Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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M°2 ION piCTURF MAGAZINE _.Lj A^Mor$R[ The ever increasing host of admirers of this popular actress will be interested in her endorsement of the Star Vibrator. Do we need to say — her name is Betty Blythe IB A Beautiful Complexion Just a few minutes' use each day of the Star Electrical Vibrator will promote a clear, healthy complexion, free from blackheads, eruptions and wrinkles. Results are permanent. Worn-out Nerves Can be wonderfully rested with just a few minutes' electrical massage. Far more effective than drugs in relieving headaches and overworked nerves. Aches and Pains No matter what the cause may be, electrical massage brings relief and relaxation. Sufferers from rheumatism and insomnia will find the Star Vibrator invaluable. Guaranteed to do all that we claim. Sold on a ten-day trial basis. Your money refunded if you are not satisfied. Note: The Star Vibrator fits any ordinary lamp socket and can be used on all alternating currents. It is not adapted to direct current used in the business section of some large cities. Send $5.00 today — use the Vibrator 10 days and if not satisfied return it and we will refund your money. THE FITZGERALD MFG. CO. 38 Railroad Square Torrington, Conn. U. ...... ........ ,.,..., .....1. ............. UMtr SEND FOR FREE CATALOG There are over 2,000 photographic illua trations of Diamond Rings, Diamond La Vallieres, Diamond Ear Screws, Diamond Scarf Pins, Diamond Studs, Watches, Wrist Watches; also our wonderful showy assembled Solitaire Diamond Clusters. . Diamonds Win ^SSMMffip^ Hearts Cased in Handsome Ring Boi Loftis Perfection Diamond Rings $10 $20 $25^ Each Diamond is specially selected by our diamond experts and is skil Sk fully mounted in our famous Lof *%\ tis "Perfection" 14-karat solid V* \ gold 6-prong ring, possessing every line of delicate grace and beauty. Down, $5 a Month, buys a $50 King. Down, S10 a Month, buysaSlOORing, Down,S12.50aMonth, buys a $125 Ring. Every Article in Our Large Jewelry Catalog is specially selected and priced unusually low. Whatever you select will be sent prepaid by us. You see and examine the article right in your own hands. If satisfied, pay one-fifth of purchase price and keep it; balance divided into eight equal amounts, payablemonthly. Standard world-renowned watches on credit terms as low as $2.50 a month. Send for Catalog. LIBERTY BONOS ACCEPTED. The National Credit Jewelers Dept. HI. CIS 108 N. State St CHICAGO, ILL. STORES IN LEADING CITIES I0FTIS BfflBROS&CO. flss ^Buy U. S. War Savings Stamps J 96 AGE The Fame and Fortune Contest (Continued fr as well in an engraving as an ordinary portrait. The contest is open to men. This should be repeated, perhaps. Many masculine contestants have appeared, but, we regret to report, their average hasn't nearly approached the so-called weaker sex. It is up to the men to make a better showing. Upon the closing, the final winner will be selected. Undoubtedly he or she (as the contest is now open to men) will be selected from among the various semimonthly honor rolls. It is possible that three or four leaders may be chosen and invited to come to New York for test motion pictures, after which the final winner wall be decided upon. It is also possible that a first prize may be awarded to both a man and a woman. This will, however, be decided later, an announcement being made in both The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic. Since the winner will be named from the various honor rolls, it is important that contestants submit their portrait, or portraits, at the earliest possible moment, thus getting, if possible, an early place on these rolls. It is important, if you have already won a place on the honor roll, that you submit at least several more pictures to be used later by the judges. In this case, contestants should write the words "honor roll" across the face of the entrance coupon which is attached to the portrait. The words should be written in red ink, to be plainly distinguished. om page 69) Let us briefly outline the purpose of the contest once more : The two magazines will give two years' guaranteed publicity to the winner. This will include cover portraits in colors, special interviews, pictures, special articles, etc. — the sort of publicity that could not be purchased at any price. The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic will secure an initial position for the winner and other opportunities, if necessary. At the end of two years The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic guarantee that the winner will be known thruout the civilized world. The Fame and Fortune jury includes: Mary Pickford, Thomas luce, Cecil de Mille, Maurice Tourneur, Commodore J. Stuart Blackton, James Montgomery Flagg, Howard Chandler Christy and Eugene V. Brewster. The terms of the contest follow : 1. Open to any young woman, or man, in the world, except those who have already played prominent screen or stage roles. 2. Contestants must submit a portrait, upon the back of which must be pasted a coupon from either The Motion Picture Magazine or The Motion Picture Classic, or a similar coupon of their own making. 3. Contestants can submit any number of portraits, but upon the back of each must be pasted an entrance coupon. MAGAZINE ENTRANCE COUPON Contestant No (Not to he filled in by contestant) Name. Address (stret;t) (.city) (state) Previous stage or screen experience in detail, if any When born Birthplace. . . Eyes (color) Hair (color) . Height Weight Complexion THE RHAPSODY. The hours I've spent with thee, Bill Hart, Have skinned a string of meals from me ; I pass up table d'hote and a la carte — My noonday spree, my noonday spree ! Each hour a meal, each meal a swear, To ease a throb in anguish wrung ! I quell each throb until the end, And there I'm all unstrung ! Oh, movie sprees that stress and burn ! Oh, famished gain and dinner loss ! I sell each feed and starve, the price to earn To come across Bill Hart, to come across ! — C. Wiles Hallock.