Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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«■*«•* /OVpriON pICTURF (jnei i magazine l Buy an Income Month by Month Opportunities for an Unusually High Return are numerous in the present market. Money invested in listed dividendpaying securities now will earn substantially more than if invested later at the higher prices which should follow settled conditions. Under The Ten Payment Plan you may invest sums as small as $50 a month in the securities of the most prosperous industrial corporations and get the benefit of all dividends paid during period of payment. Send for free list of securities yielding 8% to \4%. Also a copy of "The Ten Payment Plan" booklet. Write for special list P-3. E. M. Fuller & Co. Members of Consolidated Stock Exchange of N.Y. 50 Broad Street New York % 1AG£ ^^^^^^^^^M| The Answer Man (Continued from page 84) Bobby B. — No, I'm not a joker. Wish I were. Death is jealous of a good joke. That beautiful girl was not cast. Sorry. Alfred Hickman and Jere Austen. You ask how long is a fish's nose and does a fish ever get dry while in water? Gaston — take this boy out for air ! W. H. A.— You're too late, you see; but I guess you're not sorry. Peggy, 17. — Write to our Circulation Department about the eighty portraits. Yes, Margery Wilson and Wallace MacDonald in "Teddy Breslin." Yes, I guess somebody must like Barney Sherry. You know everybody ought to like Sherry. You think Pauline Stark cries too much. Herbert Hayes was Knowles in "Vixen." You're welcome. Al Kay Hall. — Brevity is the soul of eloquence. Some book of a letter you sent me. And it's all about Douglas Fairbanks. You picture me with dark brown hair and gray eyes, and you say my teeth are very good, but not perfect. And you dont believe I have whiskers. Oh, my, yes ; much — much too much. Mary W. — You ask if Annette Kellermann in "Queen of the Sea" and the rest of the players appeared nude before the camera-man. No, my child, Annette had on her annettes, and they all wore something— not much, but something. Just Estelle. — Thomas W. ; Constance D. ; Anita; Nellie M. ; Theda Bara Admirer ; Margaret C. ; Barbara W. ; Bob ; Kathleen ; Garland B. and S. B. — See elsewhere for yours. Florence A. — Bessie Love played in "The Dawn of Understanding." That's what I'm here for, to answer your questions. But, you know, a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man may answer in seven years. But God bless the phools, for without them I would be without a job. Bobbie M. O. — Your letter was very interesting, and I thank 3^011 for the comment. Dora K. — President Wilson is a Presbyterian and General Pershing is a member of the Episcopal Church. I'm — I'm — well, I'm just, that's all. Official ranks in the Engineering Corps are the same as in other branches of the service, and that of second lieutenant is lower than first lieutenant. Believe Me, Xanthippe. — Haven't you heard that one hour's sleep before midnight is worth two afterward? Louise Lovely in "The Social Buccaneer." Mabel Taliaferro and Robert Walker in "The Wife by Proxy." Donald Bryan and Adda Gleason in "The Voice in the Fog." Emmanuel Turner opposite Edith Roberts in "The Love Swindle." That will be about all. R. D. — Where's your name? Tell me that joke, please. Bobwhite. — Thanks. You forget that it takes about two weeks to print, bind and distribute these magazines. The covers are made by one concern, the gravure by another and the printing by another, and then it takes some time to gather the material— not like you assume — we can publish news a week after it happens. Certain pages are held open until the last minute for late news, but some pages close a month earlier. Ruth Clifford is not Kathleen's sister. B. V. D. — Seems to me I have heard of you before, somewhere. Write Louise Huff, care Paramount, 485 Fifth Avenue, New York. Fritzie Brunnette is playing opposite Henry Walthall in "And a Still Small Voice." You're welcome. Sarah. — No, Sarah, you're wrong. A woman never watches her husband while he is dancing with a pretty woman; it is time to watch the man with whom she dances. You refer to Jules Rancourt. M'll Gnos. — Yes, some people are very good looking off the screen, yet dont screen well, and vice versa. I'm still there. Somebody has said that "it is better to wear out than rust out," and I certainly dont mean to rust out. Mollie King Fan. — So you like vampires. Every woman is half saint and half vampire. Which half are you? Your better half? So you want to see more about Mollie King. No, indeed, I'm not planning to make known my identity. Perhaps the picture was taken at Forest Hills. Pearl White is playing in "The Lightning Raider." Kalefornia Kid. — Thanks for the thrift stamp. You say men never err — only those who are asleep. Better write to all the players you mention. You want a picture of Allen Forrest in the gallery. Your plots sound interesting. Send them to our Service Bureau, and they will take care of them. "Forbidden City" Avas Thomas Meighan's last. Marion B. — Yes, Bert Lytell has a ranch in California. Herbert Rawlinson is 34. In 1840 there were, in the United States, 584,000 whites who could not read or write; 5.773 deaf and dumb; 5,024 blind ; 14,508 insane or idiots, and 2,487,000 slaves. Compare these figures with those of 1910, and the respective populations. Phyllis. — Thanks. Robert Harron — certain — he is 25 years old, unmarried, and in California. Jack Pickford Fan. — Yes, the old live in the past, as the young do in the future. A I'ordinaire. Caillaux is pronounced Ky-yo. Thanks for the fee. Rebecca L. — You want William Duncan's picture on the cover. It may get there some day, because he is getting there. So you are only four feet tall. Never mind, you stand just as high in my estimation as if you were six feet short. Dolores H. — World Pictures Company has organized a film news, to be called "The World News." Billie Rhodes in "The Girl of My Dreams." Of course you are welcome in my department. Come on in, everybody, the answering's fine. Always glad to greet new readers. Carlyle Blackwell Fan. — No, no, Pearl White was never married to Carlyle Blackwell. I cant understand how these stories get about. Priscilla Dean is playing in "The Wildcat of Paris," (Universal). Lots of these critters about these days — Wildcats, She-cats, Hell-cats, Shedevils, etc. Hilton O. — Thanks for sending me your fast cent; it was a shame to take it, but perhaps I need it more than you do. Of course — Bill Hart really does that fancy shooting, it isn't a trick. Bill isn't tricky. She'll come back soon. Short absence quickens love, but a long absence kills it. But the cynic says, "Absence maketh the heart grow fonder — of somebody else." The mirthmaker says, "Absynthe maketh the heart grow fonder. Ruby. — You take exception? — all right. When I said that we all ate over a peck of dirt a day, you did not understand me. I said we ate over it. Virginia Pearson is very obliging with her pictures. She never sent me one, tho I am willing to give her one nice large red apple for one. Dorothy Dalton is playing in "Quicksand." And Mahlon Hamilton is to be Mary Pickford's "Daddy-long-legs."