Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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(pFS&BSEJE The Field of Dishonor SHE had never seen a highwayman before. This one had on army officer's boots and the manners of a gentleman. She laughed and told him so. But it was serious business for him. He faced death, prison, disgrace. It is a story so startling and curious, with its tangle of romance and adventure — with its daring, thrilling climax — that it could only be told by that maker of romance — hS DAVIS Whether it he the Winding heat of an African desert — a lonesome island in the Pacific — or the deep mystery of a London fog — Davis always had a breathless story to tell. He knew that Romance was not dead. No man ever Knew so many different kinds of people. No man ever visited so many strange lands or saw so' many wars in so many different places. He was at the Boer War — he was in Cuba. — he saw the Russo-Japanese War — he was in Mexico — he was in the Great War. More than ever before Americans love him. THEODORE ROOSEVELT said: "His heart flamed against cruelty and injustice. His writings form a textbook of Americanism which all our people would do well to read at the present time," America in the War 5 VOLUMES FREE m Q that tell the whole story of our glorious part in the World War— of how America turned the tide and brought to the Allies a iiohle victory and the greatest peace the world has ever known. WHY WE WENT TO WAR by Christian Ganss HOW WE WENT TO WAR by Nelson Lloyd THE VANGUARD of AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS by Edwin W. Morse OUR ARMY AT THE FRONT by Heywood Broun OUR NAVY IN THE WAR by Lawrence Perry All the world has ever accomplished pales before the overwhelming achievements— the consummate victories that are America's today. We had in France the finest army that ever fought under the Stars and Stripes. The ocean bears a fleet incomparably the greatest our country has ever had. Why were these things done? How were they done? You can find out in these five splendid volumes — not vaguely and in a general way, but fully, completely, definitely. They tell the whole story of our glorious achievements in the war — a story no patriotic American can afford to he without. Send Coupon— Without Money You must act quickly. How long you can have these books at the present low price we do not know — the cost of paper and cloth is going higher every day. r When the present edition rails out we will f\ have to add the extra cost of paper to the L. Price. Make sure of your splendid set at the little price. Mail the coupon today. Forget the monotony — the dullness of every-day life. Go with him into the land of romance. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 597 Fifth Avenue, New York Chas. Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Aye., New York. Rend ni", all charges prepaid, complete set of Richard Harding Davis, in 12 volumes. Also send absolutely FREE the set of "America in the War," in 5 volumes.. If these books are not satisfactory I will return both sets within 10 days, at your expense. Otherwise I will send you jCc at once and $1 a month for 17 months. me Address. . Occupation M.P.M. 1-19 iHI 5rn,25tD>100aWe'I BECOME A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Big opportunities NOW. It takes only a short time to qualify for this fascinating profession. Three months' course covers all branches: Motion Picture — Studio — Commercial Day or evening classes. Easy terms. Special rate to Soldiers and Sailors leaving service. Call or write for free booklet, N. Y. INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 29 141 W. 36th St.. N. Y, City Kill The Hair Root My method is the only way to prevent the !hair from growing again. Easy, painless, harmless. No scars. Booklet free. Write today, enclosing 3 stamps. We teach beauty culture. D. J. IHAHLER, 884-X Mahler Park, Providence, R. I. $20 each Two Remington Typewriters Splendid for school or office use. Shipped anywhere. Cash with order. National Typewriter Co., 633 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago Train for Nursing— Now! Tlie war is responsible for a scarcity of nurses in hospitals — their regular nurses are going to the front. Demand for trained nurses now greater than the suplily. This is your golden opportunity to become a trained nurse and easily secure a fine position at $20 to $30 per week. You can Quickly master our special Training Course during your spare time at home and receive diploma approved by best doctors. Easy terms. Hospital experience given if desired. We help you find employment'. Write at once for catalog. State age. AMERICAN TRAINING SCHOOL. 1530 N. La Salle St., Chicago To Our Readers The Motion Picture Magazine guarantees the reliability and integrity of its advertisers. However, should there be any misrepresentation whatever, notify us promptly, and either the advertiser or ourselves will refund your money. M. P. PUBLISHING COMPANY 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Well, Whatdoya Thinka This? Here's a Find for the Aspiring Photoplaywright! We have just the very books you've been wishing for! The very books you've been wondering why someone hasn't written! The editions are mighty limited, and the spryer you are, the more certain you will he of your copies. "Here Lies" is a little book of infinite value for those who think they've an original idea. This little book tells all about the plots long abused and worn threadbare. We have only 400 of these on hand, and to the aspiring playwright this little book, for 25c, will bring a wealth of knowledge usually acquired only by years of study. "The Photoplay wrigbt's Primer" is a booklet that tells you in the very simplest of English how to construct your photoplay. This is 50c — and it will prove 50c well spent. We have only S00 of these, so be quick. Because of the limited supply, we will sell both copies for 65c. This is an investment you cant afford to lose. Mail your money today. M. P. PUBLISHING CO., 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. DEAFNESS IS MISERY I know because I'was Deaf and had Head Noises for over 30 years. My invisible Antiseptic Ear Drums restored my hearing and stopped Head Noises, and will do it for you. They are Tiny Megaphones. Cannot be seen when worn. Effective when Deafness is caused by Catarrh or by Perforated, Partially or Wholly Destroyed Natural Drums. Easy to put in, easy to take out. Are "Unseen Comforts.*' Inexpensive. Write for Booklet and my sworn statement of how I recovered my hearing. A. O. LEONARD Suite 314,70 5th Avenue . >. New York City Bring Out the Hidden Beauty Beneath the soiled, discolored, faded or aged complexion is one fair to look upon. Mereolized Wax gradually, gently absorbs the devitalized surface skin, revealing t lie young, fresh, beautiful skin underneath. Used by refined women who prefer complexions of true naturalness. Have you tried it? Mereolized Wax In one ounce packacre, with directions for use, sold by all druggists. JAEGERITE GEMS The World's Finest Imitation of Genuine Diamonds. These precious gems are the master products of science, with fine Blu ■ White, dazzling brilliancy, that it requires an expert to tell them from genuine stones. The realization of the dreams of centuries. A l-«'t Gem set in Solid Gold Till any mounting only $12.45. Order now. JAEGERITE GEM CO., Waterloo. Iowa. Dept. A. . Print Your Own cards, circulars, labels, tags, menus book, paper. Press $6. Larger $3). Job Press $85 up. OUIS EXPENS ES IN HALF. SMALL OUTLAY. Pays for itself in short time. Will last •~ for vears. Easy t<> use. printed %r rules sent. Print for other-, M fd/''m BIG PItOFIT. Write factory 1 TODAY for press catalog. TYPE, cards, pa per, envelopes. ■ THE PRESS CO., D-44, Meriden, Conn. If You Like to Draw Write for Free Book "How to Become An Artist" By our new method of teaching by mail you can learn illustrating, cartooning, commercial art in your own home. Hundreds of successful students and graduates are now making splendid incomes. Get into this fascinating work yourself and earn $30 to $100 or more a week! Our method makes it easy for anyone to learn. Instructions given by Will H. Chandlee, artist With over 30 years' experience. The study is fascinating. Only a few minutes a day Hav; your own studio or secur: high salaried position. Or work in spare time. Many students earn while they are learning! $100 for One Drawing Many artists receive $100 to $1000 for a single drawing. Magazines and newspapers are always seeking good drawings and cartoons. We furnish a complete Outfit free to all students. Includes everything required to produce hundreds of dollars' worth of pictures. Write Today for the most remarkable offer ever made by airy recognized and reputable school of art. Special terms to a limited number of new students and complete Artist's Drawing Outfit given Free. Fill out and mail the attached coupon or write a postal and we will send you, at once, a beautiful Booklet, "How to Become an Artist," filled with drawings and full particulars of our extraordinary otter. Do it now before you forget. WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF ART, Inc. 1134 H Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. FREE COUPON WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF ART, Inc. 1134 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Without any obligation on my part, please send me your Free Art Booklet pnd Special Free Drawing Outfit Offer with reduced terms to new students. Name . . Address. lA5£