Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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is crowded with photographs .and descriptions of Ez Wear ICLMjtvA^ftfetat4M«fshoes for Men« Women and nWHl Children. Ez Wear shoes are sent postpaid, guaranteed to combine comfort, style and quality, to fit perfectly or money back. Amazingly low prices. Send for your copy today Shoe TO00& E A BANKER W ■ft Prepare by mail in spare time for this attractive profes I ^B sion in which there are preat opportunities for both men HL^CT ami women. Send at once for free book, "How to ^^^^ Become a Banker," bv Fdgar G. Alcorn, President. American School of Banking, 53 McLene Bldg., Columbus, O. INVENTORS: Send Sketch and Des cription of your Inven tion for Advice Regard in<i Patent Protection Twenty Years Experience. Our Hand-book on Patents is sent Free on Request. All Communications Strictly Confidential. Write us today. TALBERT & TALBERT Patent Lawyers, 4809 Talbert Building, Washington D. C. All of Your Favorites The group of 80 portraits which we are now offering, with a year's subscription to either the Motion Picture Magazine or Motion Picture Classic is the most complete and most attractive of any similar offer ever made. Printed in rich, warm sepia tones by the famous rotogravure process, their appearance is one that will delight you and your friends. More than that, they are just the ri^ size to conveniently mount and frame. YOU CANT BUY THESE PICTURES These pictures are not for sale, connection with a subscription to Shall we reserve a set for you ? Just fill in coupon and mail with remittance. They can only be obtained in the Magazine and Classic. YOUR FA VOR/TES ARE HERE Frances Nelson Marguerite Courtot Ruth Roland Annette Kellermann Frltzl Brunette Mary Miles Minter Pearl White Orml Hawley Edwin August Kitty Gordon Blanche Sweet ^ Anita King % Wallace Reld ,\^ Mae Murray ;s Jackie Saunders Virginia Pearson Kathlyn Williams King Baggot Henry B. Walthall Charles Chaplin Beatriz Mlchelena Earle Williams Frank Morgan Huntley Gordon Anita Stewart Lillian Walker Leah Balrd Dorothy Kelly Mary Fuller Lucille Lee Stewart ^ Jane Grey Charles Richman Jewell Hunt Alice Joyce Peggy Hyland Alice Brady Fannie Ward Cleo Rldgely Marie Doro Vivian Martin Dustln Farnum Myrtle Stedman Lenore Ulrlch Edna Goodrich Mary Pickford Marguerite Clark Pauline Frederick John Barrymore Owen Moore Virginia Norden Theda Bara Bessie Eyton J. Warren Kerrigan Edna Mayo Helen Holmes Louise Glaum Fay Tlncher Billie Burke Viola Dana May Allison Beverly Bayne Francis X. Bushman Clara Kimball Young Harold Lockwood Lillian Gish Mabel Normand Dorothy Gish Bessie Barriscale Norma Talmadge Douglas Fairbanks Mae Busch William S. Hart Mme. Petrova Valll Valli Mrs. Sidney Drew Sidney Drew Ethel Clayton Carlyle Blackwell Mollie King Muriel Ostrlche m. Subscript:: prices V «^bV >y L-a-% United States Canada ►^ Foreign Magazine Classic Magazine & Classic $2.00 $2.00 $3.50 2.30 2.30 4.10 3.00 3.00 5.50 M. P. Publishing Co. 175 Duf field Street \ Brooklyn, N. Y. ilillllillllllllllllllll!!ll!!l!!!l!lllllllllllllllllllilillll Learn how you can have the same exquisitely shaped and polished nails you have so often admired on others. "The Better Way to Manicure" tells, how to do it quickly and easily, without the use of cuticle scissors' or injurious acids. Your copy of this helpful book, with sufficient Lustr-ite Cuticle Ice to soften and train your cuticle, will be sent you free on request. Two attractive sets of Lustr-ite preparations, in Traveling or Boudoir size, have been assembled for convenient use. Besides a file, orange stick and emery boards, they include the four essentials to "The Better Way to Manicure." Lustr-ite Cuticle Ice Lustr-ite Salve Enamel Lustr-ite Nail Whitener Lustr-ite Nail Cake On Sale at All Department and Drug Stores The Lustr-ite Corporation 48 Fulton Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 'uii , 1 Earn ^25 to 10 a Week Motion Picture, Studio and Commercial Photographers earn big money. Big opportunities now. You can qualify for this fascinating profession LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY Three months' course covers all branches. Experts train you in new, up-to-date studios. Day or evening classes. Easy terms. Call or write for free booklet. N.Y. INST. OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept.129, 141 W. 36th St. ,N.Y. City TYPEWRITER *%f SENSATION es8M?K constructed Latest Model Visible Typewriter with back-spaceradecimal tabulator, two-color ribbon, etc. Every late style feature and modern operating convenience. Perfect appearance, perfect action and absolute dependability. Sent anywhere on approval. Catalog and special price FEEE. Harry A. Smith [307], 218 N.Wells St«. Chicago. III. THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO SECURE A SATIN SKIN APPLY SATIN SKIN CREAM, THEN SATIN SKIN POWDER. Sil6nt BirdS LovefySing^rs MAX GEISLER'S Roller Seed and Bird Biscuit "The Scientifically Balanced Food" Will Make Your Canary Sing All Year Round — Soften and Sweeten Its Notes Miss A. Christensen, Box 253, Lost Nation, la., writes: "My bird cannot get along without your Seed and Biscuit, as he soon stops singing if I don't feed that." At all Druf gists : Roller Seed 25c; Bird Biscuit 15c. . Direct from us, parcel post paid, Roller Seed and free sample box Bird Biscuit for 36c. Valuable Bird Book Free for your druggist's name. SPECIAL — a limited number oi TESTED SINGERS, $8 up Raised from Imported Stock MAX GEISLER BIRD CO., Dept. S-4, Omaha, Nebr. Birds and Pet Animali. 30 Years in Business Illustrated Catalog Free 93