Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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Anita Stewart came to the public's attention in "The Wood Violet." Since then she has been first in everything. Anita played in Vitagraph's first serial, "The Goddess," her "Million Bid" was the first picture chosen to appear in Vitagraph's Broadway Theater, and Anita was chosen to star in Vitagraph's $1,000 prize scenario. Now she is head of the Anita Stewart Productions and will shortly give us "In Old Kentucky." Stage Plays That Are Worth While 12 Gallery of Players 19-26 Portraits in rotogravure of Shirley Mason, Carmel Myers, Vivian Martin, Edith Roberts, Mary Thurman, E. K. Lincoln, Dorothy Phillips and Conrad Nagel. I Am the Magazine (Poem) 29 Making Mother Nature into an Ingenue -.Frederick James Smith 30 Robert C. Bruce and his methods of photographing scenic pictures. Lest We Forget (Pictures) 32 Scenes irom the most popular plays in which the late Harold Lockwood appeared. A Bennison Be Upon the Screen Russell E. Smith 35 Interesting facts about a new star. The Glad Girl Hazel Simpson Naylor 36 The Interviewer visits sunny little Gladys Leslie on a wintry day. That Unclouded Ray • Eleanor Brewster 38 Charles can make tomorrow cheerful as today. The Sacrifice (Fiction) Gladys Hall 40 The story of Kitty Gordon's new picture. The Sad Business of Being Funny Emma Lindsay Squier 45 Comedies are not all they're cooked up to be, as this story proves. The Story-Book Girl Marguerite Sheridan 47 Marjorie Daw see-sawed into fame. As Ivy Is Twined, So Will She Grow (Pictures of Baby Ward) 49 Convalescing with Constance Kenneth McGaffcy 50 An interview with the younger Talmadge. From the Inside Looking Out Sue Roberts 52 Geraldine Farrar discloses some studio secrets. You Never Saw Such a Girl (Fiction) Alexander Lowell 55 Told from Vivian Martin's latest photoplay. From Plain Bill Smith to Franklyn Farnum Doris Delvigne 59 The story of an interesting career. That's Out Tamar Lane 61 Up-to-the-moment comment on happenings in film circles. Film Flashes (Pictures) 63 A Potential Madame Butterfly Allison Rogers 64 She is Viola Vale, who used to be Vola Smith. He's Still When He's Asleep Ruth Kingston 66 Referring to Jack, the masculine Pickford. The Fame and Fortune Contest 68 More pictures of American beauties who long for screen honors. The Rubaiyat of the Screen (Poem) Wanda Hawley 70 Introducing E. Fish Ency to the Studio , Ethel Rosemon 71 Beginning a series of articles which expose the great studio waste. Across the Silversheet Hazel Simpson Naylor 73 Reviews of the new photoplays. The Crimson Iris (Serial Fiction) H. H. Van Loan 76 The story reaches a thrilling height in this installment. The Answer Man By Himself 82 Wit, wisdom and information for fans. .