Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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(pp; moN picruRii MAGAZINE . (J e © K3 HOW TO CHOOSE SUMMER FABRICS The daintiest things are practical now they can be laundered F"HAT has come over you! It's wicked to buy such delicate and filmy material. That bit of cobweb will go to pieces the moment you start to launder it." "Nonsense. I have washed it. It was a remnant and so shopworn and grimy that I dipped it in delicate Lux suds the moment I got it home." This year, in making your choice among summer fabrics, the important thing is to ask yourself, "Will it launder? " You can choose satins, taffetas, printed georgettes, printed cottons — even for sports skirts. Just make sure you select the kind that you can trust to water. Lux will cleanse it for you repeatedly. Wash them again and again Blouses ! There is hardly a blouse material Use Lux for all these today that Lux has not made it possible for you to wash. Pastel colorings! Shimmering and sheer textures! The finer the better! No matter bow filmy the material, you can wash it over and over again in delicate Lux suds. Economize this summer by buying dainty fabrics that are made to wash. Trust them to Lux. Keep them like new all summer long. Your grocer, druggist or department store will sell you a package. Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, Mass. How to launder delicate fabrics Whisk a tablespoonful of Lux into a thick lather in half a bowlful of very hot water. Add cold water to make the suds lukewarm. Dip the article up and down in the pure lather. Squeeze the suds through it — Do not rub. Rinse three times in clear lukewarm water. Roll in a towel to dry partially. While still damp, press with a warm ironnever a hot one. LUX WON'T HURT ANYTHING PURE WATER ALONE WON'T INJURE Chiffons Crepe de Chines Georgettes Mulls Dimities Laces Organcies Silk Stockings Baby's Flannels Fine Linens Sweaters D'ankcts Silk Underwear Negligees THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTES FOR LUX IA6£