Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1918-Jan 1919)

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<tm OTION PICTURI Sonny. — M. Gaston de Tolignac wrote "Hearts of the World." You're on a deep subject, but Cicero says : "The poet is born such ; the orator is made such ; but reading books of rhetoric and eloquent extracts, choice morsels of poetry and eloquence, will never make one an orator." Claude A. D. — Always in case of fainting, place flat on back, allow fresh air and sprinkle with water. Remember that for the next • time. William Desmond was Jack in "Closin' In." Yvonne. — Said Columbus to the Kaiser, "Dont you think you have adopted a rather expensive way of discovering America?" Some joke of yours. You also say the Kaiser is afraid to have his aching tooth pulled on account of the Yanks. Truly, I would say the gods hath made thee humorous. Jane Novak Admirer. — Wanda Hawley is with Paramount, and I am sure she will write to you. No, I haven't Sydell Dowling's present whereabouts. Edna Mayo isn't playing now. Well, we are all born crying, live complaining and die disappointed. Mildred C. — You ask if players send their pictures. I know that most players will, but you should enclose the 25 cents compensation. You're right; what a good many people need is more faith in themselves. Helen R. — You say I'm the greatest question going. You're some clever child, Helen. Robert Ckambers wrote "The Danger Mark." Yes, Elsie Ferguson had Khe lead. Unsigned. — You ask how a cow that is red can eat green grass, give white milk which makes yellow butter. I dont know — ask the cow. You are hors d'oeuvre. M'liss. — Your letter was indeed sad. Since you have set your goal, why not try to attain it? But be sure you are right, then go ahead. I wish I could help you. Kia Ora. Peggy O. — I'll have to start a department for the soft, lovelorn ones. Yours was all about Eugene O'Brien. Pauline S. — Be of good cheer; it is I, be not afraid. Ann Pennington was born in Delaware, 1895. Tom Forman was born in Texas. Eileen Percy was in "The Empty Cab." Some predicament, I'll admit. Thanks for the clipping. Viola T. — I cant help it if I am old. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? So you think I earn about $30 a week. Do you really think I am worth all that? I shall tell the Editor and ask for a raise. Let me hear from you again. Silver Spurs. — You say the vampire in "Paradise Garden" was repulsive. You say refinement is stamped indelibly on Niles Welch's face. Niles, thank the lady. Molly O. O. — You say I have dragged you from the depths tonight. I thank my stars — that's one mark in my favor. You know you will never get into heaven if you dont try to take somebody with you. Latrelle Dooi.ittle. — No, Lillian. Well, what's the use of complaining? If people got all they paid for they wouldn't want to spend any more money. I agree with you about the music at some of our picture theaters. I also agree with Martin Luther, who once said that the devil cannot stand music. It is quite certa-r% that he could not stand some of the music which I am compelled to stand. L. C. N. — Sure, I make a good deal of noise, but I dont cackle, so I'm not a hen. I crow not, neither do I sin. Robert Gordon was George in "Missing." Harriette T. D. — Please hire a hall ; or, better, get a publisher. Lordy, such kwestions ! Come and see me again when I have more time. Send Only *-00 I With Coupon and we will ship you ttii Pure Silk Taffeta Frock This smart frock is made of the finest grade of silk taffeta. The fancy shaped lapels of self material have overlaid white collar of silk crepe de chine prettily hemstitched. The waii-t part hs made In circular Eton effect extending around in novel butterfly belt eflect in j Tj '^Pe,a a"d waist front are elaborately embroidered with silk and urold colored threads. Dress can be had with self colored georgette Blcevt-s baying taffeta cuffs or ail taffeta elceves. Mention choice. Skirt Is irnr\de with fullness in both front and back. This ia a copy of a regular fc2o. GO drese but produced to sell at this special price. Furnished in sizes 34 to 44 and Misses 16 to 20. Colors. Navy Blue, Plum. Copenhagen, clack or SilverGrey. Be sure to give BuBt. Belt, Hip and Length meaaremer-ts, also style of sleeve and color wanted. Order by No. B-32, Georgette SleevesB-33, Taffeta Sleeves* Only $1.00 down. $2.50 monthly. Total Price, $15.95. 6 Months to Pay! Order this bargain on our liberal credit terms. No need to pay all down to get the very latest styles and amazinc values In anything you want to wear. We truet honest people no matter where they live, fluy the easy ivayl Send today for this offering and see tor yourself whac a big advantage It la to use your credit with us. Act at once. Mail Coupon Now Thousands will be sending in for this bargain. It will be first come first served. Mail coupon with Si. 00 P. O. order. Order before prices go up! Prices on everything are going op! ap! npl end we may be forced to advance the price on this wonderful bargain before^ong. So order NOW! Also (ret our remarkable free bulletin of men s, women's and children's clothing on credit. Send coupon today. Elmer Richards Co. 83t&1L Chicago — Gentlemen: I enclose ■ . as first payment. ( No. B-32 Q Finest Grade of Pure Silk Taffeta Please send the Ladles' Frock ( No. B-S3 Q Color Size Bust Belt Hip Length If I am not satisfied with the Ladies' Frock, I can return it and get my payment back. Otherwise. I will pay advertised terms of 52. ou monthly. ■ Name-. ■ ■ Post Office.... State. | M you want the Bargain Bulletin, which is Free, put X here O Look Here, Folks! The Stage Playing Cards will Cheer a Boy in Khaki. "Gosh," groaned Private John Stanton, "I'd give my right eye for a good game of solitaire." "Well, I'd sacrifice a month's pay for a good picture of Marguerite Clark," sighed Private Charles Newton. What else can you folks at home do? Of course that's the cry of the universe just now. Everyone is anxious to think of something new and novel to send to the khaki laddie at the front. And here it is! Just the thing to help an energetic, red-blooded American pass away his few spare moments. Make John Stanton's wish come true — and Charles Newton's. Send us 65c today and in return we will mail your boy a pack of STAGE PLAYING CARDS — the handsomest deck of cards in existence. The backs are an exquisite blend of pink, cream, green, and gold, with gold edges; flexible, highly finished, lively and durable; 52 cards and joker to each pack. Each card has a different star's picture on the back, and besides a lively game of cards, the boys can talk over the work of their player friends who appear in the pack. Make some boy happy! Dont delay! His nerves may just need the diversion of a good ?S4ue of cards. He is giving his all — 65c means nothing to you. Help him out! THE M. P. PUBLISHING CO. 175 Duf field Street Brooklyn, N. Y. P. S. — Make it $1.20, and we'll send two packs, or $2.C0 and we'll send four packs. Dont you want a pack for yourself? They're worth every bit of 75c a "pack! Stronger, Clearer Voice for YOU! 7 w Weakness, husk iness and harshness banished. Your /voice given a wonderful strength, a wider range, an amazing * clearness. This ja done by the Feuchtinger Method, endorsed by leading European musicians, actors and speakers. TJee it in vout own home. Simple, ^ silent exercises taken a few daily impart viior to the vocal organs and give a surpassing quality to the tones. Seed for the facta and proofs. Do You Stammer? H If yon have any voice impediment m this methoi will help you. You need not 0}& stammer or liep — if you will follow oar :;::■-, Instructions. Mail coupon for free book. f WRITE! |f Send the coupon and get our a free book and literature. We will sf tell you just what this method Is, how it Is g used and what it will do for you. No matter jg how hopeless your case may seem the Feuchtinger method will improve your voice S30 per cont. No obligation en you if you dsU for this information. We gladly Bend it ffiee, postage prepaid. J tut mail the coupon. f Perfect Voice Institute "wtf&SSi Chicago, III."" Send me the book and facts about the Feuchtinger Method. Have put X opposite subject that interests me most. □ Singing D Speaking □ Stammering D Lisping Name Address , \\ 117 PA£li