Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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AGENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Agents: Big Returns, fast office sellers; particulars and samples free. One Dip Pen Company, 10 Daily Record, Baltimore, Md. Salesmen, City or Traveling. Experience unnecessary. Send for list of openings and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries — $2,500 to $10,000 a year. Employment service rendered members. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n. Dept. 140-D, Chicago, 111. Ambitious Men and Women! Make $4,000 to $6,000 and more annually in permanent business of your own. Easily conducted with small capital. I teach you at home in 10 days. Easy terms. Highest references. Write today. The Harrison Method, 103 Saylor Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' New 25c. Combination. Agents 6c. and 7c. Williams' famous Washing Tablets. 25 other useful household articles on equally special extra liberal terms. United Soap Works, Dept. 17, 98 Park Place, New York. Agents: Waterproof Apron. Needs no laundering. Every housewife buys. Dainty, durable, economical. Big money. Sample free. Thomas Co., 2148 North St., Dayton, Ohio. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Branch Manager Wanted for old-established Chicago concern. We furnish full stock of goods, advertising matter, and equip store completely in good location all at our expense and pay you $40.00 a week salary, in addition to liberal share of the profits your store earns. Work can be started in spare time. No investment or previous experience necessary to secure this position. If you are a hustler and want an opportunity to make $5,000 to $15,000 a year, we want you and will pay you well from the start. Send me your application today. S. Levy, Mgr., Department 661, Como Bldg.. Chicago, 111. We Start You in Business, furnishing everything; men and women $30 to $100 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" anywhere. Opportunity lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Drawer 91, East Orange, N. J. COINS, STAMPS, ETC. Old Coins Wanted — $4.25 each paid for U. S. flying eagle cents dated 1S56. $2 to $600 paid for hundreds of old coins dated before 1895. Send ten cents at once for new illustrated coin value book, 4x7. Get posted — it may mean your good fortune. C. F. Clarke & Co., Coin Dealers. Box 99, Le Roy, N. Y. Old M«ney of of All Kinds Wanted. We buy and sell over $100,000.00 worth a year. We pay cash for thousands of coins and bills. Many valuable coins in circulation. Get posted. Send 4c. for our large illustrated coin circular. Send now. Numismatic Bank, Dept. 4S, Fort "Worth, Texas. FEMALE HELP WANTED IVanted — 5 bright, capable ladies for 1919, to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 60, Omaha, Neb. Ladies— Fascinating home business tinting postcards, pictures, photos, etc., spare time for profit. $5 on 100; no canvassing; samples 10c (stamped). Particulars free. Artint, 812, Station A, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ladies to Sew at home for a large Phila. firm; good pay; steady work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Dept. 45, Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Women, 18 or over, wanted. Permanent Government positions. $1,100-1,500 year. Thousands 1919 appointments. Common education sufficient. Experience unnecessary. List positions free. Write immediately, today. Franklin Institute, Dept. C-138, Rochester, N. Y. FOR THE LAME The Perfection Extension Shoe for any person with one short limb. No more unsightly cork soles, irons, etc., needed. Worn with ready-made shoes. Shipped on trial. Write for booklet. Henry O. Lotz, 323 Fourth Ave.. New York. NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Earn $25 Weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Experience unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate, 560 St. Louis, Mo. GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENTS New Patriotic Plays, recitations, entertainments for war-time benefits. Vaudeville sketches, monologues, drills, tableaux, make-up goods. Large catalog free. T. S. Denison & Co., Dept. 62, Chicago. Government Positions Pay $900 to $1,800 a year. Write for free book giving list of positions and how to secure one. Just write postal to Patterson Civil Service School, Box 1408, Rochester, N. Y. Get a Government Position through us. Position or money back guarantee. Thousands of nien and women, 16 to 69, needed in Washington and elsewhere for the years of "reconstruction" ahead. We'll coach you quickly by mail for Civil Service examination and appointment. Permanent; easy hours; paid vacations; higher salaries. Our free book, "RG," gives list of positions. Write for it. Washington Civil Service School, 2019 Marden Bldg., Washington, D. C. Wanted — Men, 16 to 40. Railway Mail Clerks; $92-$150 month. List Government positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. C-116, Roches ter, N. Y. Hundreds U. S. Government Permanent Positions now open to men, 16 or over; women, 18 or over. $90 to $125 month. Many in your home section. Short hours. Common education sufficient. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. C-116, Rochester, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS Eyebrow and Lash Perfector — $1.10 per box. One application lasts 2 to 4 weeks. Unaffected by washing or creams. Treatment 50c. Spiro's, 26 West 38th St., New York. HAIR ON FACE, BODY OR UNDER ARMS positively removed with root; no electricity nor poisonous drugs; absolutely harmless and painless; write for particulars, or call for free demonstration. Mme. Berthe, Specialist, 12 West 40th St., N. Y. MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS $$$ Easy to make $$$ Direct from manufacturers— Complete moving Picture outfit — professional machine, film supplies, etc., furnished. Easy installments. Operating instructions furnished. No experience needed. Free Catalog. Dept. M4, Monarch Film Service, 228 Union Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee. ¥35.00 Profit Nightly. Small capital starts you. No experience needed. Our machines are used and endorsed by government institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Co., 431 Morton Bldg., Chicago. Mr. Harry Lyons, of 1 Hyde Park Street, London, England, wishes to get into direct communication with the principals of the rumored combine for purchase of cinema theaters, as he has a most important group for sale. Mr. Lyons is the negotiator of a large number of purchases of theaters, variety theaters and sites generally. FILMS DEVELOPED Mail Us 15c With Any Size Film for development and 6 velvet prints. Or send 6 negatives any size and 15c for 6 prints. 8x10 mounted enlargements 35c. Prompt, perfect service. Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., 206 Bell Ave., Roanoke, Va. PATENTS Inventors — Write for our free illustrated guide book, "How to Obtain a Patent." Send model or sketch and description of your invention for our opinion of its patentable nature free. Highest references. Prompt attention. Reasonable terms. Victor J. Evans & Co., 833 Ninth, Washington, D. C. ■ Inventors. Send sketch and description of your invention for advice regarding patent protection. Twenty years experience. Our hand-book on patents is sent free on request. All communications strictly confidential. Write us today. Talbert & Talbert, Patent Lawyers, 4100 Talbert Bldg., Washington, D. C. SITUATION WANTED Aviator — Lieutenant, licensed pilot U. S. Air Service, honorably discharged, desires position either as instructor or exhibition flyer. Instructor of flying in three army schools. Address Charles E. Hanst, Kingwood, W. Va. WEDDING INVITATIONS Wedding Invitations, Announcements, etc., 100 in Script lettering, including inside and outBide envelopes, $2.75; 100 Visiting Cards, 75 cents. Write for samples. M. Ott Engraving Co., 1005 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. PHOTOPLAYS Send Me Your Ideas, Plots, Etc., for photoplays! Submit in any form. I will arrange in photoplay form, typewrite and help you sell! Details free. H. L. Hursh, Dept. 2, 12 3 So. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. See Here! We want your ideas for photoplays and stories! Criticised free. Sold on commission. Send for guide. MS. Sales Co.. Dept. 95, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. $1200 a Year Writing Photoplays. You can write them. Turn your ideas into dollars. We teach only sure method. Send for free book, valuable information and special prize offer. Rex Pubrs., Box 175-B 14, Chicago. Stories and Photoplay Ideas Wanted by 48 companies; big pay. Details free to beginners. Producers League, 441, St. Louis, Mo. Free to Writers — A wonderful little book of money-making hints, suggestions, ideas; the A B C of successful story and play writing. Absolutely free. Just address Authors' Press, Dept 8. Auburn, N. Y. How to Write Photoplays. Our book tells how; also where to sell. Contains model scenario, list of 50 buyers, and all information necessary; price 25c. Photoplay Book Com pany, 4838 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Wanted — Photoplays, Plots. Ideas Valuable. You can write them. Free "Photoplay Pointers and Model Scenario" shows how. Paramount Photoplays Co., Box 1402-MP, Los Angeles, Cal. Ten Million Photoplay Plots. — You need the Dramatic Situations for successful photoplay writing. Information free. 721 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles. Become a Music Publisher. — We will start you right. Send us the words for a song, we will compose the music, arrange same for all instruments, furnish effective title page designs and plates in one or more colors and print same on reasonable terms. No deception. The Lenox Co., 101 W. 42nd St., N. Y., Suite 404. SONGWRITERS Write the Words for a Song. We write music and guarantee publisher's acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 5 38 S. Dearborn St., Suite 110, Chicago, 111. Write us the Words for a Song. If available, we will write the music and guarantee publisher's acceptance. Send poems on love, victory or any subject. Fairchild Music Co., 20-T, 203 Broadway, New York. Song Writers: Submit your song-poems now for free examination and advice. Valuable booklet explaining our original methods of revising, composing, copyrighting and facilitating free publication or outright sale of songs, sent FREE, on postal request. Learn the truth from a reliable successful concern. Satisfaction guaranteed. Knickerbocker Stu dios, 126 Gaiety Bldg., N. Y. City. Write a Song — Love, mother, home, childhood, patriotic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin, 231 Reaper Block, Chicago. Write the Words for a Song. We revise poems, compose music for them and guarantee to secure publication on royalty basis by New York music publisher. Our chief composer is a song writer of national reputation and has written many big song hits. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios, 105-B Fitzgerald Bldg., New York. You Write the Words for a Song. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. We write music, guarantee copyright and assist in securing publisher. Metropolitan Studios, Room 103, Morton Bldg., Chicago. Write the Words for a Song. We revise poems, compose music for them and guarantee to secure publication on royalty basis by New York music dealer. Our chief composer is a song writer of national reputation and has written many big song hits. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios, 105-A Fitzgerald Bldg., New York. STORIES WANTED Earn $25 Weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Experience unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate, 560 St. Louis, Mo. Stories, Poems, Plays, etc., are wanted for publication. Good ideas bring big money. Submit MSS. or write Literary Bureau, 134, Hannibal. Mo. Wanted — Stories, articles, poems for new magazine. We pay on acceptance. Handwritten MSS. acceptable. Send MSS. to Woman's National Magazine, Desk 591, Washington, D. Cr In what form is your Idea salable — play, photoplay, short story or magazine article? It is necessary that you know. Initial advice free. Rea Woodman, Literary Coach, 56 South Clinton Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 11 PA6 E