Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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MOTION PICTURE I I MACAZINe^U ______-UJ. training fox /TuttiorsMp HoW \o Wv We , -What to Wr tie, and Where to sell. CulirOare your mind. IWelop ] ! your literary gifts. Master the fi arl of sol-p-e^pression.Make your spare time pi-ofitable. Turn your ideas into dollars. Courses in Short-Story Writing, Versification, Journalism, Play -Writing, Photoplay . Writing, etc., taught person Dv.EsenWem ally by Dr. J, Berg Esenwein, for many years editor of Lippincott's Magazine, and a staff of literary experts. Constructive criticism. Frank, honest, helpful advice. Real teaching. One pupil has received over $5,000 for stories and articles written mostly in spare time — "play work," he calls it. Another pupil received over $1,000 before completing her first course. Another, a busy wife and mother, is averaging over $75 a week frTQ photoplay writing alone. There is no other institution or agency doing so much for writers, young or old. The_universities recognize this, for over one hundred members of the English faculties of higher institutions are studying in our Literary Department. The editors recognize it, for they are constantly recommending our courses. We publish The Writer's Library. We also publish The Writer's Monthly, especially valuable for its full reports of the literary market. Besides our teaching service, we offer a manuscript 150-page illustrated'catalogue free Please address Tne Home Correspondence School Dep't. 115, Springfield, Mass. ESTABLISHED J892 INCORPORATED l^o4 M-liiiMili^llEMEilCIIEIIEI If! i( Learn Piano! [his Interesting Free Book shows how you can become a skilled player of piano or organ in your own home, at one quarter usual cost. Dr. Quinn's famous Written Method is endorsed by leading musicians and heads of State Conservatories. Successful 25 years. Play chords at once and complete piece in every key, within 4 lessons. Scientific yet easy to understand. Bully illustrated. For beginners or teachers old or young, All music free. Diploma granted. Write today for 64-page free book, "How to Study Music." M.LQUINN CONSERVATORY. Studio M. P., Social Union Bldg.. Boston, Mass. SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE! ILLUSTRATED ByWINFIELD SCOTT HALL, M.D., Ph.D. SEX FACTS MADE PLAIN What every young man and Every young woman should know What every young husband and Every young wife should know What every parent should know Cloth binding — 320 pages — many illustrations Table of contents, & commendations, on request. Postpaid Mailed in plain wrapper AMERICAN PUB. CO., 461 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia )e a Moving Picture Star Do you know that many Moving Picture actors and actresses get from $500 to $5,000 a week? Many young Jadies and young men working for small wages could do .lust as well if they knew how. This book will teach you everything from start to finish Also tells how and where to apply for a position. Gives the addresses of all the studios and managers and tells everything in detail. It is a pleasant and profitable profession and the demand exceeds the supply all the time. We will mail the book to you for 10c and 2c for mailing. YOUNGS PUB. CO, Dept. A, East Norwalk. Conn. Submit your Song-Poems NOW lor free examination and advice^^*"^! —P| We revise poems, compose music of any description, __*^^T*H % ^±-^^ secure copyright and employ original methods ^"■_fT| 0 ^J0^ j^ for facilitating FREE PUBLICATION or ^i^MM lM^. , poslal _ ■ Li cai r c j ^WlflT'tSWl ^J"^ Card brings outright SALE of songs under a _^flfTJiWfc£>^ you a copy of oui certificate GUARANTEE ^ Free Booklet which ING you satUfac _-<fH #MP^ , • teUs you ^fcV* T' *** ■*<■_ ywu wwiav ^s^U ■ ,3 L>^^ plains our methods and con lion. jrf^T*l B BL^""^^ tains valuable information ana _rf*"_ii 'J \\£^^ instructions. This is your opport ^f\\ Cm kX^*^ unity to learn the truth regarding the Song-i _^*Jt\ I 8 Ht'*^ writing profession from a reliable and successful concern; ^l^JJ^KNICKERBOCKER STUDIOS, gg Gaiety Bldg., N. Y Cjtyj g aves the All druggists; Soap 25. Ointment 25 &50, Talcum 25. Sample each free o£ "Cuticura, Dept. B, Boston." STAGE PLAYS THAT ARE WORTH WHILE (Readers in distant towns will do well to preserve this list for reference when these speaking plays appear in their vicinity.) By "JUNIUS" Bijou. — "Sleeping Partners." Piquant comedy of the French boulevards before the war. Irene Bordoni delightful, while H. B. ■ Warner contributes a deft comedy characterization. Prismatic farce. Cohan & Harris. — "Three Faces East." Another Secret Service German spy drama, this one by Anthony Paul Kelry, one of our most successful photoplaywrights. The principal charm of this play is in trying to guess who are the German spies and who are the Allies. Cohan's. — "A Prince There Was." George M. Cohan in an interesting role of a very entertaining comedy. He plays at a literary game in which hearts are trumps — .and wins. Comedy. — "The Climax." A comedy with incidental music. Excellent, entertaining story of a young opera singer who lost her voice — and heart. Eleanor Painter is convincing but, if she were a more finished singer, the play would have a stronger appeal. 48th St. — "The Big Chance." A comedy drama that starts in New York and ends in the trenches. It has its laughs and its thrills and is replete with clever character. izations, particularly that of Willard Mack, who outshines the star. Fulton.— '/The Riddle: Woman," with Bertha Kalich. Problem drama from the Danish. Ladies with "pasts," a he-vampire and much emotionalism. Kalich gives a picturesque if artificial performance, while Chrystal Heme and A. E. Anson make the most of their roles. Hippodrome. — The newest production, "Everything," lives up to its title. It is a maze of varied attractions, ranging from dainty Belle Storey to scores of remarkable roller skaters, from De Wolf Hopper to a stage full of tumbling Arabs. Lyceum. — "Daddies." Appealing little drama of three bachelors who adopt Belgian war babies. Amusing complications occur when the children develop along unexpected lines. Jeanne Eagels is quaintly pleasing in the leading role. Lyric. — "The Unknown Purple." Interesting and well-sustained thriller. The story of a convict who discovers a way to make himself invisible, transforming into a purple ray, and who starts out to get revenge. Playhouse. — "Forever After." Alice Brady in a play of youthful love which endures despite many obstacles. Excellently acted thruout. It charms its audience into living once again the violent joys and heartaches of youth. Plymouth. — "Redemption." John Barrymore at his best in a remarkable piece of acting and a remarkable Tolstoi play. Republic. — Channing Pollock has devised an odd drama, "Roads of Destiny," from the O. Henry story. No matter what path one takes, the ultimate result is the same, is the philosophy of the drama. Florence Reed is admirable in three widely contrasted roles. LEADING PICTURE THEATERS Loezv's N. Y. and Loew's American Roof — Photoplays; first runs. Daily program. Rivoli — De Luxe photoplays, with full symphony orchestra. Rialto — Photoplays supreme. Strand — Select first-run photoplays. STOP BRIDGE OPEN! Heed That Danger Signal The bridge signal stops careless people and prevents risking of lives. bPS (0U€ stop the harsh, rasping "hack" of stubborn coughs, relieve fore, tender throats and prevent little colds from growing into big ones Taste good —are good for the whole family— from the baby up. *QGet the Drop on that Cough DEAN MEDICINE CO. Milwaukee, Wis. LEARN MOVIE ACTING! A fascinating profession that pays big. Would , you like to know if you are adapted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hour Talent Tester or Key to Movie Acting Aptitude, and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. Instructive and valuable. Send dime or stamps today. Interesting, Illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting included FREE ! FILM INFORMATION BUREAU, Station W. Jackson, Michigan Comics. Cartoons, Commercial, Newspaper and, Magazine illustrating. Pastel, Crayon portraits, Poster and Fashions. Earn Big Money. Taught, by Mail or Local Classes. Write for illustrated booklet, terms and list of successful pupils. ASSOCIATED ART STUDIOS, 28A Flatiron Building. New York 2 Movie Pennants for 10c To introduce our catalog of Movie Books, etc., we are selling these pennants at bargain prices. Just the thing for your Den, etc. Each pennant of a different Star. Made of Felt and come in assorted colors. Will send two for 10c, 12 for 50c. or 25 for one dollar. Order before they are all gone. : : : : ROYAL PENNANT CO., Dept. A, South Norwalk, Conn. W IB Banks are employing hundreds of girls as bookkeepers* ^■■■V stenographers, tellers, and even cashiers. Clean, pleas'* WS ■» ant work with short hours and higher pay, learn by mail -. «■ W Six months term. Diploma awarded. Send for free book, ; B » "How to Become a Banker," by EdgrarG. Alcorn. American SchooB of Banking, Dept. 3. 185 State St.. Columbus, O. Send Sketch and Des • cription of your Inven • tion for Advice Regarding Patent Protection. rOMBNwY&&bk Twenty Years Experience. Our Hand-book on Patents is sent Free on Request. All Communications Strictly Confidential. Write us today. TALBERT & TALBERT, Patent Lawyers, 4809 Talbert Building, Washington, P. C. _______ OPIXARITY FOLLOWS UKULELB If you play quaint, dreamy Hawaiian music or latest songs on the Ukulele you will be wanted everywhere. We teach by mail 20 simple lessons; give you free a genuine Hawaiian Ukulele, music, everything1— no extrasAsk us to send the story of Hawaiian music. You will love it. No obligation-absolutely free. The Hawaiian Institute of Music 1400 Broadway, Suite 604, New York