Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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« OTION pICTURI MAGAZINE Its excellence — tested by tim e — has made its reputation; increased its popularity; placed it on the well stocked medicine shelves o£ American homes. At all druggists— 30c a bottle. Contains No Opiate — Safe for Young and Old What 25c Will Bring You! Your name printed on three beautiful red, white and blue striped lead pencils, rubber tips, best grade. 75c for one dozen. Send coin. Pencils for clubs or lodges. Name Pencil Co., 1008 Belmont Ave., Ch icago. !, NewAVoivderful I Way To RemoveWrinkles and Blemishes 7T^trrfMSM PRINCESS TOKIO presents to the women of America a new way to remove wrinkles and blemishes — THE ORIENTAL WAY! No masks, no plasters, no massage, no exercise, no rollers. This new, scientific treatment is simply marvelous. The lovely little women of the Orient have known these secrets for hundreds of years as they have been handed down from one generation to another. The Japanese women are famous for the beauty of their complexions and these same Lovely, Soft, Velvety Skins which nature has adorned with the tints of the rose are now within the reach of any woman who will follow the simple rules which are to be found in the Princess Tokio Beauty Book, which we will send FREE to any woman who will write for it. Princess Tokio does not ask you to wait a long time for results— only A Few Days— and Lo! All Wrinkles and Blemishes are Gone You use this treatment in the privacy of your room in your home. Just a few moments at a time. The results will amaze and delight you. We ask you to send right now for the PRINCESS TOKIO BEAUTY BOOK It will prove to you how quickly all wrinkles and blemishes may be removed. Under my treatment they simply vanish. You will look years younger and morecharming. Don't waste a single day. Write Jjl at once, and the book will j = ' go to you in a plain, sealed ff wrapper. Address, PRINCESS TOKIO CO. 150 N. State St., Suite 433 CHICAGO, ILL. FREE ?or m i Take Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer by the hand and go back to your own boyhood. Let MARK TWAIN show you the way. Low-Price Sale Must Stop Rising costs make it impossible to continue the sale of Mark Twain at the low price. New editions will have to cost very much more than this Author's National Edition. Now the price must go up. You must act at once. You , must sign and mail the coupon now. If you want S a set at the popular price, do not delay. This edi S tion will soon be withdrawn, and then you will J pay considerably more for your Mark S m.p.m. Twain. The last of the edition is in sight. There will never again be a set of Mark Twain at the present low s price. Now is your opportunity 4-19 S HARPER & B RO THERS 7 Franklin Square, New York. S Send me, all charges -> prepaid, a set of Marl; tvt * Twam's works, in 25 tO Save money. MOW not * . volumes, illustrated, bound ,-, ,. , A m handsome green cloth, tomorrow IS the time tO S stamped in gold, with trimmed d,i , , > edges. If not satisfactory. I will the COUpOn tO get yOUr y return them at' your expense! Other M-..-U T-.*™;*i *? vise l wU1 send you $2 within 5 days arK 1 Wain. * and $2 a month for 15 months. f For cash, deduct 8% from remittance. HARPER & BROTHERS Established 1817 4 NEW YORK >' f Name. # Address... Occupation To get the red, half leather binding, change terms ..50 within 5 days, and $4 a month for 12 months. 7 PA6 li T«_