Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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Our Animated Monthly of Movie News and Views (Continued from page 90) to do the "Rube" role in dead earnest. Madelaine Traverse, the Fox star, has just finished "The Danger Zone" and is now resting at Hotel Hollywood, spending her spare moments motoring about in search for a bungalow. Nearly everything is taken in Hollywood, for eastern tourists have engaged homes by mail and the wily real estate shark is making huge additions to his bank account. That old favorite, Frank Mclntyre, is scheduled to produce "Too Fat to Fight" for the Goldwyn Company, a surprise feature which they are sure will be a laugh-getter. Billie Rhodes is to appear in "Such a Little Genius," which Bill Parsons has just bought for her. There was an excited mob near the Brunton Studios one day, for Kitty Gordon's casting director had advertised for five hundred extras to act as Sikhs, Sepoys, English and French soldiers, and Dustin Farnum's manager had elected to call for western types the same day. By the time they sorted cowboys from doughboys and Englishmen from Rough Riders, everybody began to get cross and tired. Mr. Farnum used nearly two hundred in his production, and they all had to have horses, so there was "somethin' doin' " on the lot that brisk October day. Quite a big deal was put thru when Nell Shipman, former Vitagraph favorite, entered into a contract with James Oliver Curwood, the. novelist, for the production of his stories. The name of the new company is "Shipman-Curwood Producing Co." and Miss Shipman is scheduled to make about four pictures yearly, using stories and novels from the pen of Mr. Curwood. Formerly, the Curwood stories were put out at the rate of about ten a year, but it is desired to show quality pictures and to curtail quantity necessarily. Two of Miss Shipman's biggest hits were "God's Country and the Woman" and "Baree, Son of Kazan," both of which made much money for Vitagraph. Many of the new stories will be filmed in Canada, and. perhaps the first will be done in Alaska. Nell Shipman has always been a lover of and liver in the big outof-doors. She isn't a bit afraid of things that prowl and howl, and she can do any athletic stunt necessary. She says she is tired of doing girls who cower in a corner blessing a crucifix, she wants to be a woman with free use of her brains and brawn who can beat the crooks at their own game, not just a dance-hall artist who is either goody-goody or a vamp. What do you suppose? That handsome hero, Mahlon Hamilton, who used to shower kisses on the fair hand of Mme. Petrova, is doing a bit with Kitty Gordon, which calls for pajamas clear; thru. Imagine, not a decent tailor-made for handsome Hamilton, no more puff ties with gorgeous stickpins, just night-gear which isn't .shifted a .single once. Mr. Hamilton says he has been put "beddybye" in everything but a Pullman berth for this production, but then, who wouldn't be bedridden where Nurse Kitty smooths the sheets and plumps the pillows? (Continued on page 107) ttragMj ^m^ss^smassmmmmmssmMsamsssM^MssMSMMEB^sMmBsins^ Exquisite Daintiness is necessary to every woman who wears the sheer georgette and organdie blouses or the sleeveless dancing frocks decreed by Fashion. She must remove the hair from her arm-pits to be either modest or well groomed. X-Bazin provides the simple, comfortable, womanly way of eliminating hair from the lip, arms or arm-pits, in five minutes — just as soap and water dissolve and remove soot, leaving the skin smooth, soft and white. 50c and $1-00 at drug ana department stores^ or we will mail it direct on receipt of -price. HALL & RUCKEL,Inc. 219 Washington Street New York ) _ famous French KJiLMl JIUJ1 14, Depilatory Powder IHM-iii^ ■■^n:-:i^-:Jiii:-:^.^/r.^: ,^-i^L,<i:-n^.-^jjr:^-^):-»^^i:-)t>".-^ii-i^.-^f-ii^^ivip-^i'-i^-.i'vip -^i-iu ji'h^ Own Your Own Stocks in a Year BEGIN TO-DAY Invest wisely. Obtain Growing Income. Buy only high-grade stocks paying substantial divi [j = dends. First payment 20% of purchase price H §i Balance in equal monthly payments during year, |p ^ Write to-day for Booklet ~lM.P." H M Francis & Co. Investment Securities Cor, Broadway and Wall St., New York City and after trial! YES, the New Edison Amberola — Mr. Edison's great new phonograph with the Diamond Stylus reproducer and your choice of all the brand new Diamond Amberol Records on free trial without a penny down. Now, on this offer, you can have the finest, the best that money can bay at a price very much less than that at which imitations of the genuine Edison Amberolas are offered. Seize this opportunity. Send the coupon now. Rock-Bottom Offer Direct tL0ety family and friends with your favorite records— everything1 from Grand -Opera to the latest city song hits Comic Vaudeville "and roaring Minstrel Shows— then if you choose send the outfit back to us at our expense But if you wish to keep Mr. Edison's superb new instrument, send us only $1.00 after the free trial. Pay the balance on the easiest kind *'■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*■■ yments. Don't misa this wonderfully liberal offer, f To F. K. BABSON, Edison Phonograph Dist 1 552 Edison Block .*. Chicago, Illinois us send the New Edison Amberola to your home on free trial. Entertain your Catalog FREE / Get our New Edison catalog. Your name f and address on a post card or letter (or just this conpon) f is enough. No obligations in asking for the catalog. ^ Find out about this offer— while this offer lasts, f jff Name.. F. K. BABSON, Edison Phonograph Dist. jT 1552 Edison Block Chicago, Illinois jr yf Address. Gentlemen : — Please send me your New Edison Catalog and full particulars of yocr free trial offer on the new model Edison Amberola. Canadian Office: 355 Portage Ave., Winnipeg-, Man. B 103