Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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am I Ml ON piCTUBF MAGAZINE... L Plioibplay batiks to ine Palmer 1 ; Plant JTIere's a letter from one of our students — just as it came to our desk the other day. And it says more for the Palmer Plan of Photoplay Writing than anything ive could say: ' 'Though I am sure my spoken expressions of gratitude convinced you of my appreciation of the splendid and satisfying service and assistance I have been so fortunate as to receive through the Palmer Plan, I must add a written word of thanks. Your cheque for my photoplay synopsis, 'Prince Toby', which you have just sold for me to Mr. Douglas Fairbanks for $5°° was a most welcome present, I assure you. "As 'Prince Toby' is my first photoplay to be accepted, I am more than happy to make the statement that, in my humble opinion, the Palmer Plan and its Manuscript Sales Department are superlatively efficient and quite invaluable to proven writers as well as to those who would be such." Most appreciatively, Rodney Hynson, Pasadena, California 1 Name u St. and No. City and State. Palmer Photoplay Corp. 734 I. W. Hellman Bldg. Los Angeles, California. Please send me, without obligation, your new booklet, "The Secret of Successful Photoplay Writing." Also — ■ Special Supplement containing autographed letters from the leading producers, stars, editors, etc. You'll admit won't you? — that there must be something practical and substantial about any method of photoplay instruction that shows you how to turn your "movie" ideas into money. And that's exactly what the Palmer Plan of Photoplay Writing does ! For, if you have any creative imagination at all, the Palmer Plan cannot help but show you the guide-posts that lead to success as a photoplay writer. Never was there a greater demand for good photoplay stories; never such an opportunity for trained photoplay writers. Producers are paying $500 to $1000 for five-reel dramatic scripts — $50 to $250 for clever short comedies. The studios around Los Angeles alone require thousands of new stories each year. Don't you see how the Palmer Plan will help you earn some of this extra money? It is I A ONLY Pfadicalltai And not alone because <we say so; but because — it has been written "out of the day's work" by Frederick Palmer, a recognized master of photoplay construction — the man who in 9 months wrote 52 accepted scenarios for "Universal". The Palmer Plan is NOT a mere book nor a "school' ' nor a tiresome correspondence course. It is exactly what it professes to be: a concise, clean-cut plan that places at your finger-tips the fundamentals of photoplay technique. It is the first plan of photoplay instruction that shows you by direct example how to prepare your stories in the action-language of the screen. It is the first plan of its kind to receive the enthusiastic, whole-hearted indorsement of the foremost pv ->ducers, stars, directors and scenario editors in America. More than this — it is the only method of photoplay training that carries you all the way through — from primary instruction on to Personal Advisory Service and then on to Marketing Service. So that — we not only show you how to tell your "movie" stories in proper, acceptable form — but ' we help you sell them! Get our FREE Booklet Mail ifie coupon NOW If you want to know about the famine in photoplays — the top prices producers are willing to pay for the right material — and how eager they are for Palmer-trained writers — send for our new illustrated booklet, "The Secret of Successful Photoplay Writing". Explains the Palmer Plan in detail — tells about our iron-clad, money-back Guarantee — shows the benefits of our Personal Advisory Service and Manuscript — shows ho1 jl~4 Afi£ cI(emoeve Hair the Common-sense Way FOR immediate results use De Miracle, the original sanitary liquid. 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Contents — Making money writing and publishing songs — Correcting your faults — Writing a Melody — Directing the ambitious composer — Placing your song before the public — Lists over 500 music buyers and orchestra leaders. The only complete book of its land on the market. Price $1.00 postpaid. Money back if you say so. Union Music Co., 432 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio MUSIC TAUGHT FREE IN YOUR OWN HOME a 3= ±=td i% '^Joo con A&aof TtUuit tMt tftu quiiMZ Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, etc. Beginners or advanced players. One lesson weekly. Illustrations make everything plain. Only expense about 2c tier day to cover cost of postage and music used. Write for Free booklet which explains everything in full. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 69 Lakeside Bldg., CHICAGO America's Pioneer Dog Medicines BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free te any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc., 118 West 31st Street, New York