Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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Here's the sensation of the bicycle world I You never saw such graceful lines, such fascinating color combinations, such magnificent steel construction. Sold under an absolute Five-Year Guarantee. And just think! Black Beauty has 18 Exclusive Features — well, just send TODAY for our bicycle Catalog — FREE — and read all about the marvelous Black Beauty. 20 different styles! Choose any one. Repair Kit, Tool Bag and Stand FREE Don't buy an ordinary wheel, when you can get the Black Beauty. And for less money ! Wholesale price, factory direct — no middlemen's profit. See the wheel before paying a cent. We ship at our own risk. WE PAY ALL FREIGHT. Keep, or return at our expense. Months to pay — small deposit on acceptance, then $1 a week (or $5 a mo.) Six months' accident insurance free ! QIIWHRIFQ Get our factory prices first. PosidUUUIllLO tively the lowest In the country. Tires, lamps, horns, parts, supplies, etc. (Sample cross-section of tires free.) Write for Sundries Catalog. HAVERFORD CYCLE CO. Established 23 Years Dept. M56 Philadelphia, Pa. WIGS AND TOUPEES Scientific Patent Life Like Toupee, patented June 29, 1915, with nine superior claims* Sent on approval. Catalog FREE. Lombard Bambina Co.,.13IVlunroeSt., Lynn, Mass. THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO SECURE A SATIN SKIN APPLY SATIN SKIN CREAM, THEN SATIN SKIN POWDER. Cultivate Your Beauty Have a youthful appearance, clear complexion, magnetic eyes, pretty eyebrows and lashes, graceful neck and chin, luxuriant hair, attractive hands, comfortable feet. Remove wrinkles, lines, pimples, blackheads, strengthen sagging facial muscles-all through following1 our simple directions. Thousands have done so. No drugs, no big expense, and quick results. Send for latest catalog and many Beauty Hints--all free. GRACE MILDRED CULTURE COURSE Dept. 18, 624 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago. III. {A Branch of Susanna Cocroft's Work) light size All of Your Favorites The group of 80 portraits which we are now offering, with a year's subscription to either the Motion Picture Magazine or Motion Picture Classic is the most complete and most attractive of any similar offer ever made. Printed in rich, warm sepia tones by the famous rotogravure process, their appearance is one that will deyou and your friends. More than that, they are just the right to conveniently mount and frame. YOU CANT BUY THESE PICTURES These pictures are not for sale, connection with a subscription to Shall we reserve a set for you ? Just fill in coupon and mail with remittance. They can only be obtained in the Magazine and Classic. YOUR FA VORITES ARE HERE Frances Nelson Marguerite Courtot Ruth Roland Annette Kellermann Fritzi Brunette Mary Miles Minter Pearl White Ormi Hawley Edwin August Kitty Gordon Blanche Sweet , Anita King % Wallace Reid fo% Mae Murray Jackie Saunders Virginia Pearson Kathlyn Williams King Baggot Henry B. Walthall Charles Chaplin Beatriz Michelena Earle Williams Frank Morgan Huntley Gordon Anita Stewart Lillian Walker Leah Baird Dorothy Kelly Mary Fuller Lucille Lee Stewart Jane Grey Charles Richman Jewell Hunt Alice Joyce Peggy Hyland Alice Brady Fannie Ward Cleo Ridgely Marie Doro Vivian Martin Dustin Farnum Myrtle Stedman Lenore Ulrlch Edna Goodrich Mary Pickford Marguerite Clark Pauline Frederick John Barrymore Owen Moore Virginia Norden Theda Bara Bessie Eyton J. Warren Kerrigan Edna Mayo Helen Holmes Louise Glaum Fay Tlncher Billle Burke Viola Dana May Allison Beverly Bayne Francis X. Bushman Clara Kimball Young Harold Lockwood Lillian Glsh Mabel Normand Dorothy Glsh Bessie Barriscale Norma Talmadge Douglas Fairbanks Mae Busch William S. Hart Mme. Petrova Valli Valli Mrs. Sidney Drew Sidney Drew Ethel Clayton Carlyle Blackwell Mollle King Muriel Ostrlche &%. m .,, °a, '-#$>. ^K-s X: <?% I *N»*>?v Subscription prices Magazine Classic Magazine & Classic United States $2.00 $2.00 $3.50 Canada 2.30 2.30 4.10 Foreign 3.00 3.00 5.50 ■sfo? M. P. Publishing Co. 175 Duf field Street \ Brooklyn, N. Y. ■* i