Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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I Prepay Delivery 00 BringsThisSilk — _ Georgette Waist will acquaint you with exactly the kind of clothes that will be worn by the best dressed women. If I were in your place, and if I were thinking of buying new clothes, I would look everywhere first. It only takes a postage stamp to get my latest style book. Do as you please about ordering anything from it when you see it. My Liberal Credit An Extra Advantage With my style book will come a credit certificate, opening your account. When you get ready to buy, simply tell me what to send. If satisfied, you spread the cost over several months—paying me about as you please. Remember I consider my credit simply as an extra advantage. Don't ask for my book merely on account of that. Get it for the loveliness of it— its styles and its price savings. I offer credit because it allows women of moderate means to buy from me in the most agreeable and pleasant manner. It means you can have the pretty things you want without waiting. I Am Especially Proud of My Approval Plan I would never dream of asking you to run any risk in ordering from me. I send things on approval, right into your home. I give you plenty of time to try them on, to compare them, and to reach a decision. If you are not perfectly pleased, you can return your selections, and I pay the postage back. My free trial can never cost you a penny. MARTHA LANE ADAMS, 3672 Mosprat St.,CHICAGO Here is just one bargain from among 1001, shown in my latest style book. I bring it to you as an example of my styles, my values, and the way to order here. Cut Steel Beads — Exquisite Hand Embroidery The material is guaranteed pure silk georgette crepe of excellent quality. Genuine cut steel beads are worked into a handsome and attractive design, further beautified with stunning handworked embroidery — not machine made. Hem stitching at cuffs, down front, and around neck. Daintily rounded neck is exceptionally good style, and cool for summer wear. Starting from shoulder seams is an extra collar, coming down sailor fashion in back. Close fitting, new style cuffs. COLORS: White, flesh, navy blue, Belgian blue, or taupe gray. Sizes 34 to 44 bust measure — no larger. $1.00 with Order — $1.00 per Month Sent Prepaid On Approval No. U. 4 P. 3470 P?™1a $4.9S Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Hats, Shoes, Lingerie, Underwear, Children's Wear, etc. Also three hundred kinds of Piece Goods. «? Do Not Fail to Get It Early My $100,000 Free Book of 1001 Styles I do not care how many other fashion books you send for. All I ask is not to forget mine. It is absolutely free to you, and you are more than welcome to a copy. I am not even going to talk about buying now. I want you to have my book because it will give you so many ideas of the beautiful new styles. It ------ « • Why I Know Bargains —Where to Get Them OTION PICTURPv MAGAZINE ■' I was virtually brought up in the ladies' wearing apparel business — first as a style expert; then a3 a buyer. I became acquainted with all the famous designers who create styles. I know them now a3 old friends. I got to know mills and makers everywhere. I learned where to secure the best bargains. In my present business, I deal in such enormous quantities, that when I go into the market, I almost dictate prices. The proof of all this is in the prices my style book quotes. When you see it, you will be amazed at the values shown here. Every Question of Style Answered in My New Book I know how women pore over fashion books to get new ideas about dress. They naturally seek style magazines to find out in advance of the season, what will be worn. With me, of course, all this i3 day in and day out business. You will learn from my new book whether skirts will be short or long, and what the widths will be. You will get first hand information about the season's colors and fabrics. _ You will become acquainted with the newest ideas in trimmings; the latest tendencies in blouses and other articles of dress. Every question about footwear will be settled. You are naturally asking yourself if the government regulations have been withdrawn. Let my style book tell you all about these things. Send for it as a fashion guide if nothing more. Think of buying later. Ask Now Well, Whatdoya Thinka This? Here's a Find for the Aspiring Photoplaywright! We have just the very books you've been wishing for! The very books you've been wondering why .someone hasn't written! The editions are mighty limited, and the spryer you are, the more certain you will be of your copies. "Here Lies" is a little book of infinite value for those who think they've an original idea. This little book tells all about the plots long abused and worn threadbare. We have only 400 of these on hand, and toi the aspiring playwright this little book, for 25c, will bring a wealth of knowledge usually acquired only by years of study. "The Photoplay Wright's Primer" is a booklet that tells you in the very simplest of English how to construct your photoplay. This is 50c — and it will prove 50c well spent. We have only 800 of these, so be quick. Because of the limited supply, we will sell both copies for 65c. This is an investment you cant afford to lose. Mail your money today. M. P. PUBLISHING CO., 175 DnffieH Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO SECURE A SATIN SKIN APPLY SATIN SKIN CREAM, THEN SATIN SKIN POWDER. educe Your Flesh Reducer, Price $5.50 i Reducer, Price $2.00 Exactly where desired by wearing Dr. Walter's Famous Medicated Reducing Rubber Garments For Men and Women Cover the entire body or any part. Endorsed by leading physicians. Send for illustrated Booklet'. Dr. Jeanne M.P.Walter 353 Fifth Ave., New York /Billings Building. 4th Floor-i \ Ent. on 34th St. ,3dDoorEasW Pacific Coast Representative: Adele Millar Co., 345 Stockton St., San Francisco, Cal. £3 YEARS TH£ STANDARD TRAIMHO SCHOOL FOR THEATRE ARTS FOUR SCHOOLS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE I TWINING. THE SCHOOL'S STUDENTS STOCK««" -THEATRE AFFORD PUBLIC STAGE APPEARANCES ' Write for catalog mentioning study desired to Secretary ALVIENE SCHOOLS, Suite 3 225 West 57th Street, New York City Be a Moving Picture Star Do you know that many Moving Picture actors and actresses get from $500 to $5,000 a week? Many young ladies and young men working* for small wages could do just as well if they knew how. This book will teach you everything from start to finish. Also tells how and where to apply for a position. Gives the addresses of all the studios and managers and tells everything in detail. It is a pleasant and profitable profession and the demand exceeds the supply all the time. We will mail the book to you for 10c and 2c for mailing. YOUNGS PUB. CO. Dept. A, East Norwalk, Conn. To Our Readers The Motion Picture Magazine guarantees the reliability and integrity of its advertisers. However, should there be any misrepresentation whatever, notify us promptly, and either the advertiser or ourselves will refund your money. M. P. PUBLISHING COMPANY 175 Duf field Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 97 PA<S