Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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OTIGN piCTURF MAGAZINE l_ You Have a Beautiful Face-But Your Nose IN this day and age attention to your appearance is an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most out of life. Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible for your own selfsatisfaction, which is alone well worth your efforts, but you will find the world in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your "looks," therefore it pays to "look your '"best" at all times. Permit no one to see you looking otherwise; it will injure your welfare! Upon the impression you constantly make rests the failure or success of your life — which is to be your ultimate destiny? My new NoseShaper "Trados" (Model 24) corrects now ill-shaped noses without operation quickly, safely and permanently. Is pleasant and does not interfere with one's daily occupation, being worn at night. Write today for free booklet, which tells you how to correct Ill-Shaped Noses without cost if ■ not satisfactory. M. TRILETY, Face Specialist, 1039 Ackerman Bldg., BINGHAMTON, N. Y LEARN TO WRITE SHORT STORIES YOU can learn to write Short Stories, Photoplays, Magazines and Newspaper articles in your own home. Those da}" dreams of yours may mean a future to you. If you have the ideas for stories — we can teach you how to write, for writing is not a "gift from Heaven." The ability to write is acquired — just like any other ability. You can acquire the ability through Hoosier Institute training, right in your own home during spare time. You are shown how the world's greatest story writers worked out their plots and developed fascinaing stories out of incidents and happenings most people would consider commonplace. You receive personal instruction. Your stories are carefully edited. Under the terms of our special introductory offer now being made your success is assured. Send the coupon today for full information. Short Story Writers in Jack London's Opinion of Great Demand Hoosier Institute Training Right now 24.868 publications want short siory writers. The demand for short stones and photoplays is tremendous. Editors and moving picture companies cannot get enough of them. They are spending thousands of collars advertising for short slories. Over $10,000,000 will be paid for short stories und photoplays this year. Competition is keen, assuring the highest prices for good stories. You can earn some of this money in spare time. $3000 a Year is an ordinary income for a writer. $150 to $200 is a very ordinary price for scores of fiction magazines to pay unknown writers for jingle stories of two or three thousand words. The Saturday Evening Post rarely pays less than $300 for a short story and will pay any amount necessary to get stories it wants'. Cash in on this opportunity. Hero is Jack London's message t o every ambitious writer: "I like your simple direct, straightfrom the shoulder mejthod presenting tho m a t t e r. As somewhat of a veteran i n the short s t o r y g a m e I fee] iustified in giving my judgment that your course in short story writing is excellently comprehensive a n d practical." And this course of traininc that Tack London endorsed is yours on a great special offer. Write for details. Send The Coupon For Free Book 'mmmmmmm% We have prepared a booklet entitled "Plow to Write." that contains vital |j • ,. % information for the man or woman who is ambitious to become a short nOOSier % story writer. It will be sent to you FREE if you send the coupon. Institute \. Your request for the FREE BOOK places you under no obligations. Justput your name and address in the coupon and mail it to us NOW Short Story Dept. Dept. 1544 V Fort Wayne, Indiana % % Your request for Gentlemen : — Without V cur great com obligations to me, kindly ^» mac' send me your free book ^ "How to Write," and full de V tails of course and Special In ^ troductory Offer. ^. N a m e — — Address Special Introductory Offer the FREE BOOK will also bring you full details of ; and the .Special Introductory Offer that is being .. limited time. Do not overlook this opportunity. Send coupon today without fail. HOOSIER INSTITUTE Short Story Dept. Dept. 1544 Fort Wayne, Indiana Q Words SELECT your own subject— love, patriotism — write what the heart dictates, then submit your poem to us. We write the music and guarantee publisher's acceptance. Our leading composer IS Mr. Leo Friedman one of America's well-known musicians, the author of many song successes, such as "Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland," "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," "When I Dream of Old Erin," and others the sales of which ran into millions of copies. Send as many poems as you wish. Don't Delay. Get Busy— Quick. CHESTER MUSiCC0.ss3.f ^SSStSS Chicago, III. Will B ■■■HI MMBWMMOM 10 IAS£ Beautiful,Soulful,ExpressiveEyes You, too, can have them. Bring out . that hidden Charm, Beauty and Expression Be the proud possessor of beautiful EYEBROWS AND kliASHES. They add Iwondrously to one's * beauty and attractiveness. LASHTONE applied nightly, marvelously assists nature in promoting the grow til of long, lustrous, silklike eyebrows and lashes. LASllTOXK is a popular preparation, unlike any other. Guaranteed absolutely harmless. Price, 50c. Remit by coin, currency or money order. Satisfaction assured or money refunded. B sure to get the name correct— LASHTONE. DEI.ORAS LABORATORY 432 East 42d Plate CHICAGO Why Have Gray or Faded Hair? HENNA D'OREAL New French Discovery which is composed of pulverized Henna and Herbs, provides the only harmless coloring in tho world. Not affected by previous dye. Will not stain scalp or rub off. All shades, easy to apply. Beware of inferior substitutes: a perfect preparation proven to be absolutely the best. Application and recertification in daylight parlo Price, $1.25. Postpaid. $1. Blond Henna for lightening that has grown dark. Price B. PAUL, Hair Coloring Specialist, Dept. M, 34 W. 37th St. N. Y. Tel. Greeley 790 35. hair $2.10. Faces Made Young The secret of a youthful face will be sent to any woman who has any kind of a facial disfigurement caused by age.Every woman who has a single facial defect should know about these remarkable Beauty Exercises which remove wrinkles, crow's) feet, fill up hollows, give roundness to scrawy necks, clear up sallowskinsand restore the charm of girlhood beauty. No creams, massage, masks, plasters, straps, vibrators or other artificial means. Results Guaranteed Write for this Free Book which tells just what to do to make your complexion smooth and beautiful. Write today. Kathrya Murray, Inc. 456 Garland Bldg., Chicago, Illinois