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un smm -m^ m *am*^ lfl-' ' magazine -n
Have Stolen $1,000,000
— _ , being of sound mind, do hereby
confess to the theft of $ i ,ooo,ooo. I have stolen this money from my wife and babies. I make this confession, first, because I have found a way to make reparation for what 1 have done; second, as a warning —and a suggestion— to others who may be robbing their families in the same way I robbed mine.
Theft No. I
Ten years ago an idea came to me which I knew could be turned into big money. I nursed that idea a number ot years but never could muster up courage enough to go ahead with it. I kept waking! waS waiting Hound a hundred different excuses for not going ahead. Then someone else got the same idea, as often happens, and proceeded to "put it over," as I knew could be done. That idea was worth $100,000 I could
;£sfd in"x°n {t> had l acted That was the first $1UU,UUU 1 stole from my wife and babies.
Another $50,000 Stolen
Five years ago I was offered a position at a slightly smaller salary than I had been earning. In addition I was to receive a stock interest in the concern. I knew the opportunity was good, but as thousands of other men m my position would have felt, I was afraid to take a chance. Something said, "Stay where you are." Arid yet I knew that I would be unjust to myself if I did not accept this new offer. Now after five years the stock interest which I was offered is worth $50,000 , / cobbed my wife and babies of $50,000 because I lacked confidence in myself— because I wasn't willing to back my better judgment with the faith that knows no defeat.
How I Stole $200,000
Two years ago my cousin went into business for himself m a small town in New York, where expenses were low. He offered to take me into partnership with mm it 1 would consent to draw a nominal salary. I wanted to do it, but my fear of failure downed me Last year the concern made $30,000 profit. This vear the profits will run close to $40,000. In ten years I am confident that I could have made $200,000 as my share ol the profits In this case, too, I robbed mv w'ife and babies of wealth that should rightfully have been theirs it was my fear, my indecision, my weak, vacillating will power that kept me from doing what I knew in my own heart was the right thing for me to do.
These are only three of many instances which I could cite— opportunities which I firmly believe would have earned me $1000,000. I feel that I have stolen this money. I feel that my weakness, mv indecision have cost my wife and my babies all the luxuries of life all the pleasures that money can buy, all the freedom from nnancial worry that wealth gives. Others may feel that I have not stolen $1,000,000. But my conscience tells me that I have.
I have, however, found a way to make reparation for my past failings.
Making Reparation
Some time ago, I read the story of a man who in creased his earnings from $30 a week to $1,000 a week in this story it was explained how a former failure in hfe was brought to realize what a big part will power— or the lack of it-played in his life. He decided to cultivate this faculty, believing that it would give him the needed momentum to carry him to success. Heretofore he said he had always been swayed by the will of others' He finally encountered a book, prepared by Professor frank Channmg Haddock, containing the very rules and exercises by which will power could be developed as easily as the muscles of the body! In three years this man earned $200,000. and his income is $1,000 a
Later, I read another article— about a young man of 23 who jumped from a $20-a-week job to earnings of $15,U00 a year and gave credit to his indomitable will developed by Professor Haddock's exercises.
Right then and there I determined to cultivate my dormant, sleepy, will power. Almost overnight I be°an to see things from a new angle. Eagerly I practiced the development of analytical power— I began to guard against errors in thought— I felt myself becoming fearful" u Tg£ln t0 ac{lmre a dominating personality. Although I have only touched the possibilities now . open before me, I am already paying back what I have stolen. I am at the head of a business which is paying me close to $10,000 a year. But I am only beginning There is nothing to stop me-I will repay the million 1 have stolen.
My Suggestion
,laA,nd nT' J-U-St a ,Pers<?"al word. If my reader feels that he
earn if" iT^T *"?*?* °J ^ £V^y of mo»^ that he could earn— if mj reader feels that he lacks this moral courage or
nerve or whatever name he gives to will power-if he feels that .something is holding him back, I can only urge him to Haddock The ^ and exercVsf.sj« Will training' by ProTsso? Haddock They are now published in book form and can be obtained for free examination on request. If after five days'
nothing yo7 ^ "0t Sat,S-fied' ,reti,rn the b00k and vou will owe nn?^f, 0therwlse remit only $3, the small sum asked. This one act may mean the turning point of your life, as it has mean ureTtli l,mode"tand thai ^er 250,000 others have already secured this book, including such men as Judge Ben B Lindsev Supreme Court Justice Parker; Wu Ting Fang ex US Chinese Ambassador ; Lieut.-Gov. McKelvie of Nebraska •Assistant Postmaster-General Britt; General Manager Christesoi of Wells-Fargo Express Co.; E. St. Elmo Lewis; Governor Arthur Capper of Kansas, and thousands of others equally prorninei t To secure the book, simply mail the form below or a letter
Merrieden"conn0 1? ^T *mi^S Co., 46-J Wilcox Block,' HW ?1 P' u , ■ f l°U ial1 t0 act now. knowing in your heart It-1 \ h?°k ls,°^red on free examination, that you have nothing to lose and all to gain, you are still in the throes of the ndecision, inaction and inertia which may cost you $1000 000
PELTON PUBLISHING CO., 46-J Wilcox Block, Mer7deZ Conn._: I will examine a copy of "Power of Will" at your risk. I agree to remit $3 or return the book in 5 days.
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