Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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flOTZSSSSMi "THE HAND OF BLACKTON" Greatest Picture We Have Yet Shown — Proving Biggest Success of Season — Wave of Enthusiasm Following in the Wake of J. STUART BLACKTON'S "The Common Cause" P. S. Harrison in Motion Picture News — "Such a perfect blending of comedy and pathos, such an ability to reach the most deeply buried heart-strings, on one hand, and get all the joys of life out of you in one continuous roar of laughter on the other, I have never witnessed. To be honest, I never thought such a feat possible. Tears and laughter commingle in the same situation. * * * The picture contains all the elements necessary, such as human element (that of patriotic appeal), excitement, thrill and suspense. They are all intermingled with pleasing comedy, resulting in an exceptionally pleasing, clean entertainment." J. STUART BLACKTON, Chicago, 111., Dec. 20, 1918. Vitagraph, V-L-S-E., Inc., New York. Congratulations on your production, "The Common Cause." We opened at Riviera Theater Thursday, December 19th. Greatest picture we have yet shown, proving to be biggest success of the season. We welcome more productions equal to this. BALBAN & KATZ, Directors. Rob Reel in Chicago Evening American — " it scores because of its sheer humanness, its freedom from offensive propaganda, and its use of the late lamented war merely as an instrument, the crucible in which the dross is burned away from the lives of the principal characters. — Throbs and thrills have been written into 'The Common Cause.' Laughs have been put into 50 per cent of the scenes." The next big Blackton Superfeature "A HOUSE DIVIDED" Featuring HERBERT RAWLINSON and SYLVIA BREAMER, is now being filmed "Pictures with the mark °f Blackton are worth while" BLACKTON PRODUCTIONS, Inc. Studio, 423 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 25 West 45th Street, New York City 113 PA'£