Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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/fT-MOTlON PICTURR WheH I magazine _ r j for ^Diamond, Watch rand Jewelry Catalog IT IS FREE! There are over 2000 photographic Illustrations of Diamond Rings, Diamond La Vallieres. Diamond Ear Screws, Diamond Scarf Pins, Diamond Studs, Signet and Emblem Rings, Watches, Wrist Watches, Bracelets, Cuff Links, Brooches, Lockets, Chains, Charms, Silverware, Clocks.Tollet Sets; also our wonderfully showy assembled Solitaire Diamond Clusters. Whatever you select will be sent, all shipping charges prepaid. You See and Examine Article Right in Your Own Hands If satisfied, pay one-fifth of purchase price and keep it; balance divided into eight equal amounts, payable monthly. Our diamonds are distinctive in beauty and brilliancy. Remarkable values. WATCHES Po!^!: trates and describes all the new watches— 16, 17, 19, 21, 23 Jewels, solid gold and gold filled cases. Splendid bargains in 26-year guaranteed watches on credit terms as low $2.50 A MONTH National Credit Jewelers DEPT 1615 108 N. STATE ST. ■ w m « — . CHICAGO. ILL, WM BROS & CO. i8fifr Stores In Leading Cities I0FTIS MAGAZINES? s?uo^Tr^ .— Publishes cash art asnigmments, articles and les" eons on Cartooning, Designing, Illustrating, LetteringandChalk-talkmg. Criticises amateurs 'work. Interesting:, helpful, artistic. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 10c Ja copy, $1 a year. Send SI NOW, startio* or bill, to iG.H.Lockwood.Edltor.Pept.412, Kalamazoo.Mich Exceptional beauty and ability account for the phenomenal success of one of the younger screen stars who gladly testifies to the merit of the Star Vibrator. Corrine Griffith. * FOR BEAUTY Five minutes a day with a Star Electrical Vibrator will work a marvelous change in your appearance — drawn facial muscles relax, wrinkles disappear and the clear glow of health returns. Scalp massage prevents dandruff and falling hair. FOR HEALTH If you suffer from rheumatism, cold feet, backache, headache, overstrained muscles, or from any of the many ills and discomforts arising from poor circulation, a Star Vibrator will afford immediate relief. THE STAR VIBRATOR connects with any electric light socket, costs practically nothing to operate, will not get out of order and is sold under an absolute guaran 10 DAYS TRIAL Send us five dollars and we will ship you the Star Vibrator complete with attachments, giving you the privilege of using it 10 days, and if not absolutely satisfied you may return it and we will immediately, and without question, refund your money. This guarantee is made by one of the best known manufacturing concerns in Torrtngton, where we refer you to any bank or business, house. THE FITZGERALD MFG. COMPANY 31 Railroad Square Torrington, Conn. Salesmen and Dealers: — We have a wonderful proposition for you — write for details. mill) iniiiiinwwimfi :: tllUHIi ••••'" £ After Dark Photography (Continued from page 67) to be concentrated on single objects and groups of objects, leaving the surroundings in darkness. The pictures themselves are taken during the day in a specially darkened room with only such light as is offered by the mobile arc lamps. Sometimes these are concealed in fireplaces, giving the effect of cheery fire glow. Sometimes they are overhead or at one side of the picture, coming supposedly from a lamp which is shown lighted, but _ whose feeble glow is not, of course, nearly sufficient for picture taking. A candle held in a child's hand seems to cast sprawling shadows over the ceiling, tho in reality the light comes from an arc lamp with a reflector which cunningly places the rays and shadows exactly where they would naturally come. A lantern held in a farmer's hand seemingly casts its glow on a circle of neighbor faces gathered around; a burglar sprays the darkness with his flashlight; an explosion sends showers of blinding glare across a pitchy sky. When pictures demand the atmosphere of some underground place, a tunnel or cave, portable mercury tubes are set up in the actual surroundings, sometimes at great risk of explosions. Pathe in a recent picture equipped a coal mine with naked arc lights, in spite of the danger of igniting the volatile gases. The lifelikeness and artistry of the effect depends on the cleverness of the arrangements of lamps and reflectors so that one sees a well-balanced ensemble of high lights on faces, shirt bosoms, light colored gowns, etc., offset by the proper amount of shadows. The director needs a knowledge of the laws of physics, as well as an eye for striking camera effects. In recent war pictures some spectacular night scenes of bursting bombs, blinding rocket flashes and the dots and dashes of artillery fire were produced by an explosive flashlight powder set off from a switchboard. Burning smoke bombs and fire pots added to the lurid display, but the resulting thickening of the air was almost unbearable for the players. Some way will doubtless be found to film screen warfare at night with a maximum of pyrotechnic effect and a minimum of asphyxiation. In the Tennessee mountain picture, "Her Man," nearly the entire action transpires at night, and the photography with its moonlight coming from a powerful lamp hidden in a tree beside the cabin is amazingly clear-cut. In the charming fantasy, "Prunella," a futurist moon of cardboard naively affixed to a black background and painted property stars gives a quaint faery book atmosphere entirely in keeping with the dainty artificiality and story-book quality of the play. Night is the time par excellence for romance, adventure, mystery and love. It is the time when marauders stalk abroad, when unknown dangers move thru the shadows, when crimes are committed. It is the time when fires are lighted, on the hearths at home, when pleasure seekers fare forth to the dance or theater. It is the time when love, always shy and elusive in the garish daylight, comes into its wondrous kingdom. And now, thanks to the ingenuity of the modern motion picture director, we may see what goes on in the lives of our picture friends after dark, as well as in the light of day. STRONGFORT The Perfect Man Don't Be a t Sickly Failure ! Are you dragging yourself about from day to day, always tired and dispirited ; suffering from backache, Indigestion, constipation; your biliousness showing In your face, your lack of energy In your eyes, your good-fornothing physical condition In the hang-dog air with which you meet your fellow men? Have you about given up hope — and has your wife given up all hope — that you will ever get ahead and amount to anything in the world? Pull Yourself Together! Brace up! There's a way out! You can be a man again. You can be full of life and energy and good health; you can trample under foot the sickly troubles that are pulling you down; you can change the watery fluid in your veins to sparkling red blood, that will nourish mind and body, overcome all your ills, and put you at the top of the heap. No matter what brought you to your present condition; no matter how low you have sunk; you can be RE-BUILT into a MAN, with health and strength and mental and physical vigor and efficiency. It's Never Too Late Strongfortism doesn't know the meaning of the words "too late." No matter what your age or condition; no matter how long you have been mired in. the slough of despondency or struggling under the handicap of physical irregularities, Strongfortism can make a new man of you. Strongfortism can improve every part of your system; strengthen your heart, lungs, liver, stomach; clear your brain; steady your nerves, rid you of that eternal languid, tired feeling and start you on the path to success. I Can Re-Create You I KNOW that I can make you over, can improve you 100 per cent., because I have helped and am helping thousands of other men — some of them pretty far gone, too, before they took up Strongfortism. I have no pills, powders or patent medicine dope to offer you; no drugs of any kind. EXPERIENCE instead; the solid experience of a lifetime with myself and, my pupils; the experience and study that have enabled me to dig out and apply to you the secret laws on which human health and happiness and vitality depend. Send for My Free Book "Promotion and Conservation of Health, Strength and Mental Energy" tells you all about Strongfortism; tells you how you can overcome your mental and physical ailments; how you can strengthen your vital organs; how to attain symmetry of form and figure. It's forty-eight pages of talk straight from the shoulder, telling how you can get the most pleasure out of life, from a man who knows what he's talking about. Hark the coupon below, showing what ailments you suffer from and send it with three 2c stamps to cover mailing expenses and I will send you the book free. LIONEL STRONGFORT Physical and Health Specialist 761 Park Building NEWARK, N. J. •■■-CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON™... Mr. Lionel Strongfort, Newark, N. J. Dear Strongfort: — Please send me your book, "Promotion and Conservation of Health, Strength and Mental Energy," for postage of which I enclose three 2c stamps to cover mailing expenses. I have marked (X) before the subject in which I am interested. (761) \ .Colds .Catarrh .Asthma ,Obesity ■Headache ..Thinness .Rupture .Neuritis .Neuralgia .Flat Chest .Deformity , .Insomnia , .Heartweakness ..Short Wind .Flat Feet .Constipation .Biliousness .Torpid Liver .Indigestion ..Nervousness , .Poor Memory ..Rheumatism ..Poor Circulation ..Youthful Errors..Impotency ..Vital Losses ..Skin Disorders ..Despondency ..Round Shoulders ..Lung Troubles ..Increased Height Name. Street. City State. Occupation Write Plainly 111 pfikd " -~~-=i