Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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Established December, 19 JO. "¥e lead, others follow," and it was ever so Motion Picture Magazine Founded by J. Stuart Blackton (Trade-mark Registered) Vol. XVII APRIL, 1919 Entered at the Brooklyn, N. Y., Post Office as second-class matter Copyright, 1919, in United States and Great Britain by the M. P. Publishing Co. Almost a decade ago, when the art of the screen was first pronounced worthy of depicting life's dramas, this Magazine was founded. From the first, it aimed to be the voice of the Silent Drama — the friend of those in front, and of the shadowed players. It has always been ready to encourage all that is good, and eager to wield its power against all that is unworthy. Every word, every picture in this Magazine is printed for you, the reader; hence it is your Magazine, and the official organ of the Motion Picture public. On sale at all newsstands on and after the first of each month Staff for the Magazine Eugene V. Brewster Managing Editor Gladys Hall Henry Albert Phillips Martha Groves McKelvie E. M. Heinemann Associate Editors LeoSielke A. M. Hopfmuller St:iff Artists Subscription— $2.00 a year in advance, including postage in the United States, Cuba, Mexico and Philippines; in Canada, $2.30; in foreign countries and Newfoundland, $3.00. Single copies, 20 cents, postage prepaid. Stamps accepted. Subscribers must notify us at once of any change of address, giving both old and new address. Do not subscribe to the Motion Picture Magazine thru agents unknown to you personally, or you may find yourself defrauded. We cannot be responsible for manuscripts lost in the mails, and it is therefore wise to keep a copy of ail material submitted. We pay contributors on the fourth of the month following acceptance. Published by The M. P. Publishing Company, a New York Corporation, at Bayshore, New York. EUGENE V. BREWSTER, President E. M. HEINEMANN, Secretary J. STUART BLACKTON, Vice-President ELEANOR V. V. BREWSTER, Treasurer (Also Publishers of the Motion Picture Classic, out on the fifteenth of each month) Address all communications to Motion Picture Magazine Issued on the 1st of the month preceding its date and on sale by all newsdealers. In the event of failure to obtain copies, a notification to us will be appreciated. Hazel Simpson Naylor Literary Editor Guy L. Harrington Sales Manager Duncan A. Dobie, Jr. Advertising Manager Archer A. King Western Manager Metz B. Hayes New England Manager L. G. Conlon Chief Accountant