Cleo K. — Get the Motion Picture Studio Directory, published by the Motion Picture News, and you will find the information you desire. F. E. L., Texas. — Thank you. I believe that Mr. Bunny left his family quite well off. Most of what he had was placed in his wife's name before his death, I imagine, and that is why his estate was so small. (Continued on page 164) A "Womanly" Way to Remove Hair Is to use El Rado, — not only to meet the dictates of fashion, but for the cleanliness and comfort of hairfree underarms. Those who shrink from the use of a razor will find the most agreeable way to remove hair from the face, lip. neck, or arms, is with EL RADO. El Rado is a sanitary liquid that practically washes the hair off in a few moments by dissolvingit. Easily applied with a piece of absorbent cotton. Does not coarsen later hair growth, and is absolutely harmless. Moneyback guarantee. At All Toilet Counters, 50c and $1.00. Tf xpu prefer, we will fill your order by mail, if you write inclosing stamps or coin. PILGRIM MFG. CO., 15 East 28th St., New York BOTTOM KnocKed Out of Typewriter Prices ! Write today for our scorching reduction on these world-famous Oliver Typewriters — now far below mail order prices, far below wholesale — an absolute unbeatable bargain and you can prove it. Latest No. 5 model with automatic spacer, back-spacer, and in-built tabulator. We ship you this perfect visible writer — fresh from the factory — on free trial. No deposit, no C. O. D. If not sat isfied after trial, send back machine at our expense. But if delighted, pay only $4 per month, only 13c. a day. FREE! Metal Case, Accessories and Tools with first 500 Typewriters shipped. Write first for catalog and secret price reduction. Full details free. Write today. TYPEWRITERS DISTRIBUTING SYNDICATE Dept. 1181. 1510 Wabash Ave., Chicago (383) THE EMPIRE STATE ENGRAVING CO. PHOTOENGRAVERS GOOD CUTS Half-tone and Line Work for Printing in One or More Colors for Any Purpose DESIGNING :: RETOUCHING 165-167 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK TRY A BOTTLE OF IAN OLIVE OIL SALAD DRESSING A MAYONNAISE OF SURPASSING DELICIDUSNESS :l"i*f^^j