Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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The Answer Man (Continued from page 101) Mazzie. — Your letter was bright and snappy. Gaiety clears the mind, tedium confuses it ; great tension warps it ; the sublime refreshes it. You have the latter. Tell me all about it. What is home without a — mother? Grudy D. — Allan Forrest in that play. Frederick Warde was born in England in 1851. The first marriage was solemnized in America in 1609, at Jamestown, Va., when Anne Burras became Mrs. John Leyden. This was eleven years before Mary Chilton set foot on Plymouth Rock. Mrs. L. M. G-— Thanks for the invitation. I rarely visit — my social activities are very meager. M. M. M.— Phyllis Haver is a newcomer, and we have never chatted her. She'll get there yet. No, I said if you wanted to be robbed of your good name have it engraved on your umbrella handle. I didn't say what you said. Leona. — Earle Williams is handsome, dark blue eyes, weight 176, 5 feet 11, and is 38. Venos G. — There are a whole lot of fellows who would rather face the dark hole of a gun than the truth. Nous verrons. Doris E. — Bear and forbear is excellent philosophy. Louis Dean was the. Kaiser in "My Four Years in Germany." Earle Schenck was the Crown Prince. Robert Gordon did play in "The Beast of Berlin." Eddie K. — You are o'erstepping the bounds of modesty when you ask me to explain what B. V. D. means. Under what head does this important subject fall? Underwear? We always leave the apostrophe out of cant, dont, wont, etc. Simplified. Charles W. — I like you're calling me "Dear Old Man." Sure, I make coffee, bake potatoes, and I usually bake myself while I'm baking them. Montagu Love, in "The Mark of the Beast" (World), from Forrest Halsey's story. Period. — Is this your final stop? Then all out for Berlin ! Leone Morgan is with Select. W. A. B. — Thy name is Socrates. Your letter was deucedly clever, and I wish I could print it. Haven't his address. I'll let you down easy this time, but write again. Desperate Desmond. — Hello, Desmond! A man's mother is his ideal, his sweetheart is his dream, and his wife, alas, is often his awakening. That's why I have omitted the last. So you are still dreaming. Enid Bennett in "The Marriage Ring." Betty Shade was Kate in "A Woman's Fool." Bert Lytell and Anna Nilsson in "No Man's Land." Dustin Farnum is with Sherman. Yes, "Under the Top." H. E. Herbert was Arnold in "The Death Dance." I had to haul out my best glasses to read your billet doux. Clever, but a trifle long. Mrs. M. M. — If you have what you want, you have as much as most. You are then the richest person on earth. Priscilla Dean played in "The Woman on the Index." Jane Novak Admirer. — Certainly, I do my own laundry. I believe in conservation of national resources. I wash everything but my collars, and they dont need it because they are celluloid. I simply have to wipe them off with my shirtsleeves and then wash" the shirt. I dont believe in high collars. They always remind me of a whitewashed fence around a lunatic asylum. Wanda Hawley is not married, and June Caprice is with Fox. Gypsy Jane. — I never counted them all. The Star Vibrator is a most convenient and valuable aid to me in keeping my skin and complexion in a healthful condition. For health — on which depends comfort and beauty — an electric vibrator is absolutely essential. The time is coming when a vibrator will be recognized Jas indispensable for the sickroom and the dressing table. The extremely low price of the Star Vibrator eliminates the only obstacle. Every woman now can own one of these marvelous aids to beauty and health. Facial massage with a Star Vibrator brings a healthy glow to the skin, rubs out the wrinkles and fills in the hollows. As an aid to beauty, there is nothing so efficacious as *"♦ an electric massage. ^ For the treatment of rheumatism, muscular fatigue, cold extremities, etc., the Star Inclosed * Vibrator is far more effective than a hot-water bottle or the plasters, liniments, etc., p 1 e a s e V. j -i j find $5.00 \ ordmanly used. in ^ We guarantee the Star Vibrator to be mechanically perfect, to do (money order or V all that any vibrator will do and we offer it to you for a ten days* trial tafvibra^fcomplete \ -your money back if you are not satisfied. with attachments on ten *^ days' trial. If not satisfied, A This guarantee is made by one of the oldest and I may return the vibrator and *V largest manufacturing concerns in Torrzngton, my money is then to be re * Conn. . We refer you to any bank in this city, funded without question or delay. V any mercantile agency and to the eaitor of *^ this magazine. Name ••• \ THE FITZGERALD MFG. CO. ... S Railroad Square Aaaess \ TORRINGTON, CONN. Note — Vibrator cannot be used if you have no V M — electrio current (electrio lights) in your home. Pits any standard electric light socket. THE EMPIRE STATE ENGRAVING CO. PHO TO ENGRA VERS GOOD CUTS Half-tone and Line Work for Printing in One or More Colors for Any Purpose DESIGNING :: :: RETOUCHING 165-167 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK Buy More U. S. W. Savings Stamps Learn Piano! This Interesting Free Book ehowa how you can become a skilled player of piano or organ in vour own home, at one quarter usual cost. Dr. Quinn's famous Written Method fa endorsed by leading musicians and heads of State Conservatories. Successful 25 years. Play chords at once and complete piece in every key, within 4 lessons. Scientific yet easy to understand. Fully illustrated. For beginners or teachers, old or young. All music free. Diploma granted. Write today for 64-page free book, "How to Study Music." • M. L. QUINN CONSERVATORY, Studio M.B.. Social Union Bids.. Boston. Mass. Be a Moving Picture Star Do you know that many Moving Picture actors and actresses get from $500 to $5,000 a week? Many young ladies and young men working for small wages could do just as well if they knew how. This book will teach you everything from start to finish. Also tells how and where to apply for a position. Givestheaddresses of all the studios and managers and tells everything In detail. It is a pleasant and profitable profession and the demand exceeds the supply all the time We will mail the book to you for 10c and 2c for mailing. YOUNGS PUB. CO. Dept. A, East Norwalk, Conn. 109 PA 6 f