Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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How I Teach Piano To More Persons than Were Ever Taught by One Man Before I make good players of them in quarter the usual time, at quarter the usual cost, and all by correspondence. «OT^!£URft Dr. QVINN AT HIS PIANO— From the famous sketch by Schneider, exhibited at the St. Louis Exposition. "Impossible !" some persons said when I started, twenty-five years ago, but every year I obtained more students, until today many hundreds of men and women are studying with me in all quarters of the globe. Every state of the Union contains scores of accomplished players of piano or organ who obtained their entire training from me by mail, and at quarter the usual cost and effort. I will gladly refer you to any number of my graduates who will soon convince you of the surprising results they obtained by my scientific method. Write for my 64-page free booklet, "How to Learn Piano or Organ." You learn faster, not because anything is omitted, but because you use every possible scientific assistance — many of which are entirely unknown to the average teacher. My patented invention the COLOROTONE sweeps away playing difficulties that have troubled students for generations. By its use, Transposition — usually a "nightmare" to students — becomes easy and fascinating. It enables you, in your third lesson, to play an interesting piece not only in the original key, but in all other keys as well. This one fact saves you months of valuable time. The COLOROTONE is patented and cannot be used by any other teacher or conservatory. With my fifth lesson I send you another important and exclusive invention, QUINNDEX, a mechanical "movie." It shows you •every movement of my wrists, hands and fingers at the keyboard. You see the fingers move, as clearly as if thrown on the moving picture screen. You do not have to reproduce your teacher's finger movements from your MEMORY — which naturally cannot be always accurate. Instead, you have the correct models right before your eyes during every minute of practise. You follow them minutely and exactly without any chance of error or misunderstanding. Without Quinn dex much of your time (and your teacher's time) would be devoted to correcting bad habits acquired through faulty practise. This discourages more students and wastes more time than any other single factor. Quinn-dex does away with it entirely. You cannot obtain anything like Quinn-dex except from me. Moving pictures have never before been applied to piano instruction. Quinn-dex is operated easily and simply by hand, and even a child can successfully use it. It contains 684 separate pictures. Quinn-dex is fully explained in my free booklet "How To Learn Piano or Organ." Write today. The old way of studying with a so-called "private teacher" by the oral or "spoken" method is rapidly being discarded, and anybody can see why. If you want a teacher "all to yourself" and can afford only $1 to $5 a lesson, it goes without saying that you can obtain only third-rate instruction. No true authority could give you his entire, exclusive attention for so small a fee. Furthermore, by the old-fashioned oral method, at least half your "private teacher's" time is absolutely thrown away in giving you routine instructions about clef signs, measure bars, sharps, flats, the value of notes and rests, etc., etc., which are necessarily the ^ same for all students and could just as easily be put into writing. *B| Of course you can't remember a quarter of what he tells you, so most of your next lesson is taken up going over the same material again. This truly sinful waste is entirely done away with by my WRITTEN METHOD. Your routine instructions are all in writing for reference any time, day or night. Nothing is forgotten nor needlessly repeated. You obtain as much of my time as you really need, and every minute of it is devoted to your real guidance, and not to routine instructions. In all essential ways you are in closer touch with me than if you were studying by the oral method — yet my lessons cost you only 43 cents each — and they include all the many recent developments in scientific teaching. For the student of moderate means, this method of studying is far superior to all others. Even for the wealthiest student, there is nothing better at any price. You may be certain that your progress is at all times in accord with the best musical thought of the present day, and this makes all the difference in the world. Investigate Without Cost — Special Offer My method is endorsed by distinguished musicians and educators who certainly would not recommend a second-rate system. It is for beginners, or experienced players, from 14 to over 60 years of age. You progress as rapidly or slowly as you wish, in spare time at home. All necessary music is included free and becomes your property. Diploma and degree granted. The tuition fee is now, for a short time, cut exactly in half, on account of our Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Offer. Investigate without cost or obligation. Write today, using postcard, letter or Free Book Coupon for my 64-page free book "How to Learn Piano or Organ." MARCUS LUCIUS QUINN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Studio MC Social Union Bldg. Boston, Mass. FREE BOOK COUPON QUINN CONSERVATORY, Studio MC Social Union Bldg., Boston, Mass. Please send me, without post or obligation, your free booklet, "How to Learn Piano or Organ," and full particulars of your Course and special reduced Tuition Offer. Naine. Address . 89 I '