Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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Mahlon Hamilton Man of Many Parts (Continued from page 65) to the screen to play opposite Olga Petrova, and, since that time, he has looked at the 'foots' only from the front. "Olga Petrova has a wonderful personality," he said, "and the proof of it is that she walked out on a wonderful contract she had with Lasky. There are few women or men in the world that would sacrifice several hundred thousand dollars rather than yield a slight point of difference, but Madame Petrova is one of them. After playing opposite Ethel Barrymore in 'Final Judgment,' Marguerite Clark in 'Molly Make Believe,' and Gail Kane in 'The Red Demon,' Madame Petrova and I played together for two years." Before I left him it was very clear to me that a star would have to be very capricious, indeed, who failed to get along with Mahlon Hamilton. He has much discretion and gentlemanlike tactfulness. He has managed to play successfully not only with those I have mentioned but with Elsie Ferguson, Alice Brady and is now getting along, famously, with Kitty Gordon. "They are all nice girls — all of them," gathering them all into his smooth, rather quiet tone. "There's a good deal of the ego in all of us ; those who lack it never get on ; never amount to much — > if you dont believe in yourself no one else will and in the battling of the egos for position, sparks will fly at times. The ego, of course, goes wrong if, for instance, it so asserts itself as to want everything in a play or photoplay to be only a background for it, but there is a strong instinct of self-protection in keeping your support down within limits." His appreciation of the "nice girls" was expressed with judicial discrimination. Among the first of the screen sweethearts he gave Ethel Barrymore a shade or two the best of it by throwing a shade or two of additional warmth into his tone. In speaking of Marguerite Clark his thought lingered rather upon his own part in "Molly Make Believe" — which he seemed to have liked very much. He refused to accept an opportunity I gave him to discuss Kitty Gordon's "million dollar back." I had hoped that he might say something which would indicate the emotion of a lover making love to such a back, but, instead, he moved on to Kitty, herself. "She is full of fun — has a remarkable sense of humor — and keeps you going with it — there is an embracing overflowing quality about it." The Dollar Princess (Continued from page 62) England, Emmy Wehlen came with it as its captivating star. In Metro photoplays such as "The Shell Game," "The House of Gold," "Vanity," "Sowers and Reapers" and many others, she has won for herself a distinctive and loyal screen following. "Will you go back to Europe some day, and will you return to the stage?" I asked. "I shall not go back to Europe to stay. I am cosmopolitan — I speak all languages. I know all countries. But — I love America best. "Shall I go back to the stage? "Some time, perhaps. But I shall not leave the pictures. Not so long as I can have" — again the Americanism — "my 'job.' " ©rPK&BS"^ Noted Movie Star and Her Secret of Beautiful Eyes Lila Lee, the bewitching star of the Paramount Pictures, the charming girl actress whose wonderful eyes have excited the envy of thousands, owes much of her enchanting beauty and charm of expression to her eyelashes and eyebrows No wonder Miss Lee puts a value beyond price upon these features of her beauty. Women of wealth and social standing everywhere have looked with envy upon those long, luxuriant, silky eyelashes and well-formed eyebrows and have wished, no doubt, that Nature had endowed them with such priceless gifts. Their wish can now come true. We have placed this great boon within the reach of all who will follow some simple directions and assist Nature by applying a little fie/hemSer /Ae/i///A&/ne -//Jr //&//& fee/ • for a short time. The results will certainly amaze and delight them. "T ft qJi -'R**r4W-T'n*a " 's a Pure cream, which nourishes the cells and tissues and 3JO.OLL ±J1 \J W Xiic gives them the vigor necessary to produce a strong, healthy growth. It has been approved by eminent chemists and beauty specialists and is guaranteed absolutely pure. Thousands of women have found in this simple and effective preparation the one thing needed and longed for to bring out the hidden beauty and charm of their eyes. So sure are we that "LASH-BROW-INE" will give entire satisfaction that we agree to refund the money paid if it fails. Two Sizes, 50c and $1 Send price and we will mail you ' ' LASH-BROW-INE " andthe Maybell Beauty Booklet, prepaid under plain cover. Remit by coin, currency, U. S. stamps, or money order. DO NOT RISK IMITATIONS. Send your order today; we guarantee you will be delighted. Beauty Booklet Given With every box of "LASH-BROW-INE" we send the Maybell Beauty Booklet, "The Woman Beautiful," which is filled with helpful suggestions and rules for improving the appearance and retaining the youthful charm. Worth dollars to any woman, but mailed free with each order of "LASH-BROW-INE." Crooked Spines Made Straight If you are suffering from any form of spinal trouble you can be relieved— and probably wholly overcome your afflictionright in your own home without pain or discomfort. A wonderful anatomical appliance has been invented by a man who cured himself of Spinal Curvature. Its results are marvelous. It is nature's own method. Eminent physicians are endorsing it. The Philo Burt Method relieves the pressure at the affected parts of the spine, the whole spine is invigorated and strengthened, all soreness is taken out of the back, the cartilage between the vertibras is made to expand, the contracted muscles are relaxed, and the spine is straightened. There is bright hope for you, no matter how long you have suffered. We have strong testimonials from every State in the Union. Each appliance is made to order from individual measurements and fits perfectly. There is positively no inconvenience in wearing. We guarantee satisfaction and let you use it 30 days. Write today for our new book. It gives full information and testimonials. FHILO BURT MFG. C0..299U 3dd Fellows' Bldg., JAMESTOWN, N. T. America's Pioneer Dog Medicines BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free te any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc., 118 West 31tt Street, New York HOTEL BINGHAM -Philadelphia IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING Large well lighted and comfortable rooms. Hot and cold running water in every room. Only hotel having direct Subway and Elevated connection with all railroad stations, ferries and department stores. Boof Garden. Club Breakfast. Special Luncheons. Booms without bath. $1.50; with, bath, $2.00 up. FRANK KIMBLE, Manager. You Have a Beautiful Face-But Your Nose IN this day and age attention to your appearance is an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most out of life. Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible for your own selfsatisfaction, which is alone well worth your efforts, but you will find the world in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your "looks," therefore it pays to "look your best" at all times. Permit no one to see you looking otherwise; it will injure your welfare! Upon the impression you constantly make rests the failure or success of your life — which is to be your ultimate destiny? My new NoseShaper "Trados" (Model 24) corrects now ill-shaped noses without operation quickly, safely and permanently. Is pleasant and does not interfere with one's daily occupation, being worn at night. Write today for free booklet, which tells you how to correct Ill-Shaped Noses without cost if not satisfactory. TRILETY, Face Specialist, 1039 Ackerman Bldg., BINGHAMTON, N, Y. 103 PAS \