Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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tpvp™ "I Would Not Part with it for $10,000^ So writes an enthusiastic, grateful customer. In like manner testify over 100,000 people who have worn it. Conserve your body and life first. The Natural Body Brace Overcomes WEAKNESS andl ORGANIC AILMENTS ofl WOMEN AND MEN.! Develops erect, graceful figure. Brings restful relief, com; fort, ability to do things, health and strength. | Wear It 30 Days Free at Our Expense Does away with the strain and pain of standing and walking; replaces and supports misplaced internal organs; reduces enlarged abdomen; straightens and strengthens the back; corrects stooping shoulders; develops lungs, chest and bust; relieves backache, curvatures, nervousness, ruptures, constipation. Comfortable and easy to wear. Keep Yourself Fit Write today for illustrated booklet, measurement blank, etc., and read our very liberal proposition. HOWARD C. RASH, Pres. Natural Body Brace Co. 117 Bash Building SAMN A, KANSAS Cultivate Your Beauty Have a youthful appearance, clear complexion, ^ magnetic eyes, pretty eyebrows and lashes,. ^ graceful neck and chin, luxuriant hair, attractive hands, comfortable feet. Remove wrinkles, lines, pimples, blackheads, strengthen sagging ^a facial muscles— all through following our simple directions. Thousands have done so. No drug's, do big expense, and quick results. Send for latest catalog and many Beauty Hints-all free. GRACE MILDRED CULTURE COURSE Dept. 18, 624 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. (A Branch of Susanna Cocroft's Work) Train for Nursing— Now I The war is responsible for a scarcity of nurses in hospitals! — their regular nurses are going to the front. Demand for trained nurses now greater than the supply. This is your golden opportunity to become a trained nurse and easily secure a fine position at $20 to $30 per week. You can Quickly master our special Training Course during your spare time at home and receive diploma approved by best doctors. Easy terms. Hospital experience given if desired. We help you find employment'. Write at onoe for catalog. State age. AMERICAN TRAINING SCHOOL, 1530 N. LaSalle St., Chicago w OMiirtt1" Banks are employing hundreds of girla 39 bookkeepers* stenographers, tellers, and even cashiers. Clean, pleasant work with short hours and higher pay, learn by mailSix months term. Diploma awarded. Sendfor free book, How to Become a Banker," by Edgar G. Alcorn. American School of Banking;,Denfc.& t9&State6fc.Colambns9 O. If yoo play quaint, dreamy BawaHaO mn9ic or latest songs on the Ukulele ycU will be wanted everywhere. We teach by mail 20 simple lessons; give you free a genuine Hawaiian Ukulele, music, everything—no extras. Ask us to send the story of Hawaiian music. You will love it. No obligation-absolutely free. The Hawaiian Institute of Music 1400 Broadway, Suite 603. New York Over 100,000 Underwoods Sold to U. S. Govt. That makes rebuilt TJn derwoods scarce. So— spe guick for yours. Guaran ;ed for 5 years. You can rent, buy on easy terms, secure cash discount or easily earn one through agency plan: no canvassing. Asts for Offer Mo. SO TYPEWRITER EMPORIUM 34-36 Lake St. CHICAGO, ILL. TRENT OR BUY •WAY UNDER MANUFACTURER'S PRICE! Genuine, visible writing Underwoods— rebuilt in our factory, with Back Spacer, Tabulator, Lateral Guide, Stencil Attachment, 2-color Ribbon. Waterproof Cover and Special Touch Typewriting Guide Book sent on 10 Days' Free Trial. Write. How Mary Made Her Eyes Behave {Continued from page 39) Driving one day in leisurely fashion, enjoying the purr of her Stutz, a terrible accident occurred which put Miss MacLaren in bed for three months with concussion of the brain and a blood-clot. A heedless youth, unaccustomed to driving, was racing along at a 54-mile an hour pace, and bumped broadside into the new star's car. Mary was thrown out on the curb and it almost finished her career. But now she's back at Universal City, working hard under Director Rupert Julian. When I asked her to tell me a little of her work, she replied, "Just watch, I'm doing the funniest thing, helping carry a dead man around. Really, it is a great tragedy, but it strikes me as being so funny, and Mr. Pryor looks so queer, that it is all I can do to keep from laughing in the scene. And really, I think he must weigh about a ton, for when we three women lift him, I wonder whether we can ever get him out of that door !" "All ready!" Mary MacLaren jumped back into the tiny cabin set, outside the rainmaker was pouring gallons of water against the window, the electrician was flashing lightning enough to frighten anybody, and clutching hands were thrust thru the doorway as the star of "Dearie" posed for a still. "More tragedy and fear in your eyes, Mary!" shouted Mr. Julian. Right there was the ocular demonstration of what Mary had accomplished by her direction of the subconscious. In the "twinkling of an eye" she had snipt off the laughing expression and allowed her eyes to pop in terror. Another direction, and she registered anguish. It's just like pushing a button — and Mary does the rest with her big gray eyes. She uses facial muscles very little, almos^ every emotion is expressed thru the windows of her soul. In repose, she has a placid expression, her smile is fleeting, there's sometimes a sad droop to the lip-corners, but the moment Mary begins to talk or act, those eyes tell the entire story. At home, where her mother and her sister Miriam keep house for her, Maryhas all the youngsters in the neighborhood for friends/ She likes 'era better than grown-ups. She plays the piano for them, tells fairy-tales, takes them out in her new Buick, likes to dress their dolls. They all call her, briefly, "Mary Mac." For pets the star has her sister's dog (Katherine MacDonald's) and her own, a canary and some white mice which occupy a tenement in the garage. The ever-ready wit of Arnold Daly, the star of "My Own United States," a Screen Classics, Inc., production, released by Metro, is a by-word among his many friends and was also very much appreciated by his fellow players when scenes for the big picture were being made. This dry wit was noticed when the actor was very young, and many anecdotes are told of him, among them being the following: Young Daly and John Drew happened to meet in Charles Frohman's office. Mr. Drew, finding that Mr. Frohman was out, inquired if he might wait. "You may," granted the imperturbable Daly. Some two hours passed and Mr. Drew became restless. "Do you know when Mr. Frohman will return?" he asked. "I can hardly say," replied Daly; "he sailed for England yesterday." "$100 a Week! Think What That Means To Us ! " "They've made me Superintendent — and doubled my salary ! Now we can have the comforts and pleasures we've dreamed of — our own home, a maid for you, Nell, and no more worrying about the cost of living! "The president called me in today and told me. He said he picked me for promotion three months ago when he learned I was studying at home with the International Correspondence Schools. Now my chance has come — and thanks to the I. C. S., I'm ready for it." Thousands of men now know the joy of happy, prosperous homes because they let the International Correspondence Schools prepare them in spare hours for bigger work and better pay. Why don't you study some one thing and get ready for a real job, at a salary that will give your wife and children the things you would like them to have ? You can do it ! Pick the position you want in the work you like best and the I. C. S. will prepare you for it right in your own home in your spare time. Yes, you can do it ! 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SALESMANSHIP ADVERTISING Window Trimmer Show Card Writer Sign Painter Railroad Trainman ILLUSTRATING Cartooning _ BOOKKEEPER 3 Stenographer and Tynlaf Cert. Pub. Accountant TRAFFIC MANAGER 3 Railway Accountant 3 Commercial Law GOOD ENGLISH Teacher Common School Subjects Mathematics CIVIL SERVICE Railway Mall Clerk AClOMOIUr.E OPERATING! Anto Repairing Navigation IQSpanlalj 3 AGRICULTURE IpFrencIl 3 Fonltry Raising IQItallan Present Occupation. Street andNo.__ CltyL. .State. A mencan Art ll We have on exhibition at all times 1§ || a large collection of paintings by the |! || most famous of American artists, in || If eluding fine examples of George |1 1 1 Inness, R. A. Blakelock, Elliott Dain || || gerfield, H. W. Ranger, J. G. Brown, l| j| G. H. Smilie, Arthur Parton, Carle|| || ton and Guy Wiggins, Edward || } I Moran, Eugene V. Brewster, etc., etc. 1| || Illustrated Catalogue in Colors |l II mailed to any address for five cents in stamps. =| il LA BOHEME !l 175 Duffield St, Brooklyn, N. Y. || llllllllllllllllllllinilll'llfr ~ f\ iiiiimiiiiiimmiiimiiuiiir. \ 107 fJ PAS L ■ I ,