Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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(TT^IylOTlON PICTURI MnOl I MAGAZINE The Elms. — Glad you are contented. That's the result of a limited imagination. In Los Angeles. Yes, we always give our employees time to rest, including myself. But if you give some employees room to sit down they will take room to lie down. I have never yet been known to lay down on the job — I never let them know it. Art Istoobf.e. — Haven't that address. You know after I read all the letters I receive — into the waste basket for them. There's a truck comes for the waste papers every night. Yes, Leo Sielke made that drawing of me at the head of this department. He always gets good likenesses. Pearl's Sister. — I warn you, once you begin with love, you'll have to see it thru. I may be a cynic, but I am not one of those who believes that morality is another name for caution. Emily Stevens is with Metro. How is Sister Pearl? Fish; Audrey; Peggy; Billy J.; Thelma Y. ; Gertrude M. ; Edward D. K. ; Dora H. ; David M. H. ; Elva A.; Billie; So. O. S. ; Lillian W. ; Harold; L. C. ; Wilma M. ; Norma and Constance ; Guy ; Albert W. ; Canadian Girl; A. Phoole; Evelyn W. ; Christine C. ; N. F. A. ; Helen G. ; Frank C. ; Wallace R. and F. D. W. — Write me again. See elsewhere for yours. Sorry to put you in the alsorans. Several Inquiries. — The origin of "alsoran" is found in the reports of horse racing. After naming the winner, and the runner-up, and the one who finished third, they add, "Salvadore, Tenney, Bucephalus, and Pancho alsoran." William Clifford. — William Clifford has his own company. He used to play opposite Edith Storey in the old Melies days. They were the happy days. Worth has been under-rated ever since wealth has been over-rated. But after this war nobody who does not work will count for anything. Gal. — No, I dont wear Young hats — only old ones. Haven't lost out yet Miss Oregon. — I think that actors are very patriotic as a rule, but I recall that last spring when Winthrop Ames delivered an eloquent appeal at the Palace Theater calling for volunteers, 2,000 players stood on their feet and cheered for a chance to go; yet of that noble 2,000 onlv 85 have gone. Perhaps they are more generous than brave. Why dont you take a course in shorthand only? It wont hurt you. Lucille Van A. — So you think our covers are great. They are. The editor and artists try to make them so, and they usually succeed. Hazel M.— Dion Titheradge, of course Sidney Mason in "The Forbidden Path." Ruby De Remer is indeed a beautiful girl. We dined together last week, and I just couldn't keep my eyes off her. Now if she were about fifty years older ! Ruth B. — I dont know why Alice Brady spoils her pretty smiles with a grin every once in a while. She continues to do it So you thought "Good Night Paul" was too risque. New York audiences require risque plays. So you like my style. Well, I always was considered stylish. Weeouahic. — You must be related to Gloomy Gus. Doris Lee in "His Mother's Boy." The biggest troubles with some of us are those that never happen In 1429 Paris was a province of England, while Charles VII. was king of France. It was duringthis period that Jeanne d'Arc made her entrance into the history of France. Nenette de C. — Elaine Harnmerstein's last picture was "Her Man." T^ Minds r> Cream possess qualities of surpassing excellence. Each and every one will do its particular part, most agreeably and economically, in adding charm to your complexion to neck, arms or hands. Not only personal gratification but comfort and improved skm-health will follow their daily use. You may have used the liquid cream for years, but you should try the others. Let Mr. Hinds send you a complete descriptive booklet free. SAMPLES: Be sure to enclose stamps with your request. Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 2c. Both Cold and Disappearing Cream 4c. Talcum 2c. Trialcake Soap 8c. Sample Face Powder 2c, Trial Size 15c. Attractive Week-end Box 50c. tiinds Cream Toilet Necessities are selling everywhere, or will be mailed, postpaid io U. S. A., from Laboratory. A. S. HINDS 245 West Street Portland, Maine V2 PRICE $2;52 SEND NO MONEY IF YOU CAN TELL IT FROM A GENUINE DIAMOND SEND IT BACK. To prove to you that our bluewhite MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles the finest genuine South African Diamond, with same DAZZLING KAINBOW-HUED BRILLIANCY (Guaranteed 20 yrs.), we will send above Ladies' Tiffany Style King with one carat gem (Catalogue price $4.98) for Half Price to introduce, $2.50; or same thing but Gent's Heavy Tooth Belcher King (Catalogue price $6.26) for $3.10. Mountings are our finest 12kt. gold filled quality. Mexican Diamonds are GUARANTEED 20 YEARS. SEND NO MONEY. Simply clip out this advertisement and we will ship by mail C O. D. If not entirely pleased return within TWO DAYS for money back less actual handling charges. Give size. Act quick. Offer limited. Only one to customer. Catalogue FREE. AGENTS WANTED. MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dept. CA2. Las Cruces, N. Mex, (Exclusive controllers Genuine Mexican Diamonds) Learn Photography Good-paying positions in the best studios of the country await men and women who prepare themselves now. For 25 years we have successfully taught Photography, Photo-Engraving and Three-Color Work. Our graduates earn $25 to $75 a week. We assist them to secure these positions. Now is the time to fit yourself for an advanced position at better pay. Terms easy; living inexpensive, Largestandbest school of its kind. Write for Catalog today. ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF PHOTOGRAPHY Box MP. 743 Wabash Ave., Effingham, Illinois Imagine thethriiro^Hieariivg — IfirarSong from the Stage Why don't YOU write the Words for a Song, and submit your poem to us? Write about Patriotism, Love or any other subject. We write the music and guar -. — — — — -* —.._ _— .»_ antee Publisher's acceptance. \ Chester music co., suite 293 , E38 s. Dearborn St., Chicago I If yOU have a pOem Written I Gentlemen-Enclosed find poem entitled ! now, send it to us TODAY. I , rT-v1 ' ..« j . I for your inspection. I There will never be too many popular songs. CHESTER MUSIC COMPANY Suite 293, 538 S. Dearborn St., CHICAGO Name . Street Address.. .:....: i I ■ City or Town .State . PAfi f