Motion Picture Magazine (Mar-Jul 1918)

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a*R piCTURF MAGAZINE L THE MASTER CANOE PICTURE your best girl reclining on comfortable cushions, fingers trailing in the cool waters and diamond spray splashing behind. This is the life! What a satisfaction it is to skim along in an Old Town "Sponson Model," the safest canoe in the world! The air chamber on either side prevents capsizing and makes it positively unsinkable. The Old Town "Sponson" is the ideal canoe for family use. Write for Catalog. OLD TOWN CANOE CO. 704 Fourth St. Old Town, Maine TELEPHONE, 5499 MAIN 15he Wm. G.Hewitt Press 'Printers and {Flinders Sixty-one to Sixty-seven Navy St. Brooklyn, N. Y. Q SERVICE FLAGS *££* 2x3 ft., $1.25; 2^x4, $1.75;' 3x5, $2.50; 4x6, $4; 5x8, $5.50; 6x10, $7.50; 8x12, $11. Three smallest sizes have 1, 2 or 3 stars ; larger sizes can have any number of stars sewed on at 9c each ; space provided for more. Loose stars for spaces, 50c doz. (Stars and Stripes) Bull Dog Bunting — will outwear wool. With embroidered stars — 4x6 ft., $4 5x8, $5.50; 6x10, $7.50; Sewed stars— 8x12, $11; 10x15, $16.50. All flags fast colors. Via insured parcel post, prepaid. L. FINK & SONS, Good Flags, Dept. 21, Phila., Pa. 118 U. S. Flags The Vogue of Norma Talmadge (Continued from page 73) " 'The Moth,' in my opinion, is a striking example of the psychology of color," Miss Talmadge went on. "You know that there was much that was fine in the character of Lucy Gillam, but during the early part of the picture it is completely concealed under the frivolous, heartless exterior of the society girl whose soul has never emerged from its chrysalis. "In gowning Lucy, it was necessary to use soft pinks and shades without too definite a character, but with a note of coldness. One of my evening gowns was of gold cloth and another of black net. An afternoon frock was of lavender with straight, soft folds. "Later, when Lucy found her mother heart I wore gowns with positive colors. " 'Poppy' required a different method of gowning from 'The Moth,' naturally, for Poppy was a warm-hearted, impulsive girl who suffered much before she attained happinesss. "There is something to the psychology of color. The success of 'Poppy' and 'The Moth' may be attributed in no small degree to the fact that I chose my gowns to intensify the emotions I expressed." Studio Actors Knit With Mary Pickford (Continued from page 46) what he starts — not only on the war front, but in such things as knitting a sweater — and even the men are taking a great interest in knitting." Mary is the idol of the studio, and when she pushes a ball of yarn and knittingneedles into the hands of an actor and asks him, with her sunny smile, to get busy, what can he do? While filming the picture, "Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley," the long benches in the studio where the actors sit awaiting their turn in the scene has been named "Clothes-line Alley," and it has become a hive of industry. It has become an unwritten rule that none may sit and idle, and even George Beban has mastered the intricacies of the knitting-needle and takes as much pride in his stitches as he does in his screen work. And Marshall Neilan, Mary Pickford's director, is utilized to hold the skeins while Miss Pickford rolls the yarn into a ball. Mr. Neilan is not only one of the highest salaried directors in America, but also one of the youngest. He was rejected on account of defective eyesight, but he overlooks no opportunity of "doing his bit." Mr. Neilan is very patient, and doesn't mind it one bit when a scene is kept waiting while Mary finishes her instructions to a new recruit of "Clothes-line Alley." And he was perfectly lovely and never said a word when it was discovered that a big scene had to be retaken because one of the girls had hung a skein of yarn on the camera and had left ravelings on the lens which loomed up like three-inch ropes in the picture. Miss Pickford's knitting hobby is well known, and an enterprising girl, in filling an application, after answering^ all the questions relating to her capabilities and experience as an actress, added the naive remark: "I am also an exceptionally fast knitter." ■ She got a job. w.s.s, WAR SAVING STAMPS issued by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ARE YOU SAVING WAR STAMPS? IfNot,WhyNot? Every child saves penr.i.s. -Every parent should saveQuarters. And what better banker than UNCLE SAM? WAR SAVINGS STAMPS are the answer of a (treat democracy to the demand for a democratic lorui of government security. YOU SHOULD BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS BECAUSE: 1. Your country needs every penny which each man. woman and child can save and lend in order to feed, clothe, arm and equ.p the sold.ers and sailors of America in order to HASTEN the victorious ending of the war. WAR SAVERS ARE LIFE SAVERS. 2. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS in-rease in value from the date of purchase until the date of maturity, and this increase is guaranteed by the government. GET A THRIFT CARD A THRIFT CARD is furnished for the convenience of all purchasers of 25-cent stamps. This card lias spaces for 16 stamps. When all the spaces have been filled, the THRIFT CARD mav be exchanged for a $5 stamp at post-offices, banks or other authorized agencies by adding 12 cents in cash prior to February 1. 1918, and 1 cent additional each month thereafter. If you prefer you may purchase a $5 stamp outright. These will beons:'le from D.-c-mber 3. 1917, until January 31, 1918, for $4.12. They automatically increase in value a cent a month eveiy month thereafter unTil January 1. 1923, when the United States will pay $5 at any post-office or at the Treasury in Washington for each stamp affixed to a War Savings certificate. BUT— DON'T HESITATE! BUY NOW! 48 PHOTOS OF MOVIE STARS reproduced in half-tone. On cardboard, suitable for framing. Arbuckle, Bara, Chaplin, Pickfords, Anita Stewart, Pearl White, etc. Both male and female STARS are all here in CLASSY POSES. By mail postpaid 15 cents. Stamps or Coin. Ardee Publishing: Co. Dept. 149, Stamford, Conn. DELATONE BEAUTY specialists recommend DEl^A-TONE for quick, safe and sure removal of hair from arms, neck orface. At druggists; or mailed toyouraddressforSl.OO. SHEFFIELD PHARMACAL CO. 339 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III. D*pt. FY. Crooked Spines Made Straight Thousands of | Remarkable Cases 5 An old Ikdy, 72 years of age, who suffered for many vSars an3 was absolutely fp.less.'found relief.. A man b was helpless, unable to rise from his chair, Was f id' irig horseback and playing , iennis within a year. A little p.. "child, paralyzed, was playing "* about the house after wearing v a .Philo Burt Appliance 3 i \ weeks. We have successfully 1 1 eated more than 30 ,000 cases "the past 15 years. 30 Days' Trial We will pro ye'its value in / your own case. There is no \ i reason why you should riot ac , cept our 'offer. The photographs •■ f'show^how light.vcool, elastic" vy; ? and: easily adjusted the r Philo' Burt Appliance is— how different from the old torturous p la s "t e r, . -leather or .steel: jackets. Every sufferer with a weakened, or deformed spine owes it to .-himself : :to investigate thoroughly. Price within reach of all. Send For Our Free Book ^(RB^H ■F If you will describe the case ■ Br it will aid us. in "giving' you Hr -.definite information at once/: --J1M ^H|LO BWRT MFG. CO. ■■J^lEPOdd ."'■■Fellow's Temple, Jamestown . N.Y. IAG£ \