Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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«' IOTION PICTI MAGAZINE Unusual Investment Opportunities With the world again following peaceful pursuits, new financial, commercial and industrial developments should unfold unusual opportunities to foresighted investors. It is the consensus of expert opinion that the United States, in the next few years, will enjoy unprecedented prosperity. This certainly should be reflected by a vast improvement in security values. Invite us to send you our fortnightly publication Investment Opportunities giving up-to-date information regarding the effect of current events on securities. Get the facts by consulting data contained in the Slattery Library. Write for catalogue 2MA, including booklet explaining Qhe ^weniy Payment tylan ^ Investment Securities 40 Exchange Place, New York. : QUICK Over 100,000 Underwoods Sold to U. S. Govt. That makes rebuilt Un derwoods scarce. So— speak quick for yours. Guaranteed for 5 years. You can rent, buy on easy terms, secure cash discount or easily earn one through agency plan; no canvassing. Ask | for Offer No. £0 TYPEWRITER EMPORIUM 34-36 Lake St. CHICAGO, ILL. — TRENT OR BUY 'WAY UNDER MANUFACTURER'S PRICE! Genuine, visible writing Underwoods—rebuilt in our factory, with Back Spacer, Tabulator, Lateral Guide, Stencil Attachment,2-color Ribbon, Waterproof Cover and Special Touch Typewriting Guide Book sent on 10 Days' Free Trial. Write. 1 \\/E can hardly blame uninvited guests for their interest in an array of attractive hair such as results from the use of CANTHROX SHAMPOO Canthrox gives such a massy flumness to the hair that it appears much heavier than it really is, while each strand is left with a silky brightness and softness that makes doing up the hair a pleasure. It is so easy to use and so effective that it has been for years the favorite of all who want to bring out the natural beauty of their hair. Canthrox, the hair-beautifying shampoo, rapidly softens and entirely removes all dandruff, excess oil and dirt. For Sale at All Drug Stores Canthrox costs about three cents a shampoo. No good hair wash costs less ; none is more easily used. A few minutes is all that is needed for your complete shampoo, as the hair dries very quickly. P Trial Off^r — ^° s^ow t^le merits of Canthrox and to prove that it is r rC© 1 rial V/rrer in a]] ways the most effective hair wash, we send one perfect shampoo free to any address upon receipt of three cents for postage. H. S. PETERSON & CO., Dept. 275, 214 W. Kinzie St., Chicago, 111. Scene: Divorce Court After July Judge. — You wish a divorce, madame — and on what grounds? ■ The Mrs. — Intemperance and neglect, yeronner. Judge. — Proceed with your testimony. The Mrs. — Well yeronner, my husband absolutely ignores his family. He spends his wages on nut sundaes and I can't keep him away from those accursed ice cream parlors. Judge. — Petition granted. HighSchool Course in Two Years. fLack of High School training bars yon from a successful business career. This simplified and complete High School Course— specially prepared for home study by leading professors— meets all requirements for entrance to college and the lead*^ _ a, , . jng professions. ^^»^B Elfll A«* No matter what your business ^V VUlUl inclinations may be, you can't Chope to succeed without spe^ Alll'CPC cialized training. Let us give _Srm**"*'** you the practical training you need. Satisfaction guaranteed. Check and mail Coupon for Free Bulleti AMERICAN SCHOOL of Correspondence Dept. H-1544, Chicago rKAINING THE KEY TO SUCCESS Pleaae Bend me booklet and tell me how i\ ^31 I can fit myself for the position, marked X lil ill a Shop Superintendent Lawyer Business Manager Auditor Certified Public Acc'nt Stenographer ..Bookkeeper Mechanical Engineer Fire Ins. Adjuster Civil Engineer Sanitary Engineer Steam Engineer .. Automobile Engineer High School Course Electrical Engineer Telephone Engineer , Architect Draftsman Building Contractor Structural Engineer j\ame . Address.. ■EMM Terms as low as $5.00 down— $2.30 per month. Mandolin» Guitar, Tenor Banjo or Guitar Banjo sent on approval. Liberal allowance on old instruments in exchange for the "Gibson." The wonderful new Gibson violin construction has set the whole ^Mandolin and Guitar world talking. Get our new FREE BOOK— 112 pages— 111 illustrations, a valuable fund of information for playei and teacher. Also FREE treatise on "How to Practice." Exclusive Features That Make Every Gibson Matchless: Stradivarius arching— scientific graduation from thickness at k center to thinness at rim, securing strength — sensitiveness k —free vibration of entire sounding board. Tilted neck, high bridge with extension string holder, securing increased etring pressure that vibrates a larger sounding board. \ producing a bigness of tone never before realized. Reinforced, non warpable neck — elevated guard plate or finger rest — easy action — adjustable string-bearing at bridge f overcoming sharping of heavierstrings in upper positions. "Everyone A *Cib»on'-ito" The Aeolian The Hazard Mai idol in Quartet Quartet Thompson's Man GIBSON TENOR BANJOS Most popular member of banjo family. Powerful, sweet tone, lively, "banjois£ic" but musical; obtained by exclusive Gib son features. Great for dance playing or home. Play from any piano score — melody or chords— "straight" or " jazz Companion instrument: Gibson Guitar Banjo — fingerboard, stringing and tuning same as guitar. Make$1800to$5000 orMoreaYear f~ZZ"NZ7N7oZm TEACHINCAND SELLING THE GIBSON 424 Parsons St., Kalamazoo. Mich., U. S. A. Become a teacher. Splendidopportunitiesforeithersexin every locality f for private and class instruction and the sale of Gibsons. Gibson instru ■ meets have "made" many a teacher professionally and financially. Wef /j.nM„_.„. wlthnnf nhlio-a. have a permanent teaching and business opportunity now open for • Jjf™ ™5f ?• "i™ "5*°J PI1*?; either sex. Other positions pending. WRITE PROMPTLY. A. C. I S™' Sgg,™ *^bB*S22r Brockmeyer, St. Louis, Mo.. Teacher and Director, writes: "Willdo f B™*?n&!SS3fA, 55SrfVh«Wm' $10,000 easiness in 1917; did $7,000 in 1916." CA. Templeman, / pf3° ' ji^ook a^nstrument teacher, Sioux City, la., writes: "$4,500 gross business for the I -h^kid IftMonpprh^fche?! n year" Wm. Place, Jr., America's Greatest Mandolin Virtuoso. Star I cnecked. It teacher checK here u Soloist for Victor Talking Machine Co., UNQUALIFIEDLY ENDOR * SES THE GIBSON. I DO BUSINESS ON OUR CAPITAL / Become our agent. We help sell. Territory protected. Stock fur-' nished. We pay the advertising. You make the profit. You pay f for goods when sold; return goods not sold. Try our "Still Hunt." # FREE to those interested, our new $1.00 book "The Organiza • tion. Direction and. Maintenance of the Mandolin Orchestra," I by America's most successful director, Wm. Place, Jr. Write ■ now for Catalog, treatise "How to Practice Psychologically Ex f Address plained," all free. Don't wait: ACT NOW. Fill in the coupon. GMandolin. [] Mando-bass. []Mandola. [] Guitar. [] Mando-cello. [] Harp Guitar. [JTenor Banjo. []Guitar Banjo Name. GIBSON MANDOLIN-GUITAR CO., 424 Parsons St., Kalamazoo, Mich., U. S. A. J Be sure you have checked instrument. 15 PA6